Heliomycin ointment: instruction manual, price, reviews, analogs, indications

Heliomycin ointment( or Heliomycin) is used for antiseptic purposes long enough and, incidentally, successfully. Therefore today we will also talk about such issues as price and instruction instructions for the use of helio-mucin ointment, its analogs and reviews about it.

Features of the preparation

Heliomycin ointment( or Heliomycin) refers to antiseptic antibacterial disinfectant external agents. Synonyms in Latin sound like Unguentum Heliomycin, Heliomycin ointment.

Heliomycin Ointment Composition

Active substance in the composition of the ointment is heliomycin( Heliomycinum), which is an antibacterial substance that produces microorganisms actinomycetes, often referred to in medicine as radiant fungi Actinomyces flavochromogenes. They are widely distributed in nature, and in pharmacology are used to produce enzymes, steroids, amino acids, antibiotics.

Additional components:

  • Vaseline oil,
  • lanolin,
  • stearin,
  • zinc oxide.

Further we learn, where and for how much it is possible to buy heliomycin ointment.

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Dosage forms

In pharmacies Heliomycin ointment is supplied in aluminum tubes of 10, 30 grams with different concentrations of heliomycin - 1, 3, 4 or 5%.

The ointment of 4% of Russian manufacturers NIZHFARM and Biosynthesis mainly appears on the pharmacological market. Approximate cost of the preparation Heliomycin ointment: 50 - 70 rubles.

Pharmacological action


Heliomycin shows activity against gram-positive microbes and some viruses, suppressing their activity and reproduction, in addition, the ointment is capable of narrowing the vessels, which has an additional positive effect in the treatment of rhinitis. Toxicity is extremely small.


No detailed studies have been performed. It is established that the systemic blood flow Heliomycin ointment penetrates in minimal amounts.


Since gelimycin ointment is an active antimicrobial agent, it is prescribed for various dermatological pathologies, including such as:

  • pyoderma( pustular skin disease when implanted in the tissues of pyogenic bacteria);
  • pemphigus or pemphigus of newborns( acute cutaneous pathology caused by golden staphylococcus and affecting large areas of the skin and mucous membranes with development of purulent pustules);
  • trophic ulcers infected secondarily( deep, hard-to-repair ulceration in areas of dilated veins in varicose veins);
  • bedsores( damage to the skin and underlying tissues in bed patients with the development of foci of necrosis with prolonged squeezing) with infection, cracks;
  • non-parasitic sycosis;
  • microbial eczema( dermatological cutaneous pathology of allergic genesis, complicated by infection);
  • Eczema Kaposi;
  • cracked nipples in women breastfeeding a baby;
  • pustular psoriasis;
  • acne vulgar, acne( inflammation of the sebaceous glands with purulent-acne eruptions);
  • angular stomatitis( "seizures" in the corners of the mouth);
  • pseudofurunculosis.

Indications for use Heliomycin ointment is also rhinitis( runny nose) with purulent discharge and inflammation of the nasal mucosa in nasopharyngitis.

Instruction for use

For skin lesions, Helio-mycinial ointment is used externally 1 to 2 times a day, applying a remedy without active rubbing into the skin.

  • In severe bedsores, ulcers, infected eczema , it is recommended to apply Heliomycin impregnated dressings, which are applied to the affected area. If the sterile gauze dressing serves only to close the damage, then it is recommended to apply it to the wound surface 15 minutes after lubricating the sore spot.
  • With the common cold , the ointment is applied using cotton swabs, which are carefully inserted into the nasal passages, leaving for half an hour.

The choice of Heliomycin ointment concentration( 1, 2, 3, 4 or 5%) and duration of use is determined by the doctor, based on the type of disease and its severity.


Because Heliomycin is low in toxicity, the only contraindication is increased individual intolerance to the components of the ointment.

Side effects of

Given that the main therapeutic component of Heliomycin ointment is a strong antimicrobial substance, independent use of the drug in single cases can lead to undesirable consequences in the form of allergies. Signs of an allergic reaction in this case are expressed in mild burning, redness and swelling of the nasal mucosa and skin.

Special instructions

If the product remains on the skin after the previous application, it is allowed not to be removed. Store Heliomycin ointment at room temperature for no longer than 2 years, not leaving in sight in children.

Interaction of

No studies have been conducted on the interaction of helio-mucin ointment with other external agents. In any case, the simultaneous application of Heliomycin and other ointments is not recommended to avoid unpredictable chemical and skin reactions.


Because the remedy is not toxic, it has practically no contraindications, its effectiveness, taking into account the low cost, patients assess positively in the overwhelming majority of cases.

About cheap and expensive analogues helio-mucin ointment read below.


Synonyms, that is, drugs with a similar active ingredient, have no gelimycin ointment. In the pharmacy chain there is neogelazole, one of the active substances of which is heliomycin.

There are analogues - pharmacological external agents with a similar therapeutic effect. They include such medications on an ointment basis as:

  • Lincomycin ointment( 81 rubles);
  • Synthomycin liniment( 75 rub.);
  • Levomekol( 134 rubles);
  • Supirocin( 442 rub.);
  • Erythromycin ointment( 48 - 69 rubles.).
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