Brown discharge in women

Vaginal discharge is normal for any woman, usually they are whitish in color and have no sharp odor, these characteristics may vary slightly depending on the day of the menstrual cycle, food, immunity and under the influence of various medications. Brown discharge in women can sometimes really scare, what can they talk about when they are the norm?

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OKfemale secretions contain the transudate, the secret of the glands located in the organs of the reproductive system, the particles of the epithelium to which the vagina is lined. The whitish color and sour, but not unpleasant odor is caused by the activity of the microflora of the vagina. Due to disorders in the microflora and various diseases, the color and odor of secretions can vary, the changes can be roughly judged on the infection or disease.

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Mucous brown discharge may be a sign of a serious illness, but depending on the phase of the cycle and the intake of various drugs, especially hormones, they can be considered the norm. This character of the secret must be guarded against the background of the appearance of the following signs:

  • occurrence of brown secretions or secretions with an admixture of blood between menstruations, while the woman does not take hormonal preparations;
  • there is pain in the lower abdomen or in the region of the waist, in the region of the vulva and vagina there is dryness and burning sensation, pain that increases with urination and sexual intercourse, there are rashes on the mucous membrane;
  • discharge occurs with menopause, with the last menstruation was a long time ago, a year or more passed from it, their occurrence during menopause can talk about the development of a serious pathology;
  • bloody and brownish discharge occur after sexual intercourse.

In general, the brownish color of the discharge usually indicates the presence of blood in them, therefore at different phases of the menstrual cycle their appearance can be called the norm. However, if there are other symptoms of various gynecological diseases, you should consult your doctor.

Important! If the appearance of brownish discharge has occurred with an increase in the body's total temperature, it is urgent to see a doctor, this may indicate the presence of an inflammatory process.

Why a woman has brown discharge

There are many reasons for brown discharge, first of all, it is worth considering when the presence of a brown secret is considered normal:

  1. The appearance of such impurities in secret before the onset of menstruation - for a day or several hours. In this case, this is a natural condition with the gradual onset of menstruation.
  2. The appearance of such a secret immediately after the menstrual period is the gradual termination of menstruation.
  3. Dark brown discharge between menstruation on the background of taking hormonal preparations. In this case, they are a side effect of taking medications, but it is advisable to consult a doctor, it may be better to choose another remedy.
  4. Red-brown secret after active sex. In this case, they arise due to insignificant micro-traumas of the mucosa, this phenomenon is also common after the first contact in life or for a long period of time. The next time you just have to be careful, microtraumas are not dangerous, but their occurrence in any case is undesirable.

Brown discharge in place of menstruation may also be the norm for women taking hormonal contraceptives. Due to some funds, some menstruation women completely disappear, instead of them there may be spotting.

Brown discharge from the urethra

In some cases, it is extremely important to understand whether brownish discharge with urine occurs when urinating. Brown discharge and frequent urination indicate the occurrence of urethritis or cystitis - inflammatory diseases of the urethra and bladder. In this case, when you urinate, burning occurs, there is pain in the lower abdomen or lower back.

With these diseases, the temperature can rise, usually the symptomatology develops with colds or with a background of hypothermia. If such symptoms occur, you should consult your doctor as soon as possible. Brown discharge in cystitis usually comes from the urethra with urine, so you can notice them after urinating on toilet paper or underwear.

Brown discharge in the middle of the cycle

The brownish secret between menstruation is a rather alarming symptom if a woman does not take any hormonal medications. The most common causes of this symptom are the following conditions:

  1. Uterine bleeding. It is usually caused by extremely serious diseases: endometritis, erosion of the cervix, various neoplasms, including malignant ones. Especially should be alerted if the discharge occurs every time after sexual intercourse, even rather mild.
  2. Intermenstrual bleeding. These bleedings are usually caused by less serious factors, most often these are various traumas of the genitals, stresses, metabolic disorders, the effects of certain medications.

Important! In case of brown and bloody inclusions in secret it is necessary to make ultrasound of the pelvic organs and a smear.

Yellowish-brown discharge with an unpleasant odor may indicate the onset of an infection usually transmitted sexually. In this case, itching and burning sensation in the genital area usually occurs, pain and discomfort occur during sexual intercourse.

In pregnancy, the appearance of a brownish secret is an extremely disturbing symptom, as it can speak of various violations of fetal development, a possible miscarriage. If you have blood during pregnancy, especially at later gestational periods, you need to urgently consult your doctor. If you do not intervene in time, you can lose the child.

In elderly women, a bloody and brownish secret is an extremely disturbing sign, especially if enough time has passed after the onset of menopause. It can talk about the development of oncology, so you need to immediately turn to a gynecologist.

Treatment of diseases that cause such symptoms depends on the exact factor. Various means can be used from local ointments and suppositories to surgical intervention. If brown discharge occurs on the background of hormonal drugs, it is recommended to try a change of funds.

In general, do not delay if this symptom occurs. Self-medication is highly undesirable, it can lead to a worsening of the condition regardless of the disease.

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