Pinworms( enterobiasis) in an adult( photos and videos), worms( worms), worms, parasites that cause disease, code of illness according to ICD-10, what do they look like?

The most famous parasitic worms that infect humans are pinworms. The scientific name for them is Enterobius vermicularis, the same as vermicularis, as patients often write in search engines, trying to find information on enterobiasis, a disease caused by these worms. In the International Classification of Diseases( ICD-10), this ailment is introduced under code B80.Thanks to the code in the sick list, any patient has the opportunity to download the ICD-10 electronically, not only to find out the name of the illness that infects him, but also to find out the main symptoms, the causes of infection, and the ways of treatment. In helminthiases, considered in ICD-10 codes B65-B83.But, despite the fact that this normative document contains full information on how to get rid of any of these misfortunes, it is absolutely not recommended to do it yourself. Any medicine intended for this purpose is very toxic and taking it without specialist supervision can cause serious side effects.

If we talk about enterobiosis vermiculary, the same thing as infection with pinworms, this disease is transmitted by contact and household way and, in spite of the fact that it is considered more a child's ailment, the infestation of adults also occurs quite often. To see how the pinworms look, it is possible on the numerous photos available on the site and on the Internet. These worms, which provoke the development of enterobiosis in man, are white and fairly small in size. The length of the body of adults is 5 in males and 10 mm in females. In addition, photographs showing the images of these parasitic worms show swelling-suckers, by means of which they attach to the intestine of a person. Photos of eggs of these helminths, which have the scientific name of vermiculary, can also be viewed on the Internet. The way they look, you can consider in the smallest detail, since they are made under a large magnification of the microscope.

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Causes and pathogenesis of enterobiasis

Enterobiosis, caused in humans by worm-twins, scientifically called vermicularis, is one and the same as "dirty hand disease".That is, to be precise, infection with these parasitic worms occurs when the rules of personal hygiene are not respected by both patients and those people who are in direct contact with it. The life cycle of helminth pinworms directly depends not only on patient compliance, pinpointed rules of personal hygiene, but also on the sanitary conditions of the home. The reason for this is that eggs of parasites, caught from the perianal area on the hands of the infected, can remain anywhere and for a long time to remain viable. Great danger is also presented by flies that carry the larvae of these worms on their feet, preserving their invasive properties under favorable conditions for almost a month. Destructive for egg pinworms are only increased solar radiation, dry air and frequent wet cleanings with detergents.

The influence of invasion by these worms on the organisms of children and adults is currently well studied. At the heart of the pathogenesis of this helminthiosis, which has in the ICD 10 code B80, is the mechanical effect of parasitic worms on the intestinal mucosa. Its integrity is significantly impaired due to the sucking of adult pinworms to its surface and possible penetration into deeper layers. This process is very dangerous because a secondary infection can easily join an invasion, scientifically called enterobiosis, and cause inflammatory foci in the intestine. The cases of perforation of these walls of the small intestine with their subsequent exit into the abdominal cavity are also recorded. Of great importance in the pathogenesis of infection with pinworms are the following factors:

  • The mechanical effect of parasitic worms irritates the intestinal receptors, and this is the direct cause of reflex disorders of the secretory and motor functions of the digestive tract, which provokes the development of gastroduodenitis, enteritis and other diseases. In addition, pinworms disrupt the normal composition of the intestinal microflora, which leads to dysbacteriosis;
  • These small worms cause not only enterobiosis and various pathologies of digestive organs. Due to the fact that adult pinworms can easily crawl into the appendix, the patient develops acute appendicitis;
  • They also cause the development of many gynecological diseases, for example, vulvovaginitis, and ailments associated with inflammation of the urinary tract( cystitis);
  • Itching on the skin of the anus, provoked by migrating there for reproduction from the intestine by pinworms, causes numerous combings. In case of secondary infection, they become inflamed and complicated by eczema or dermatitis;
  • Adult parasitic worms in large quantities release toxins that are the products of their vital activity. That is why with enterobiosis, the intoxication of a person is a very frequent consequence;
  • The presence of pinworms significantly reduces immunity, which leads to an increase in the incidence of bacterial and viral diseases among those infected with these helminths.

See how the worm infestation with pinworms, which is the same thing as enterobiosis, can be done on video clips on the Internet. These video materials also give a good coverage of the topic of what the helminth man, invaded by this species of helminth, looks like, and what symptoms most clearly speak about the developing misfortune.

