Tinnitus: treatment with folk remedies and modern medications

Ear noise, or tinnitus, is an internal sound sensation that has no connection to external sources. The cause of this problem are diseases of the organ of hearing. Noise often becomes the first manifestation of the disease. When it occurs, consultation with the otolaryngologist is absolutely essential.

Tinnitus ICD-10

According to the ICD-10, this pathology is coded under the cipher H93.1 Noise in the ears. According to statistics, about 10-15% of people suffer from such a violation. Usually it appears in old age.

A short noise in the ears was felt by almost everyone. Usually this symptom appears after the influence of loud sounds or music. This is a natural state.

Part of the brain that "hears" the noise in the ears

Causes of

Auditory cells located in the inner ear, by means of hairs, turn sound vibrations into signals that then enter the brain. If the hairs become damaged, chaotic motion begins. As a consequence, a mixture of signals appears, which the brain takes as noise. Common causes of this pathology include the following:

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  1. Age changes. This process starts at about 60 years.
  2. Noise in the inner ear. Excessive influence of noise for a long time can cause a decrease in hearing.
  3. Prolonged use of medicines. To damage cells of the inner ear can separate types of antibiotics - in particular, gentamicin. A similar effect has a large amount of aspirin.
  4. Lesion of auditory ossicles. With a decrease in their mobility, for example, due to otosclerosis, there is a risk of hearing impairment.
  5. Traumatic damage to the ears or head. These problems can lead to disruption of the inner ear.

In some cases, the pathology may be the result of heart and vascular lesions. In this situation, a pulsating tinnitus arises. The provoking factors include:

  1. Atherosclerosis. This pathology is accompanied by the formation of cholesterol plaques on the walls of the vessels. As a consequence, they become less elastic and can not pulsate properly. As a result, the blood flow becomes turbulent, which is accompanied by the appearance of noise.
  2. Pressure boost. To the growth of pulsating tinnitus leads to hypertension and various factors that cause an increase in pressure. These include the effects of stress, alcoholic beverages, caffeine.
  3. Turbulent blood flow. This problem is the result of a narrowing of the jugular veins or carotid arteries.
  4. Infection of capillaries. Usually the cause of noise in the ears are arterio-venous shunts.
  5. Tumor lesions of the neck and head. Tinnitus is often a symptom of such diseases.

Causes of Tinnitus


This type of tinnitus occurs most often. This pathology is usually diagnosed in people older than 40 years. Noise or ringing in the ears may be present permanently or disappear for a long time. It has a one-sided or two-sided nature. The cause of the appearance of the problem are the listed pathologies.


Under objective noise is understood tinnitus, which can be fixed with the help of special devices. He can be heard not only by the patient himself, but also by the doctor. The following groups of factors usually lead to this problem:

  • neuromuscular - gaping of the auditory tube, myoclonus of the muscle tissue of the middle ear;
  • vascular - tumor lesions of the middle ear, venous noise, cardiac malformations;
  • musculo-articular - the appearance of a crunch in the joints of the jaw.


To make an accurate diagnosis, you need to analyze the clinical picture. Constant noise in the ears adversely affects the attention of a person who suffers from this pathology. This causes the following consequences:

  • significant attenuation of auditory attention;
  • increased irritability;
  • need to apply efforts to focus on simple tasks;
  • sleep disturbances;
  • aggression;
  • fatigue;
  • complexity with differentiation of real noise and tinnitus.

Often additional diagnostic tests are required. These include the following:

  • ultrasound of the brain;
  • radiography;
  • biochemical blood test;
  • coagulogram;
  • audiometry;
  • computed tomography.

On the diagnosis of tinnitus and the causes of the symptom, see in our video:

Treatment of

To cope with the disease, you need to select a comprehensive treatment. In this case, it is necessary to take into account the causes of the disease.


In practice, drug therapy involves the use of symptomatic agents. Typically, doctors prescribe such drugs:

  1. Vasodilators. They include pentoxifylline, memoplant.
  2. Local Anesthetic. This group includes lidocaine, procaine. Such drugs normalize nerve conduction. They need to be administered transtimpanally.
  3. Colloidal plasma substitutes. Such drugs normalize blood counts and improve the saturation of tissues with oxygen.
  4. Vitamins. It is often used vitamins B, zinc and copper.
  5. Drugs to improve metabolism. They include trimetazine, pyracetam.
  6. Betagistin. This group includes betaserk, guide.
  7. Homeopathic remedies. To effective medicines include cerebrum compositum, tinnitus D60.

Folk remedies

To cope with tinnitus, you can use effective folk remedies:

  1. Onion juice. To make it you need to grind a couple of onions on a grater and squeeze juice through the cheesecloth. To introduce this remedy into your ears twice a day for 2-3 drops. Children substance diluted with boiled water in equal proportions.
  2. Dill infusion.3 small spoons of herbs should be mixed with 2 cups of boiling water and leave for 1 hour to insist. Take three times a day before meals. For 1 time you need to drink 100 ml.
  3. Ear plugs based on honey and viburnum.3 large spoons of berries should be mixed with cold water and cook for 5 minutes. Then the water is recommended to drain, the berries are kneaded and add the same amount of honey. Thoroughly mix the ingredients and make 2 turundas. Soak them in a medium and place them in your ears for the night. This procedure must be performed daily before bedtime.
  4. Lotions based on beet and honey. Mix 100 g of the ground root with 250 ml of water and add a large spoonful of honey. Cook for 15 minutes, then cool and drain. In the beet mass place a cotton swab and attach it to the affected ear.
  5. Compress of honey and potatoes. Grate the raw potatoes, add the same amount of honey and wrap the resulting mass of gauze. Attach to the affected ear and fix with a bandage.

Treatment of tinnitus - doctor's advice in our video:


Treatment of noise or ringing in the ears by traditional methods does not always allow achieving sustainable results. However, in most cases people with this diagnosis get rid of uncomfortable sensations and can control this condition.


To prevent the appearance of tinnitus, you must adhere to such recommendations:

  • minimize the impact of loud sounds;
  • to limit the impact of stress;
  • avoid cleaning the ears with cotton buds;
  • to go in for sports.

Tinnitus can not be considered an independent disease. In fact, this term is understood as a symptom of pathologies. To find out the causes of this disorder and choose an effective therapy, it is important to consult a doctor in time.

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