Dyskinesia of the colon according to the hypotonic and spastic type: signs, treatment

The diagnosis of a dyskinesia of a colon means under itself not one, but at once some illnesses of an intestine. These diseases develop because of disruptions in the functioning of the motor function in the large intestine or intestine as a whole.

Numerous diseases of the digestive system can also cause the disease. Among them:

  • chronic form of gastritis;
  • chronic pancreatitis;
  • chronic cholecystitis;
  • liver disease;
  • peptic ulcer.

Often the cause of dyskinesia are the ailments of the endocrine system, among them:

  • diabetes mellitus;
  • myxedema;
  • hyperparathyroidism;
  • various pituitary disorders.

According to worldwide statistics on the prevalence of the disease, almost a third of the world's population( mostly women) suffer from dyskinesia.

Classification of

Dyskinesia of the large intestine is divided into several major classifications.

The pathogenesis distinguishes primary and secondary dyskinesia.

According to the leading clinical evidence, there are:

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  • dyskinesia with a predominant manifestation of intestinal dysfunction( constipation and upset);
  • with a bright pain syndrome;
  • with the presence of predominant neurotic disorders.

Dyskinesia can develop for a variety of reasons. This disease has a different etiology, which at times makes it difficult to prematurely diagnose and treat it.

Modern medicine distinguishes the following types of dyskinesia according to the etiology of their origin:

  • Psychogenic - appear in a person due to the development of neurotic syndromes, stressful conditions, prolonged depression.
  • Neurogenic - occur against the backdrop of damage to the nervous system.
  • Toxic - occur in people who consume excessive amounts of alcohol. In some cases, the toxic process occurs when lead poisoning, paints and other harmful substances are used in production.
  • Medicated - appear when you abuse certain types of medications. Most often they are laxatives or fixing drugs.
  • Almentary - occur when a malnutrition( malnutrition or overeating).
  • Endocrine-hormonal - is formed in a number of endocrine system diseases.
  • Hypodynamic - occurs when a serious asthenic syndrome or after performing operations on the organs of the digestive tract.
  • Abnormal development - the appearance of a diverticulum or megacolon.
  • Proctogenic disorders - the presence of hemorrhoids, anal fissures.
  • Metabolic disorders - malfunctions in the functioning of the body due to manifestations of allergic reactions, infectious and parasitic diseases.


Speaking of gastro-motor dysfunction, two main varieties of stomach dyskinesia should be mentioned:

  • Hypertonic dyskinesia, where there is a predominance of hypermotor reactions;
  • Hypotonic dyskinesia, where hypomotorics are predominantly observed.

Hypertonic( spastic)

This type of dyskinesia of the stomach is characterized by severe hypertonia and involuntary spastic contractions. This leads to the fact that the patient begins to suffer from severe colic and prolonged constipation.

Pain sensations are localized mainly in the lower abdominal cavity. The main danger of this type of disease is that, with constipation, the tone of the sphincter decreases significantly, which leads subsequently to incontinence of the stool.

In spastic type of dyskinesia, the following symptoms are noted:

  • bloating;
  • bad breath;
  • stool stones;
  • white coating on the tongue.

With a more thorough examination, the doctor can identify additional symptoms in the form of enlargement of the colon, malaise, tenderness of the abdomen when feeling.

Hypotonic( atonic)

Atonic dyskinesia is characterized by severe impairment of peristalsis and bowel function.

In the absence of treatment, the patient has serious constipation, which is additionally accompanied by severe abdominal pain, swelling and unceasing severity.

Decreased bowel function leads to the fact that the body works more slowly. This leads to a set of extra pounds.

This type of ailment very often leads to stagnation of stool, which provokes general intoxication of the body and the development of allergic reactions.

Reasons for

Dyskinesia of the colon appears for a variety of reasons. Here are just some of them:

  • improper power;
  • smoking and alcohol abuse;
  • stress;
  • bile stasis;
  • inadequate production of gastric enzymes;
  • prolonged dysbiosis;
  • allergic reaction and intolerance of some components;
  • genetic inheritance;
  • inflammatory processes of a chronic nature in the pelvic region;
  • changes in cartilaginous tissue;
  • insufficient amount of fluid used;
  • sedentary lifestyle;
  • addiction to harmful food;
  • obesity;
  • presence of adhesions after recent operations.

