Whether take with a gastritis in army - with chronic, erosive, superficial?

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Is gastritis taken to the army of the Russian Federation? Unequivocally answer this question will not work, as this disease is characterized by varying degrees of severity and has many varieties. Chronic form of gastritis is the most diverse type of ailment that is common among young people, as well as people who lead an incorrect lifestyle and are addicted to harmful habits such as smoking and drinking alcohol. Still it is necessary to understand that if a draftee has problems with the stomach, he is still taken to the army, unless he has certain factors that prevent him from military service.

Gastritis and the army are two compatible concepts, therefore, being guided by certain knowledge in this field, it is already clear that the conscript is likely to be taken to the service. To date, there are two options that can testify the suitability of a draftee in accordance with his illness. If the gastritis detected in the recruit belongs to group "B", then the younger generation is recruited. Category "B" will avoid service, but it is rather difficult to acquire. It is necessary to have documented requests for medical assistance to special institutions, at least 2 times a year. Another condition is a long-term unsuccessful inpatient treatment of chronic gastritis, about 2 months per year. In this case, there should be a noticeable shortage of body weight, as well as the correct formulation and interpretation of the doctor will make it possible that the conscript will not be taken into the army.

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If, nevertheless, a guy has chronic gastritis, this factor will not allow him to be permanently released from service, since this reason is not a weighty argument.

The "B" group refers to a disease that has a chronic form or gastroduodenitis, with impaired secretory function. It also presupposes a suspension from military service if there is gastritis with a violation of the acid-forming function and with frequent exacerbations.

The chronic form of gastritis is accompanied by inflammation of the gastric mucosa, which is caused by the presence of the Helicobacter pylori bacterium. If the conscript has this disease, he is still taken to the army, only a delay for a while is possible.

Superficial gastritis is a very developed phenomenon today, accompanied by the possible presence of unpleasant pain in the abdomen and stomach. The superficial form of inflammation of the gastric mucosa is one of the varieties of an antral disease, when its terminal department is affected, where mucus is released. With this form it is recommended to follow a strict diet. But even a superficial gastritis will not allow the draftee to be 100% sure that he will not be taken to the army.

Erosive gastritis is characterized by inflammation of the gastric mucosa with the presence of small erosions. This form of the disease has various degrees of severity, in which it is necessary to prove your own incapacity. In the presence of an erosive category, bed rest is necessary, so it is quite difficult to talk about whether a conscript will be taken into the army with such a disease.

Still, despite the above factors, the presence of a chronic, superficial or erosive gastritis will not give the draftee a one hundred percent guarantee that he will not be taken for service. To establish the correct diagnosis it is necessary to be thoroughly examined and treated in a timely manner, since the most dangerous is the erosive form of this disease.

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