Do doctors allow the child to walk at an otitis, if the temperature is asleep?

1 Early and Acute Periods of

Disease During early otitis media, the signs of the disease are not always pronounced. Often there may be just a pain in the ear when pressing on the appendage in the region of the auricle and slightly increase the body temperature. Despite the apparent ease of clinical manifestations of the disease, it is contraindicated to take walks during this period.

Doctors advise to refrain from visiting the streets, public institutions in the first 3-5 days of the disease. During this period complex treatment of otitis with the help of folk and medicament means should be carried out. Patients on these days should avoid hypothermia, drafts, swimming in water, as any unfavorable factor can complicate the course of the disease and lead to unfortunate consequences.

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If there is a great need to go out with the child from home during illness, it is necessary to carefully cover the ears from getting into them cold air. This can be done with the help of pieces of cotton wool, which need to cover holes in the ears, and a warm hat. You can not let your child play mobile games, run, be drafty these days.

Strictly forbidden walks during otitis in the acute period of the disease:

  • in the presence of purulent discharge from the auricle;
  • if there is a high body temperature;
  • observed diarrhea, vomiting;
  • baby is listless and cranky.

In case of acute symptoms, it is necessary to conduct treatment at home, using ear drops and other drugs prescribed by a specialist.

2 Walks in the chronic form of the disease

Chronic otitis is often noted in children of different ages. From the acute form of the disease, the chronic stage is characterized by the absence of elevated body temperature and other symptoms, but its danger is that at any moment it can become aggravated. Walking with chronic otitis is allowed under the following conditions:

  1. The child's body temperature does not exceed 36.9 ° C.
  2. The walk will take place in well-lit park areas, without the accumulation of a large number of people. In children who often have otitis media, the body's protective functions are very poor, and as a result, a child can pick up an infection during a walk.
  3. The weather for walks should be warm, windless, without precipitation. Supercoolings during illness are very dangerous, as they can provoke otitis complications.
  4. Clothing for walking should be light, comfortable, so that the child does not sweat and does not subcool. Head and ears must be covered with a cap.
  5. Physical activity on a walk should be moderate.
  6. The time spent in fresh air should not exceed 25-40 minutes. If the child's condition does not worsen, the time of the next walk can be increased.

In the hot season, children love to splash in a warm pond, pool or at sea. With otitis, it is best to exclude the child from contact with water, since any ingress of fluids into the inflamed ear can provoke acute pain and exacerbation of the disease. During bathing on the head of the child should wear a special rubber cap, which protects against ingress of water in the ear.

Steam procedures in the form of visits to baths with a child are also contraindicated in otitis, as any thermal effect on the bacterial flora, which is an invariable companion of the disease, will only increase the growth of bacteria and worsen the course of the disease.


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3 Preventative methods

A child who has had otitis media, or any pre-school and school-age child, needs to strengthen immunity and prevent diseases, including ear inflammation.

As a preventive measure, you should walk daily with your child on the street in good weather, provide moderate physical activity: running, playing ball, playing sports.

While on a walk, you can arrange picnics, where it will be useful to eat vegetables and fruits - they will help to strengthen the immunity:

  • citrus( lemons, oranges);
  • tomatoes;
  • carrots;
  • black currant;
  • raspberry;
  • melon;
  • blueberry, etc.

Thanks to this prevention the child can have a good time, strengthen the body's immune functions and forget about the unpleasant disease for a long time. After the walk, be sure to wash the child's hands and wash the shoes, so as not to bring parasites into the house or an infection. For the time being on the street, the room needs to be ventilated and wet cleaned.

Walking and otitis are quite compatible with each other. The main thing is to follow simple rules, and then from staying in the fresh air will be extremely useful.

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