The causes of anehogenous formation in the right or left kidney, in the sinus and parenchyma

If the common diagnoses to most people are more or less clear, then some formulations can stump the majority of patients. A vivid example is anechogenous formation. Hearing this, many are sure to be scared, immediately presenting some serious pathology.

Anechogenous formation in the kidney: what is it?

Immediately say: this is not a disease, but a diagnostic sign. Anechoic formation in the kidney is called a "deaf" area( from which the ultrasound waves are not reflected), which is determined on the echogram( ultrasound).Visually( in the picture) it looks like a dark spot.

This result of the image means that there is a fluid accumulation in this area( instead of a dense tissue structure).Often the cause of this is formed cysts.

Types and forms of

"Deaf" sites on ultrasound images can have a number of differences:

  1. By organ. Anaecogenous formations can occur both in the right and left kidneys separately, and on both organs at once.
  2. By location on the kidney. They can be located in the sinus of the kidney or in its parenchyma.
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  4. According to the form. They can be round and oval.
  5. According to the structure. They can give a "shadow" from the contour, have partitions, "hairs", fatty inclusions.
  6. By quantity. Education can be either one or several.

The cysts themselves are also classified:

  1. Simple. The form is round or oval, possibly with septa. Education itself can give a "shadow" from its outline.
  2. Echinococcal. They have a circular shape, inside - there are inclusions of calcenites. The walls of the plot are echogenic.

The simplest option is avascular anechogenous formation. In this case, blood vessels are not displayed on the site, and there is no( not visible) blood flow.


To clarify the reason for this deviation, the following diagnostic procedures can be performed:

  1. ultrasound with diuretics.
  2. Dopplerography of renal vessels.
  3. Nephroscintigraphy( radiological examination of the organ).
  4. CT( conventional and with contrast).
  5. Blood, urine tests.
  6. Puncture biopsy( taking a site of kidney tissue through a puncture).

Conducting such procedures individually or in combination allows you to accurately establish the diagnosis.

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Because there are several possible reasons for the appearance of anechogenous areas, a differential diagnosis is performed to clarify the diagnosis. Such measures make it possible to exclude a number of possible diseases for a number of reasons.

Reasons for

The most common cause of anechogenous lesions is the renal cyst. The more the "deaf" site - the larger the tumor itself.

If the formations are large, it can speak of more serious pathologies:

  1. Metastases.
  2. Calcification.
  3. Necrosis.
  4. Adenoma.

Various diseases will be differently manifested in ultrasound:

  1. The usual renal cyst is anechogenous, the site has a round shape with thin walls and a relatively flat border.
  2. Polycystic is manifested on both kidneys, the number of cysts is large. The parenchyma is practically not visible, and the organ itself is enlarged.
  3. Secondary cyst( arising as a consequence of inflammation, or in some forms of neuropathy) - the form of anechogenous formation may be uneven. The site itself is located near the scar tissue.
  4. Hematoma - the form of the kidney remains normal, and the formation - appears next to the organ.
  5. Carcinoma( cancer) - manifests as an echo-negative structure in the kidney parenchyma. There may be a different number of sites, and their shape is uneven.
  6. Abscesses - have fuzzy borders of the anechogenous region, without visible vessels. Walls of the pelvis - have a thickness of more than 2 mm.
Multiple kidney cysts on ultrasound

Treatment of

Because anehogenous formation is not a disease by itself - treatment is prescribed depending on the cause of its appearance in the kidney.

If ultrasound reveals a hemorrhage or hematoma, then an operation is prescribed. If a suppuration is detected, conservative treatment is used.

Treatment of cystic lesions is usually performed with the threat of rupture.

Consequences of

Cystic kidney formation can lead to such consequences:

  1. Infection( accompanied by fever, pain).
  2. Rupture( severe pain, localized in the side or in the back).
  3. Hydronephrosis( swelling of the kidney), accompanied by a violation of the passage of urine.
  4. Partial or complete renal atrophy, which can develop into renal failure.
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