Causes of redness and pain in the eyes

1 Briefly about the main

The natural reaction of the eye is redness due to ingress of foreign bodies or dust. At constant exposure to bright light, an allergen or just dry air, redness of the eyeball can be observed.

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A similar effect can be observed in patients with ARVI and ARI, as well as those who abuse alcohol or spend a long time before the display of a computer or TV.In some cases, redness is associated with improper hygiene. As a result, subconjunctival hemorrhages begin that look like redness or a spot on the eyeball.

If such a problem has been diagnosed, then it can be solved with simple drops, but it must be remembered that pain and stinging should not appear.

If the main cause is conjunctivitis, glaucoma and other similar diseases that can be accompanied by severe itching, pain and discharge, you should immediately contact a specialist: it will help determine an effective treatment regimen for this clinical case.

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If you do self-diagnosis and self-treatment, you can only aggravate the current state. Individual groups of drugs can be prescribed only by a doctor, since they have a number of contraindications. Irritation and redness associated with it is possible as a result of the body's reaction to pathogenic microorganisms, viruses, toxic irritants.

One of the most common problems can be considered the impact of a viral infection.

2 Dry eye syndrome

If the patient spends most of the time in front of the computer screen, you can often notice the reddening of the eyeball. First you can feel tired in the eyes, then pain, redness and the sensation of a foreign body, which in fact is not there.

About 70% of the inhabitants of the world suffer from "dry eye syndrome"( SSG).If you do not provide proper treatment, then the problem can be significantly aggravated by the following complications:

  1. General disorders in the eye.
  2. Nearsightedness.
  3. Deterioration of quality and visual acuity.

Pain sensations arise from small print, poor-quality image, flicker of the display, etc. The human eye can not work long in this mode, and as a result, there is stress.

With constant stress, violations in the blood supply of the eye are diagnosed. In order to compensate for this condition, the eye vessels begin to expand, trying to stop the outflow of blood, and as a result they begin to burst. Due to the violation of oxygen exchange in the blood, the patient has general discomfort and pain.

If you do not help the eyes, then you can expect the development of myopia. It should be noted that the PC is not the main reason that can cause SSG.

The main symptomatology of the disease:

  1. Discomfort.
  2. Feeling of fatigue, redness of the eyeball.
  3. Slitting and burning.
  4. Increased tear.
  5. Disorders of general visual acuity.

This problem occurs in young people in 15% of cases of contact with an ophthalmologist.

The female SSS is diagnosed in most cases. A direct relationship is established between the produced tear film and the changing hormonal background, which has undergone changes over a long period of time.


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Among other factors, oral contraceptives may be considered, which significantly increase the risk of developing and the occurrence of SSH.

Frequent wearing of contact lenses, as well as surgical interventions performed on the cornea of ​​the eye, may be a major threat.

SSH appears due to a decrease in the total frequency of blinking eyelid movements.

In determining the primary symptomatology, you should immediately consult an ophthalmologist who can determine an effective treatment regimen. If the problem is left to chance, serious complications can be expected.

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