Herbs for the treatment of intestinal colitis

Statistics show that half of people who seek medical help due to gastrointestinal problems are diagnosed with colitis. Almost a third of inflammations of the colon develops after acute infections( dysentery, salmonellosis).For successful treatment of intestinal colitis, the main agent is a diet used in combination with medicinal methods that normalize the intestinal microflora.

An important role in the elimination of recurrence of colitis is played by folk remedies and in particular herbs. After all, the main task of treating the inflammatory process in the intestine is to eliminate inflammation and restore its normal function in full. The proximity of medicinal herbs and natural raw materials to their properties to the enzyme systems of the human body, provide greater efficacy than medical drugs. In addition, treatment of intestinal colitis with herbs is preferable to antibiotics and synthetic drugs, since the herbs do not cause allergies and complications. Currently, the development of drugs on the basis of drawing medicinal herbs are engaged in whole research teams.

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The use of specific herbs depends on what kind of impact is expected from their use. For example, in colitis, in which constipation alternates with diarrhea, it is very useful to take a tincture of two tablespoons of leaves of wild strawberry for two cups of boiling water. When inflammation of the mucosa on the nervous soil, a good curative property is the infusion of leaves of mint, taken before meals three times a day for half a glass.

Infusion of 1 tbsp.spoons of dry mint on a glass of boiling water in the morning on an empty stomach and in the evening before going to bed helps to eliminate belching and diarrhea. Spasms in the intestines, enhanced fermentation and putrefactive processes are treated with St. John's wort infusion. For enemas, which are the main method of treatment of stomach disorders and the removal of acute inflammation, apply herbs or their collections, which have astringent, enveloping or local anti-inflammatory properties. Among a large variety of herbs and other products of plant origin, you can distinguish chamomile and flax seeds.

Chamomile in colitis of bowel

The use of chamomile flowers as a healing herb has been known since time immemorial. The beneficial effect is due to the essential oil contained in it, which includes:

  1. Ascorbic, salicylic, nicotinic, isovaleric, aniline, caprylic acid.
  2. Flavonoids, coumarins, phytosterols, sugars, gum, protein substances and much more.
  3. Glycosides of sweats and spasmolytic action, relaxing on smooth muscle and relieving painful spasms in colitis.

The richness of the content of various components in the flowers of chamomile provides a very wide range of effects. In colitis of the intestine, herbs, in particular chamomile, are used in the form of tinctures, broths, in enemas.

Flax seeds for intestinal colitis

The use of flax seeds in colon colitis is associated with its properties to act as a dissolving, cleansing, emollient, with anti-inflammatory, enveloping and even mild laxative effect. When ingested in the intestine, the ground seed, not digested for a long time, swells and stretches it, accelerates the movement of stool due to increased intestinal contractions. The linamarin, contained in its shell, increases motility and secret gastrointestinal dysfunction. In addition, when the seeds are swollen, mucus is released, which protects the inflamed mucosa from further irritation. Apply them in the form of tincture.

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