What is the difference between long-sightedness and nearsightedness?

1 What causes myopia and hyperopia? They do not appear on their own, there are definite reasons for the appearance of such ailments. It is necessary to know what is myopia and hyperopia. The main causes of myopia, or presbyopia, are:
  1. Hereditary pathology. If relatives had similar problems with eyesight, then the probability of occurrence of the disease in the child is very high. The probability of inheriting the disease is 70%.
  2. Work related to the close location of objects. The most vulnerable people who belong to this category are schoolchildren. They spend a lot of time at the computer. The schoolchildren have not yet fully formed organism, which means that it is more susceptible to the disease. People who spend most of their time at the computer need to pay special attention to creating favorable conditions for work.
  3. In addition, the reasons for presbyopia may be postpartum trauma, decreased immunity, fatigue, etc.

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2 How far-sightedness arises

The main reasons for which hyperopia occurs, or hypermetropia, is usually considered:

  1. Change in the size of the axis of the eyeball.
  2. Age. For example, almost all newborns are born long sighted, but by the age of three months, vision is returning to normal. People at the age of 25 can begin to experience visual disruptions, but only at the age of more than 45 years the problem becomes especially urgent.

So, vision impairment can occur at any age. In addition to all of the above factors, the formation of hyperopia and myopia is strongly influenced by the environment. The presence of dust in the eyes, dry air is very bad for the eyesight.

3 Diagnosis of diseases

How to determine the occurrence of such pathologies in a timely manner? If you postpone the visit to a specialist, the consequences can be very diverse, but the worst is the loss of vision. In order to prevent such consequences, it is necessary to clearly distinguish the signs of each of the diseases. Suggest that it is a person, myopia or hyperopia, and how to treat them, can only an ophthalmologist.

The characteristic features of hyperopia include:

  • headache with prolonged operation;
  • fast eye fatigue;
  • objects that are near, look vague;
  • frequent eye diseases such as barley or conjunctivitis.

If any of the above is repeated regularly, you need to contact an ophthalmologist who will check your eyes using modern computer technology.


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Myopia has its symptoms, noticing that one should not postpone a visit to a doctor. The symptoms are attributed to this ailment:

  • remote objects are seen indistinctly, their outlines are poorly seen;
  • myopia - the so-called squinting;
  • increased visual fatigue.

Of course, absolutely every person will be able to notice certain deviations in vision, however, only a specialist doctor can perform a full diagnosis. It is in the clinic that they will carry out all the necessary studies, such as measuring the length of the eyeball, diagnosing the fundus, checking refraction. The sooner a doctor calls, the more successful the treatment of the disease will be.

4 Development of pathology in children

Problems with vision in children occur often. Both nearsightedness and farsightedness occur quite often among them. Up to 11 years, long sight is considered acceptable, in the future, usually, everything comes back to normal. However, in cases where this does not happen, the consequences can be very serious. Pay attention to the child's vision is very important, because not always a child can complain or explain what is bothering him. The disease affects the general condition of the child badly, irritability, headache, loss of strength and poor health can appear. All problems can be solved only after a visit to an ophthalmologist and a competent examination.

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Very different difficulties can arise in the case of myopia, as the causes of this disease are diverse, from malnutrition, prematurity, congenital pathologies, to heredity, visual load and infectious diseases. The first signs of this ailment can be determined at the age of three months. This is revealed at the primary examination of the oculist, who examines the pupil dilated, the reaction to movement, and checks for deformation of the eyeball.

5 Correction of vision

If in time to reveal all the problems, then the vision is restored very simply no matter what type of disease a person has: hyperopia or nearsightedness. In our time, a popular solution is to correct vision or, in other words, laser therapy. This method of treatment is considered the most effective. After such therapy, a person can part with his glasses, lenses and a disease that causes discomfort.

It should be noted that for each person a certain method of laser correction is selected. The operation is performed only after a series of studies, analyzes and observations. However, the procedure itself is fast enough. When performing the operation, a person is under local anesthesia, the total duration of the session takes no more than 20 minutes. The undoubted advantage of such an operation is that after it is carried out, no hospitalization is required, a person can immediately go home. Vision begins to recover in 24 hours, and full recovery comes in a week. Laser therapy gives a guarantee for a long time and does not bear irreversible consequences.

Vision correction can not be done during pregnancy, during lactation, in the presence of inflammatory processes in the body, the presence of diabetes mellitus. Similarly, correction can not help if the fundus is deformed and does not have a predisposition to recovery.

6 Treatment of eye defects

In modern medicine, there are several methods for restoring vision. These include the use of glasses or lenses. These accessories exist both for people suffering from hyperopia, and for myopic. The first time they are used, people may feel uncomfortable, but then their use becomes very practical. Both lenses and glasses have their advantages and disadvantages.

To pluses of glasses it is possible to carry:

  • protect eyes from microbes;
  • when wearing glasses reduced the risk of infectious diseases;
  • does not require a variety of disinfectants and washes;
  • are economical in use, do not require replacement, have a long service life.
  • with the correct selection of models, will change the appearance for the better.


  • discomfort, which can be felt on the bridge of the nose and behind the ears;
  • high probability of breaking rim or glass;
  • in bad weather, the glass misted;
  • lateral vision is distorted.
    • Advantages of lenses:
      • with proper application do not cause discomfort;
      • is not predisposed to fogging;
      • can not be broken;
      • lenses are not noticeable when worn;
      • does not affect the appearance of a person.

      Lens Disadvantages:

      • can cause corneal injury if used improperly;
      • is easy to lose;
      • must be removed every day;
      • obligatory removal if a mote enters the eye;
      • are uneconomical, since they require a change every few months, as well as additional costs for the solution.

      Each person makes an independent choice in favor of an accessory.

7 Measures to prevent the emergence of the disease

It is safe to say that curing myopia and hyperopia is a phenomenon that is quite real today. However, the prevention of their occurrence is a very important point. Prevention of hyperopia and myopia differs. So, with myopia it is necessary to perform gymnastics of the eyes. Important during operation is the correct lighting and the angle of incidence of light. It is necessary to avoid reading in a dark room, as well as in transport.

When using the computer, you need to take a break every 30 minutes for rest of the eyes.

In the case of hyperopia, physicians must intervene. However, in order not to start the problem, experts recommend eating nuts, carrots, parsley and beetroot

. Care must be taken to keep eyesight to avoid problems in the future. Do not often use eye drops that reduce redness. It is better to just rest your eyes, as frequent use of medications can cause side effects and visual impairment. For prevention it is necessary to use vitamin and mineral complexes. And, of course, regularly visit a specialist doctor. Such measures will help to avoid such phenomena as myopia and hyperopia at the same time.

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