Treatment of external otitis media at home: drops, antibiotics, ointments

Otitis externa is considered a fairly common disease, which can cause negative health effects.

To prevent this from happening, at the first manifestations of the pathology you need to see a doctor. The specialist will conduct a thorough diagnosis and select adequate therapy. Treatment must necessarily be comprehensive.

Otitis externa

To properly select the treatment of pathology, you need to identify the causes of the disease. To do this, the doctor must perform an examination of the patient and analyze the clinical picture.

Symptoms of

The main manifestations of external otitis include the following:

  • hearing loss;
  • severe pain in the ears, giving to the temple;
  • temperature increase;
  • headaches;
  • dizziness;
  • vomiting.

Medical treatment

To cope with the symptoms of the disease, therapy must necessarily be comprehensive.


In tableted form, antibacterial drugs are usually used. They help to cope with the infection and stop the development of the inflammatory process of

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.For the treatment of external otitis media usually use such drugs:

  1. Oxacillin is an effective drug for fighting staphylococci.
  2. Amoxicillin is a broad-spectrum drug. The medicine is well absorbed from the digestive organs and is resistant to the action of gastric acid.
  3. Cefazolin - this agent is prescribed for complex forms of external otitis media.
  4. Augmentin is a combination drug that includes amoxicillin and clavulanic acid. This remedy is effective in severe relapses of the disease.

Scheme for the use of antibiotics

A specific antibacterial drug should be prescribed by a doctor, taking into account the type of infection that triggered the development of otitis.

In acute otitis media, agents such as amoxicillin, rovamycin, amoxiclav can be used. Medicines are prescribed in the form of tablets or capsules. It is worth remembering that the dosage of drugs for adults and children is different.

For complications, intramuscular or intravenous administration is indicated.

In order for the therapy to yield results, it is worth sticking to the prescribed therapy scheme of the doctor. Do not stop therapy immediately after the improvement. Antibiotic therapy usually lasts at least a week.


With external otitis, various categories of topical preparations can be assigned. Doctors write out such varieties of drops:

  • corticosteroids - quickly stop the inflammatory process;
  • antifungal - help cope with fungal ear infection;
  • antibacterial - destroy pathogenic bacteria;
  • with boric acid - cope with harmful microorganisms.

The choice of the specific drug should be performed by a physician. Popular means include the following:

  1. Anauran - these drops include several active substances. These include lidocaine, polymyxin and neomycin.
  2. Garazon - the effectiveness of this drug is due to the presence of betamethasone and gentamicin. The medicine can not be used for children under 6 years old. Also, the drug is not used for fungal infections.
  3. Otypax - these drops contain phenazone and lidocaine. The drug successfully copes with the sensation of itching, pain. With it, you can eliminate puffiness. The duration of therapy should not be more than 10 days.
  4. Polidex - in the composition of the drug there are such components as neomycin, dexamethasone, polymyxin.


If the external otitis media is complicated or complications develop, the doctor can prescribe injections of antibacterial drugs. The most common treatment options in this case include the use of such drugs:

  • ampicillin;
  • cefazolin;
  • oxacillin;
  • cephalexin;
  • augmentin.


In some cases, topical otitis treatment is performed with ointments. Appoint such funds should exclusively otolaryngologist.

To apply the medicine, the ointment is applied to a small piece of cotton wool, then placed in the ear for a quarter of an hour.

Use this tool is allowed no more than a week, otherwise there is a risk of addiction. In addition, the suffragex has serious enough contraindications.

This is due to the presence of hormonal and antibacterial components.

Restrictions on the use of this substance include the following:

  • allergic reactions;
  • perforation of the tympanic membrane;
  • pregnancy;
  • lactation;
  • otitis in children.

Common drugs that are actively used in external otitis media are Levomecol and Vishnevsky ointment. This medicine cures pain and stimulates the recovery process.

To use the substance, it must be applied to a cotton swab and gently placed in the ear.

This compress is recommended to use 2-3 hours or all day. If you can not achieve significant improvements, the procedure can be repeated or used a combination of Vishnevsky ointment with alcohol and glycerin.

External otitis media in children and adults. Advice of the doctor in our video:

External preparations

For the treatment of this form of otitis often use a variety of external means. One of them is hydrogen peroxide. This substance is used to soften and remove sulfur and foreign particles from the ear.

To apply the product, 15 drops in a tablespoon of purified water should be diluted. Then it is worth lying on your side and dropping 5 drops of the received liquid into your ear.

After 15 minutes, you can smoothly turn the head in the other direction, so that the residue of the substance has leaked out. Wet chopsticks should gently clean the ear of residual sulfur.

Another drug that can be used to purify the ears from bacteria and fungi is boric acid. It restores and maintains an acidic environment in the ear canal, which speeds up the healing process.

To use this substance, you need to mix a tablespoon of acid with the same amount of vinegar and 118 ml of boric acid. In the affected ear, you need to pour in 2-3 drops of solution. Do this until the pain passes.

Compresses, physiotherapy

Physiotherapy helps to cope with chronic forms of external otitis media. For this purpose, the following methods are used:

  1. Light therapy. To combat otitis can be used infrared radiation, which has a mild analgesic effect. Equally beneficial is the effect of ultraviolet radiation. It is responsible for stimulating immunity, which makes otitis treatment more effective.
  2. Laser Therapy. Such treatment can be used in the development of purulent otitis media. To cope with the external form of the disease, it may take at least 7 procedures.
  3. Electrophoresis. In this case, the introduction of drugs directly into the infection site is ensured. This allows you to reduce the amount of medication and reduce the risk of complications.

Quite often, various types of compresses are used to treat external otitis media. The most effective include:

  • alcohol compress - provides disinfection and has warming properties;
  • compress with camphor oil - helps to cope with inflammation and pain;
  • compresses with medicinal plants - high spas possesses decoctions of chamomile, basil, sweet clover.

Folk remedies at home

To cope with the symptoms of the disease will help and methods of traditional medicine. They need to be used as a supplement to the main therapy. The most useful tools include:

  1. Broth of berries cranberries. To make it, you need to take a handful of fruit and pour 0.8 liters of boiling water. Leave for half an hour, then take a glass three times a day. This must be done before meals.
  2. Leaves of geranium. A small sheet needs to be washed and dried. Then it should be rolled into a tube and put in the ear. Juice of Kalanchoe and Aloe. This substance has a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect. Fresh juice is recommended to soak a cotton swab, and then put it in your ear.
  3. Propolis tincture. A cotton swab should be moistened with this medication and inserted into the ear. The remedy should be changed several times a day.
  4. Infusion of chamomile. To make it, a small spoonful of raw materials should be mixed with a glass of boiling water and insisted for a quarter of an hour. Brew the infusion of a few drops.

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What can not be done

When developing external otitis media, it is recommended that you immediately consult an otolaryngologist and adhere to his recommendations. In this case, there are certain rules, compliance with which will help avoid complications:

  1. To prevent the increase of pain, it is not recommended to bury boric alcohol in the ear.
  2. Do not try to warm your ear yourself, using a heating pad or a special lamp.
  3. You can not wet your ears, during the period of illness it is not recommended to swim or dive.

Treatment of external otitis must be selected by the doctor taking into account the manifestations of the disease and the individual characteristics of the organism. As additional methods of therapy, it is permissible to use folk remedies. However, this can only be done after consultation with an expert.

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