Types of paraproctitis

Paraproctitis, although not very common, is quite serious and very unpleasant. Most inflammatory process occurs in the mucosa of the cellular space surrounding the rectum, with depressions( crypts) located on the bottom of the anal glands. Beginning in anal crypts, inflammation through the anal glands extends to other tissues. Disease is characterized by the presence of a fistulous exit with the formation of pus. According to statistics, women suffer from paraproctitis half as much as men.

Depending on how actively the inflammatory process develops, the disease is divided into species:

  • True.
  • Acute.
  • Chronic, which is about three percent among all surgical operations for proctological indicators.

Each of these types of paraproctitis is characterized by its characteristics.

When the true form of the disease, by penetrating the infection from the rectum are the back passage grooves. During the development of infection, a hole is formed due to the breakthrough of the abscess on the surface. The flow of acute paraproctitis occurs in different types, depending on the location of the abscess. Regardless of where the focus of inflammation is, the disease is characterized by one internal hole and several external abscesses.

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If the hole does not heal, or a scar forms, with the risk of developing inflammation in case of trauma, with bowel disturbances( constipation), then the disease becomes chronic. Formed fistulas of the rectum, provoke unpleasant sensations during defecation, accompanied by severe pain, and discharge from the anus of pus or blood.

Depending on the location of the abscesses, the appearance of the paraproctitis may be rectal, ischiorectal, pelviorectal, submucosal or subcutaneous. On the etiology of chronic paraproctitis is divided into the following types:

  • common;
  • anaerobic;
  • is traumatic;
  • specific.

There are following types of purulent inflammation:

  • Complete, external or incomplete and internal, depending on the anatomical structure.
  • By the location of the internal fistula opening, they can be front, side or rear.
  • The degree of severity of the disease is defined as simple or complex paraproctitis.

Given the location of the focus of inflammation, the treatment of acute paraproctitis consists in piercing its front wall or spontaneous dissection after the use of folk remedies. Surgical intervention is necessary in connection with the need to treat the internal surface of the fistula.

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