Signs of otosclerosis and treatment

1 What are the symptoms of the pathology of

Otosclerosis at the very beginning of its development does not manifest itself. In most cases, a person can not even imagine a developing disease. In practice, doctors define several stages of the disease. These include:

  • initial period;
  • is a stage in which the disease shows itself rather brightly;
  • terminal time.

The first signs of the development of the disease are observed mainly in 25-35 years. It is at this age that a large percentage of patients are seen. However, otosclerosis can occur in childhood, when the child is not yet 18 years old. The disease develops at a rather slow pace, gradually evolving into a more severe stage. He reaches a maximum of about 40 years. The disease can dramatically begin its development with sudden hormonal bursts, for example, during pregnancy, after an abortion or during breastfeeding. In this case, you need to immediately consult a doctor who will determine the complete picture of the disease.

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If a person develop otosclerosis of the ear, then he can detect the following symptoms:

  • Bradycardia.

At the outset, the disease can be manifested only by a slight deterioration in the perception of sound. For example, a person begins to not hear a single-tone or elevated speech, and there are complaints that the man's speech is completely incomprehensible to him, while at the same time he hears distinctly the children's and women's voices. In this case, there is a violation of perception of low voice tones. After a certain time, the disease progresses, the patient already badly distinguishes between low and high tones. At inspections a person does not hear a whisper, and the usual set of words is also perceived with difficulties. Such a disease will never lead to complete deafness, but the deafness does not regress, it can only worsen. There are progressive bursts of hearing loss during pregnancy, menstruation, or childbirth.

  • Parusysis of Willys.

Represents an imaginary improvement in hearing, which is observed in a rather noisy place. This symptom develops on the background of worsening of perception of sounds. This phenomenon can be explained by the fact that with otosclerosis, noise is not perceived in any way, and in a situation with loud sounds, a person begins to talk louder.

  • Paracusis of Weber.

You notice a lack of understanding of speech while performing some kind of action, for example, when chewing food or walking.

  • Noise in the ear.

This symptom is quite common, almost every second person is observed. At the same time, the perception of noise in the ear does not increase the development of hearing loss in any way. This symptom can be explained by the fact that noise occurs as a result of circulatory and metabolic disturbances in the cochlea.

  • Painful sensations in the ear.

It appears in those moments when there is an exacerbation of the disease. It can be pulling or harsh, after the manifestation of this symptom in most cases there is a worsening of the condition, the progress of hearing loss.

  • Sometimes there is a slight dizziness.

This symptom is quite rare, has a transient character and a mild manifestation. If the pain intensifies, do not pass a fairly long time, then, most likely, it is necessary to conduct additional diagnostics, to reveal the development of another disease.

  • Nervous tension.

Otosclerosis is very often accompanied by the manifestation of human nervous stimulation. This is due to the fact that the developing ailment brings a lot of inconvenience to people who are not always perceived by society. For example, a patient begins to get nervous because of something that is not heard or did not recognize any important information. As a result, the patient becomes withdrawn, less communicates with people, often can not sleep for a long time, there is apathy to everything that is happening.

Based on all signs of the manifestation of the disease, we can say that the nervous state arises already in the later stages, when the perception of sounds becomes more difficult. As a result, the patient does not understand what the interlocutor wants to convey to him, hence the seizures of nervous irritation.


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Symptoms and treatment of the disease are interrelated. So, if the ear disease is manifested at an early stage, then you can use a more gentle way. Conversely, with severe manifestations, it is necessary to start treatment immediately.

2 Conservative method of therapy

This method of treatment is perceived by doctors in different ways. Some experts believe that this method will cure the disease, while others will refer to it as a temporary measure. Use when hearing loss is in one ear, while the second should be completely healthy. In this case, certain procedures are prescribed:

  • electrophoresis of magnesia and sodium fluoride inside the ear;
  • electrophoresis of potassium iodide on the tail area;
  • direction to the ear of the currents of the Darsonval apparatus.

These procedures are accompanied by a simultaneous diet. Thus, a sufficient number of vitamins such as C, E, B should be present in the diet of the patient, and preparations containing calcium, fluoride and sodium fluoride compounds should also be administered in parallel. If the patient complains of a loud noise, then in this case the specialists use potassium or sodium bromide salts.

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3 Surgical method

Otosclerosis very often affects the stapes and part of the cochlea, because of this, complete elimination of the sound-receiving receptors occurs. When the affected areas are found in this area, a surgical operation is performed, which can be either on the stapes, or simultaneously on it or a cochlea. Specialists do not perform a surgical intervention on the snail separately.

Surgery is performed under general anesthesia, after this method, excellent results are observed. There is an ossification of the capsule of the labyrinth, this process does not affect the area of ​​neurons, the hearing is markedly restored.

4 When stagedectomy is performed

Stapedectomy is an intervention in which a part of the stapes is removed or its active activity is restored. In this case, the stapes replace the prosthesis, which performs all its functions, and only a part of it can be delivered.

The operation is performed as follows:

  • in the ear passage introduce an endoscope with instruments;
  • a small incision is made on the tympanic membrane, after which a part of the stapes is removed or completely staped;
  • is installed on this site a prosthesis made of plastic;
  • restores the integrity of the tympanic membrane;
  • to allow the site to heal better, inject a small part of the adipose tissue.

After this treatment, the required recovery period is 5 days. At the end of this time, the patient is discharged from the hospital, but first, certain precautions must be followed, including a sharp inhalation and exhalation of the air, in which case there is an increase in pressure inside the ear, which can lead to a worsening of the result.

Otpospogozi can develop at any age, most importantly - in time to detect it and begin treatment.

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