Research on enterobiasis, methods( scrapings), how to donate feces?

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The human body is constantly exposed to attack, microbes, bacteria and various parasites. According to statistical data, approximately 90% had a problem with helminthiasis. The most common helminth is the pinworm. This parasite in most cases affects the child's body.

Children are susceptible to penetration of pinworm more than adults, as they constantly play in sand and pets, after which they do not wash their hands and put them in their mouths.

As soon as the first symptoms of helminthic invasion are manifested, it is recommended to immediately go to the clinic, so that the doctor has appointed a study for enterobiasis.

Study of feces for enterobiasis

Diagnosis is carried out for all schoolchildren, as well as for people who decide to visit the pool or other sporting events. There are also cases when the study of feces for enterobiasis is a mandatory measure:

  • When symptoms arise that signal helminthiasis;
  • Before admission or during a scheduled physical examination.
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It should be remembered that a one-time study of scraping on enterobiasis is ineffective. To obtain a reliable result, the patient must pass at least 3 tests. Between each study should be about 3 days.

As for the preparation for the study, there are no basic requirements. The only thing to remember about this is that the patient should not empty the bowel before the diagnosis, nor should he wash himself. It is best if scraping is taken in the morning.

Before you go to the study on enterobiosis, you need to understand how best to take tests and how to use the diagnosis. Most often the diagnostic method is chosen by the doctor, of course, if the tests are done in the polyclinic, and not at home.

Research methods for enterobiasis

In order to correctly diagnose enterobiosis, special methods are used, each of which is based on flushing or on microscopy of perianal scrapings. It is necessary to familiarize in more details with methods of research on enterobiosis:

  • Perianal scraping with a wooden spatula. As an improvised means, a stripped match is used. After collecting the biomaterial, everything is transferred to the glass. To wet the match, it is best to use a 50% aqueous solution of glycerin. Also, 1% sodium bicarbonate solution can be used;
  • Scrub with a cotton swab. To prepare an improvised remedy you need a match and a cotton swab moistened with 50% glycerol solution. After this, flushing is carried out from the perianal folds. The material collection tool is placed in a dry container, after which it is sent to the laboratory;
  • Analysis of the adhesive tape. This is one of the most effective ways to detect enterobiasis in the human body. For the procedure, a transparent colorless tape is used, in which one side is sticky. In this case, the width of the tape should not be less than 1.5 centimeters, and the length is less than 9 centimeters. After gluing the tape, the specialist smoothes it with a spatula or tweezers. After the procedure is confirmed, the tape is glued to the glass and sent to the laboratory. The method is not difficult to apply in practice, so it can be performed at home.

Study on enterobiosis in children

Young children are most often exposed to enterobiosis. In order to identify parasites in their bodies, doctors often prescribe a procedure for scraping. Parents will have to check that the test is passed correctly. A study for enterobiasis is better done, until the baby visits the toilet. It is also very important that the analysis be included in the laboratory on the same day.

The advantage of this method of collecting biomaterial is that it is more sensitive. Adult individuals lay their eggs in the perianal region because oxygen is needed for the appearance of larvae. As for the analysis of feces, eggs in it can be seen only when the body mass lesions worms.

Unfortunately, this method of research has a drawback. Pinworms do not go out every night, so at the time of analysis, you can not detect eggs. Efficiency increases with each re-analysis. It is recommended to take the study of feces or scrapings in the baby, at least 3 times. The interval between the diagnosis of stool should not be less than 2 days.

As soon as traces of enterobiasis are found in the body of the child, the doctor will prescribe the treatment. Most often in the quality of the medication are protivoglistnye drugs a wide range of action.

It should be remembered that medicines are prescribed only by a specialist, especially if the patient is a small child. If the baby has been found pinworms, it is recommended that all family members undergo a diagnosis, since there is a possibility that the parasite has got into the body of other people.

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