Symptoms of

Dyskinesia of the large intestine has a multifaceted symptomatology. It can have a different degree of severity. So, the ailment manifests itself depending on the degree of neglect.

The most common signs are as follows:

  • abdominal pain localized in different places;
  • increased gas production;
  • loss of appetite;
  • reduction or weight gain;
  • nausea;
  • belching;
  • malaise;
  • rumbling in the abdomen;
  • bloating;
  • constipation or bowel disorder.

In different periods of the patient can observe temporary improvements. However, this condition usually does not last long. Dyskinesia becomes more acute after the influence of insignificant factors, such as inappropriate nutrition and the presence of bad habits.

Signs of hypomotor dyskinesia of the colon

Extremely unpleasant variety of ailment, characterized by a strong decrease in peristalsis. A person suffers from severe constipation, which causes considerable discomfort, provoking prolonged stagnation and intoxication.

The disease leads to an expansion of the pelvic veins. This, in turn, leads to the formation of hemorrhoids, which occurs due to a strong increase in intra-abdominal pressure.

Dyskinesia of large intestine in a child

Dyskinesia of the intestine in children is a common condition of the body, in which babies suffer from drastically changing constipation and diarrhea.

The disease proceeds with a pronounced pain syndrome, which, sometimes, can not be removed even with the use of a large number of antispasmodics.

Most often, dyskinesia in children is neurogenic in nature.

Treatment of illness in children includes regulation of nutrition. Usually this is enough to help a baby suffering from dyskinesia.

In case a child has severe diarrhea, it is impossible to manage one diet. In this case, the appointment of therapeutic measures selected by a competent physician is required.

Complications of

The most dangerous complication of dyskinesia is the prolapse of the intestine. In this case, the patient can not cope with the disease independently, conservative methods of treatment also do not give results. In this situation, the only correct solution to the problem is surgical intervention.

In elderly people, complications such as paralytic ileus can develop. It is also possible the occurrence of such effects:

  • Intoxication of the organism in acute form;
  • Gallstone disease;
  • Cholecystitis;
  • Pancreatitis( inflammatory process in the pancreas);Inflammation of the gastric mucosa or gastritis.

In order to prevent the appearance of these problems, it is worthwhile to pay attention to your health and respond in time to the appearance of any signs of illness.


Diagnosis of dyskinesia is quite specific. Disease is determined by excluding other ailments with similar symptoms.

The main diagnostic methods are:

  • Endoscopy;
  • Irrigoscopy;
  • Study for detecting hidden blood;
  • Coprological study.

A prerequisite is a biopsy of the intestinal tissues. To do this, using a special probe, tissue is taken. Later they are examined in the laboratory for the presence of malignant cells.

In the case of diagnosing a secondary type of intestinal dyskinesia, the physician usually relies on the medical history and general clinical studies of the organ. Only after this, the doctor can make an accurate diagnosis and prescribe a therapy.

Treatment and prevention

Treatment of dyskinesia begins with the doctor's definition of the type of disease, its causes and neglect. Therapy is compiled in a comprehensive manner and includes the following measures:

  • Medication;
  • Supply Correction;
  • Physiotherapy measures;
  • Psychotherapy;
  • Therapeutic physical training.

Drug therapy involves the intake of a number of drugs that are able to normalize intestinal motility and stool. Together with this, the patient must prescribe sedative and psychotropic drugs, as well as antispasmodics.

Speaking about physiotherapy, it is worth noting that patients are assigned such effective treatment methods as coniferous and oxygen baths, acupuncture.

In addition to this, patients are treated with a therapeutic massage, and enemas are made from mineral waters. Also, patients with dyskinesia are recommended to drink mineral water throughout the day. Choose water stands without gas and take them warm.

Important and diet therapy. For a dyskinesia of a thick intestine there is no certain diet, however a food should include a number of products which contain a considerable quantity of a cellulose and food fibers. These are vegetables, fruits and cereals.

For a short period of time, a patient can be prescribed a gentle diet. It is necessary for those patients who experience pain.

Preventive measures aimed at maintaining the body and protecting it from dyskinesia of the colon are as follows:

  • Normalization of nutrition;
  • Elimination of harmful foods and alcohol from the diet;
  • Fighting stress;
  • Daily physical activity and rejection of a sedentary lifestyle.

Video about irritable bowel syndrome( dyskinesia of the intestine):

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