Enterobiosis vermicularis - clinical signs of the disease

In the case when the number of pinworms that invade humans is small, the symptoms of enterobiasis are usually practically absent. It should also be noted that in adult patients, infection with pinworms is relatively easy, and complications do not occur. Usually, when infesting with pinworms, only general characteristics characteristic of enterobiosis are noted:

  • Occurrence at night in the anus of moderate itching;Insomnia and persistent irritability;
  • Causes pinworm and incontinence that occurs at night;
  • Stool disorders, expressed in constant diarrhea, which often occurs with impurities to the mucus masses of mucus;
  • Loss of appetite and cases of anorexia are frequent.

In general, enterobiosis does not provoke the development of serious disorders and is not a dangerous pathology. But the signs of this misfortune in adults depend on the intensity of infection and the individual reaction of the human body. In some people, they may be completely absent, and it is possible to detect invasion only if they are randomly examined. In the case when pinworms settle in the intestines of adults in large numbers, or repeatedly repeated infection with enterobiasis, the symptomatology of the disease is significantly increased. With severe enterobiasis caused by adult pimples, the person develops increased physical and mental fatigue and frequent headaches due to prolonged insomnia. This leads to the appearance of severe symptoms of neurasthenia and psychasthenia.

Diagnosis and treatment of enterobiasis

Although the diagnosis of enterobiasis, which is the same as infection with pinworms, is mostly based on the clinical manifestations characteristic of this disease, when itching occurs in the perianal area, it is necessary to consult a specialist to clarify the diagnosis. This is due to the fact that this sign may indicate not only about the infection of worms with worms, but also about more serious diseases, such as rectal cancer, diabetes mellitus or hemorrhoids. Due to the fact that mature adult females of these parasitic worms lay eggs outside the intestine, stool analysis for their detection will not be effective. A study that makes it possible to detect the presence of enterobiasis in humans is performed by scraping. Only thanks to him can you find pinworm eggs in the perianal folds of the patient. Do it in the morning and always before washing. In this case, the possible eggs of helminths are preserved in the folds of the anus. To obtain a more accurate result, a study revealing the presence of parasitic worms in a patient is performed three times.

In case of confirmation of the presence of pinworms in an adult or child, any measures for self-treatment, especially in case of severe form of enterobiasis, should not be taken. Only a specialist will be able to prescribe medicines that will contribute to the prompt elimination of complications caused by the invasion of the patient's body with these worms. Usually, when enterobiosis, as scientifically called a disease caused by pinworms, the infectious disease doctor prescribes the following therapeutic measures:

  • A strong itch, arising from the multiplication of adult parasitic worms in the anus folds, is removed by ingestion of antihistamines, which are prescribed at age-related dosages;
  • Also with helminthiases from pinworms to cope with unpleasant sensations in the perianal area helps enema soda solution, which is performed every evening the entire period of treatment. Adult patients can put it to themselves easily enough, but in order to make this procedure right for a small child, you should look at the video on this topic on the Internet. It shows in detail how the process of setting enemas from worms to children looks like;
  • In order to avoid during the treatment of enterobiasis strong poisoning of the organism, caused by mass death of pinworms, a day after using anthelmintic drugs requires the use of enterosubstants. But at the same time with this disease, they are not recommended in any case, since they will not give the desired antihelminthic effect.

In the treatment of enterobiasis, popular recipes have also proved popular, helping to destroy pinworms. They are not only effective in helminthiases, but they are completely safe and do not cause side effects or addictive. The best popular anthelmintic remedy is garlic. It is poured in powdered form with milk and taken internally. The same thing with him, and have a pumpkin seeds or gruel from fresh onions. As the process of preparation of these preparations destroying worms looks, you can also look at the video.

Prevention of infection with

pinworms In order to avoid the occurrence of such a disease as enterobiosis, special attention should be paid to the observance of personal hygiene rules. In the event that this misdemeanor is identified in the children's team, the preventive measures are carried out throughout the treatment and the next 3 days after the end, not only in the kindergarten or school, but also in the family of the sick child. Necessary measures to prevent further infection with pinworms:

  • All bedding must be vacuumed or shaken out thoroughly within 3 days after initiation of enterobiosis treatment;
  • Every day a 2-fold wet cleaning should be carried out, which includes the treatment with detergents not only of the floors in the room, but also of wooden or plastic surfaces to which people could touch;
  • Bedding during the treatment of pinworms should be changed daily. It should not only be subjected to boiling, but also ironed from 2 sides with an iron;
  • Rubber or plastic toys are washed in hot water in which detergents are added;
  • Carpets, upholstered furniture and toys during the treatment period from pinworm infestation, should be treated for disinfection with the help of bactericidal radiation or ultraviolet radiation.
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