The development of helminths( worms) is a cycle, stages, as evolving in the human body?

About parasitic diseases, the fault of which the development of helminths in recent years says a lot. But to admit that your own organism is swarming with worms is not easy. It's easier to say a squeamish "fu" and fence off the problem. Doctors also do not insist on appropriate diagnostics - there was not given adequate attention to this section in the institutes. There is a symptom - the disease is treated according to the classical scheme, the sign of which it is. And whether there is a disease in reality, no one doubts and does not come to mind. Especially to find out who provoked it. And meanwhile worms living in the body of the host can successfully simulate the majority of serious diseases, from which you can bestolku for years. After all, no one fights with the source, and the worms thrive. Figures of statistics, conducted by employees of the World Health Organization, are appalling: only ascaridosis annually infects 1.2 billion people. But there are many other helminthiases.

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Diagnostics - a way to stop the development of

worms. There are many official methods to detect parasites. This is sounding with a gelatin capsule, examination of feces under a microscope, blood and sputum tests, perineal swabs, various biopsies. Collection of biological material provides confirmation or denial of the development of helminths in a specific organ - lungs, liver, eye muscles, intestines, gall bladder. But how many people resort to medical examinations? At best, they decide on bioenergetic diagnostics with a pendulum. Oh, what a "menagerie" is sometimes discovered by a specialist! And, in fact, what?

Familiarity with the classification of uninvited tenants can be useful. The enemy, as the saying goes, must know in person that

a) avoid meeting him,

b) do not create the conditions for his successful development within himself,

c) apply an accurate weapon to combat the surviving parasite.

The development of helminths after their isolation from the organism of a permanent host occurs according to a similar pattern, but the circulation of worms in nature is not the same for representatives of this zoological species.

The cycle of helminth development

All lower worms, to which worms are classified, are grouped into three groups, depending on the mode of distribution and the development cycle. The helminths having medical significance are systematized as follows:

  • Contact. A vivid example - pinworms, causative agents of enterobiasis. The cycle of development of worms is direct, they ripen in the intestine. The danger for humans is infectious eggs, almost in mature form laid by the female on the skin near the anus. The transmitter of the infection is the hands, contaminated with eggs of worms. Through contact with clothing, common objects, when you touch people around you, the disease spreads. Eggs and larvae already hatching from them( they last 4-6 hours) fall again into the intestine, where they continue to develop calmly in adult individuals. In two weeks they are ready to reproduce their own kind.
  • Geogelminthes( Greek ge - earth).The helminth development cycle is also direct. To find a permanent master, they do not require the services of an intermediate house. Sexually mature specimens are inseminated with immature eggs. There, in the ground, their ripening occurs to an invasive state. The contagious stage of development of worms is the most suitable for moving the masonry into the human body. And this mission falls to the lot of animals. They are the main mechanical carriers of ascarids, vlasoglava. Their larvae get completely through the mouth. The second way of invasion from the outside with ripened eggs is through the skin( hookworm).The development of worms in this group in humans is determined by several months.
  • Biohelminths( Greek bios - life).For each stage of development of helminths there is a host. Intermediate link for ripening eggs can become mites and mollusks, but most often they become cattle. So, eating badly processed meat, a person risks to pick up larvae of bovine or pork chopsticks. And unprocessed fish can cause the appearance in the liver or pancreas of cat fluke and, as a consequence, opisthorchiasis. Microfilariae can be infected from Diptera bloodsucking insects - mosquitoes, flies, gnats, which in turn are saturated with the blood of a sick vertebrate. In humans, they live in blood, and adults in lymph, body cavities and have the longest development cycle - up to a year.

The most important thing about the development of


Thus, helminths enter the body in two ways:

  • when ingested, then development occurs in the digestive canal;
  • transmission from the carrier through the blood.

The life cycle has a general pattern: the egg is the stage of development of the larvae - the adult is the egg. Eggs are deposited by mature helminths, lodging in the body of a permanent host. Representatives of the biogroup need a house for the maturation of the larvae - the body of the intermediate host, which later becomes food for the main.

Each species has its own favorite organ for parasitizing. But depending on the stage of development, some species can change the location, for example, larvae of viviparous trichinella( the most dangerous helminths that simulate tumors, usually found even when the corpses are opened) live in muscle tissue, adults prefer intestines.

Knowing how and how worms develop in people, you can try to protect yourself from infection. Strict adherence to hygiene rules, prolonged high-temperature treatment of meat, fish, crayfish, shellfish, rinse berries and fruits with warm boiled water should become a habit.

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