How is hypertensive disease with cardiac damage manifested and treated?

1 Causes of pathology

Left ventricular hypertensive heart disease will be diagnosed along with hypertension of the arteries. There is a working hypertrophy of the left ventricular myocardium at a deviation from the norm by 1.2 cm. Concentric and then eccentric type of cardiac hypertrophy begins to progress. With the concentric type of hypertrophy, thickening of the left ventricular walls begins, which is why the rhythm of contraction increases, that is, the frequency of the heart rhythm will be increased. This also increases the ratio of the radius of the left ventricular cavity and its thickness.

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However, in any case, the compensatory capabilities of the myocardium will be exhausted, its fatty degeneration will begin to progress, which will contribute to a decrease in the tonus of the musculature of the heart in the presence of the caval enlargement of the flabby heart, which is increased in size. With excessive muscle mass, stretching of the walls of the heart chambers with an increased amount of contained blood, an additional load volume will be created, myocardial hypoxia will rise, the force of its contractions will decrease, which causes left ventricular failure and swelling of the lungs, and in chronic course - and their rapid induration. When the minute cardiac volume decreases, the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system begins to activate. Together with the delay of water and salt, the blood volume as a whole increases, which causes the heart to be heavily loaded, the lung puffiness and heart failure increase.

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2 Symptoms of the disease

In some cases, as the only manifestation of hypertensive heart disease for many years, there is increased blood pressure, which makes it difficult early diagnosis of the disease. Complaints of patients who are presented at an early stage of the disease, have a quite nonspecific characteristic. This rapid fatigue, insomnia, a person feels weak and becomes irritable, there is a rapid heartbeat.

Later, periodic, and then almost constant, headache( most often in the morning) begins to appear, which is localized in the occipital part and intensifies when taking a horizontal posture, decreasing after walking or drinking tea or coffee. Such a headache, which characterizes hypertensive heart disease, is diagnosed in patients who have arterial blood pressure within normal limits.

Hypertensive disease with predominant heart damage is manifested with the progression of the acute course of hemodynamic disorder due to the appearance of crises of hypertension. When there are organ injuries, mainly patients have complaints related to complications( renal failure, angioretinopathy in visual disorders).

The course of hypertensive heart disease is divided into several stages. With this in mind, different clinical classifications have been created, which are based on the dynamics of one or more symptoms of high blood pressure( the stages of labile and stable types of hypertension are singled out), as well as the totality of symptoms correlated with the appearance and development of complications.

3 Therapy and preventive measures

As the main task in the treatment of hypertensive heart disease is the normalization of the level of blood pressure, as well as preventing relapses in the future and preventing the progression of complications. Hypertensive heart disease has a fairly large number of complications. It can be a defeat of the myocardium, the eye retina and even male infertility.

Hypertensive heart disease is treated with a variety of medications. In the case of secondary hypertension, the main cause of the onset of the disease is treated, and antihypertensives should be used only to alleviate the symptoms.

Patients present with hypertension should completely change their lifestyle. In medicine, this treatment is called non-drug therapy. At the initial stage of the disease, these measures will be sufficient. Need:


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Read more & gt; & gt; & gt;

  1. Reduce the amount of salt consumed. Cooking salt delays fluid in the body, which causes swelling and hypertension.
  2. Refuse bad habits. Smoking and consumption of alcoholic beverages will lead to vascular narrowing, which leads to increased pressure.
  3. Get rid of excess weight. When obesity in the body accumulates bad cholesterol, which leads to a blockage of blood vessels.
  4. Increase physical activity. Physical exercises help to saturate the blood with oxygen, strengthen the body, which has a beneficial effect on organs and systems.

It is worth remembering that the appointment of drug therapy should be handled only by a qualified doctor. Be healthy!

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