Chronic duodenitis in adults and children: ICD-10 code, symptoms and treatment, folk remedies

One of the most important organs of the gastrointestinal tract is the duodenum. This organ has the most important physiological significance, since it is in it that the main digestion of incoming food takes place.

In this gut the final cleavage and absorption of the nutrient components takes place. But in the presence of certain factors, the 12-duodenum is inflamed.

A similar process is called duodenitis. If the pathology proceeds latently and is not treated for a long time, then the inflammatory process is chronicized, and chronic duodenitis develops.

Concept of the disease

Chronic duodenitis is a long-term disease, caused by degenerative dystrophic changes in the epithelial tissues of the mucosa of the DPC.

Most male patients are prone to such a pathology, they have duodenitis three times more often. Usually, the chronic form of inflammation of the mucosa of the DPC is a kind of pre-ulcer state, which is preferred by sufficiently young men.

The treatment of such inflammatory pathologies is performed by gastroenterologists or therapists.

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The ICD code is K29.8.

Classification of

Chronic duodenitis is classified into several varieties.

  • For etiological principles, the pathology is divided into primary and secondary duodenitis;
  • In terms of the prevalence of the pathological process, duodenitis is divided into limited( when the terminal, initial intestinal or papilla are inflamed) or total( when the lesion spreads to the entire gut).
  • Depending on the clinical picture, duodenitis of the chronic form is latent or mixed, ulcerous or pancreatitis-like, cholecystitis or gastritis-like.
  • According to morphological changes, chronic duodenitis is classified into atrophic( thinning shell and secretory disorders occur), diffuse, superficial( minor inflammatory lesions) and erosive( formation of erosions and wounds on the mucosa) form.

Causes of development of

Chronic duodenitis is closely related to other pathological conditions of various parts of the gastrointestinal system. Therefore, there are many factors that can provoke such a state.

  • Disturbance of mobility of low-tidal organs;
  • Chronic forms of gastritis;
  • Infectious processes caused by Helicobacter pylori;
  • Chronic constipation;
  • Urinary incontinence;
  • Chronic functional disorders of cholecystic, liver or pancreatic structures;
  • Prolonged stressful conditions;
  • Allergy to certain foods;
  • Presence of unhealthy habits;
  • Abuse of spicy dishes;
  • Frequent observation of excessively strict diets;
  • Hormonal imbalance;
  • Uncontrolled use of medicines without medical prescription, etc.

All these factors cause prolonged exposure to blood flow in the digestive system, which only reduces their resistance to inflammatory lesions.

Symptoms of chronic duodenitis

For chronic duodenitis, the symptomatic symptoms are as follows:

  1. An arching sensation in the epigastric region;
  2. Frequent burp and heartburn;
  3. Absence or marked decrease in appetite, which often leads to a critical weight loss;
  4. Nausea-vomiting reactions with bile impurities;
  5. Frequent constipation or diarrhea;
  6. Plaque of white color on the surface of the tongue;
  7. General organic weakness;
  8. Bitter taste in the mouth;
  9. Stomach sensation in the stomach;
  10. Increased hypertension, etc.

In the chronic form of duodenitis, dysfunctional vegetative nervous system disorders are observed, for which palpitations and hypertension, palpitation and tremor of the fingers, diarrhea attacks are characteristic.

Features of the disease in children

Duodenitis is one of the most common gastroenterological diseases in children. In the phase of worsening of pathology, babies complain of paroxysmal tenderness in epigastrium or right hypochondrium.

Usually, such attacks bother children on an empty stomach, or after eating a couple of hours later.

As in adults, children have vegetative disorders and hypertension, dyspeptic disorders or drowsiness, etc. Usually, in pediatric patients, inflammation of the mucosa of DPC is accompanied by gastritis or cholecystitis. And with a long course of pathology, gastroduodenitis may develop.


To diagnose duodenitis, a gastroscopic examination is performed, the results of which will be diagnosed and appropriate therapy is prescribed.

To determine the specific pathological form, additional diagnostic tests are prescribed such as:

  • Biochemical blood diagnosis;
  • Biochemical study of gastric juice for determination of acidity;
  • Study for Helicobacter pylori;
  • Probing of the duodenal zone;
  • Coprograms;
  • Ultrasonic diagnostics;
  • X-ray diagnosis of the stomach and duodenum;
  • PCR analysis;
  • Biopsies and Histology.

How to cure chronic duodenitis?

The most important in the treatment of chronic duodenitis is correct diagnosis of the type of duodenitis and a comprehensive approach in the selection of therapeutic techniques. Medicinal products are selected in accordance with the type of pathological process.

Nutrition is also used with strict adherence to the principles of therapeutic nutrition.

Drug therapy

In case of exacerbation of chronic duodenitis, the patient is hospitalized in a hospital where the necessary therapy is selected:

  • With an elevated pH, the intake of hydrochloric acid-lowering preparations like Omeparazole or Ranitidine, antacids that neutralizes gastric acid, such as Phosphalugel and Maalox or Almagel, is indicated.
  • With helminthiasis or giardiasis, therapy is prescribed with Chloksil, Furazolidone and Flagil.
  • Detected Helicobacter pylori requires treatment with antibiotic drugs.
  • Also suitable are enveloping agents such as Sulfacrate or De-Nol, which protect the mucosa.
  • For the restoration of digestive processes, enzymatic therapy is indicated.


Dietotherapy is important for the effectiveness of duodenitis therapy. In the first and a half or two weeks, the most sparing diet is shown. You need to eat 5-6 times a day, and portions should be microscopic.

You can eat eggs, cooked soft-boiled, mucous soups from rice, oatmeal or semolina, liquid cooked cereals, kissels and steam omelettes.

After a couple of weeks of such a diet in the menu begin to gradually introduce steam cutlets from fish and meat, rubbed soups. However, irritating mucous products are also under strict prohibition, as well as alcohol.

Folk remedies

The use of folk remedies in the therapy of chronic duodenitis is widespread enough, but before using any decoction or infusion it is necessary to discuss the possibility of its use with a gastroenterologist.

Quite often chronic duodenitis is accompanied by ulcerative processes, therefore it is necessary to select the national means of treatment with extreme caution.

  • Plantain. To prepare the medicine, you need to take three large spoons of the juice of the plant and mix them with a dessert spoon of honey. The resulting mixture is divided into three doses and taken during the day.
  • The herb of St. John's wort. A glass of boiling water should be fried with 2 large spoons of herbs and warmed in a bath for half an hour, then another quarter of an hour the mixture is infused, then it is filtered and drunk in 1/3 cup only half an hour before the food intake. On the day the broth is taken three times. Nettle oats with nettles. Unrefined oats( 200 g) are cooked in a liter of water until the mucous acidic state. While the broth cools, 3 cups of boiling water should be poured over a glass of dried nettle leaves and withstand the infusion for about 40 minutes, then the infusion is filtered. Then the nettle leaves from the infusion are mixed with oatmeal and drink 100 ml three times a day before meals. A neat broth during the day they drink instead of tea.

Prognosis and prophylaxis

The chronic form of duodenitis has quite favorable prognosis if the inflammatory process was not complicated by pronounced dysplastic and atrophic changes in the duodenum and other parts of the gastrointestinal tract.

In the chronic course of inflammatory processes in the duodenum, prolonged medical examination and mandatory prophylaxis in the form of regular anti-relapse therapy is necessary.

Also, preventive measures for chronic duodenitis are aimed at adherence to healthy lifestyles and a healthy diet, timely diagnosis and therapy of gastrointestinal pathologies of parasitic and infectious diseases.

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