Tiflith intestines( caecum) - symptoms, treatment, diet, folk remedies, acute, chronic, erosive, catarrhal types

One of the varieties of segmental colitis, is an inflammation of the caecum. The development of the inflammatory process passes very slowly and is manifested by a decrease in working capacity, a general weakening of the organism, accompanied by a headache and manifestations of organism intoxication. As a rule, the disease is accompanied by other diseases. The causes of tiflitis can be called:

  1. Constipation, when for a long time the feces are in the intestine.
  2. Transfer with blood flow of inflammation from neighboring organs.
  3. Presence of typhoid, measles, sepsis, ulcer or acute infectious diseases.

Inflammation of the caecal mucosa manifests itself in three forms:

  • acute typhlitis;
  • chronic tiflitis;
  • erosive tieflite.

Symptoms of tiflitis

Symptoms of inflammation are very similar to inflamed appendicitis. Therefore, before starting treatment for symptoms of tiflitis, differential diagnosis should be performed to rule out other diseases. In women, this may include adnexitis, cystic ovarian changes, or an ectopic pregnancy. Symptoms of acute tiflitis are of the following nature:

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  • frequent diarrhea( up to 15 times a day) or alternating diarrhea with constipation;
  • nausea, vomiting;
  • rumbling in the abdomen;
  • weakness, rapid fatigue;
  • increased body temperature, which can be very high.

The onset of the disease is characterized by a fit of sharp pain in the right side of the abdomen( iliac region) a couple of hours after ingestion. The chronic form does not manifest itself so clearly, but with an aggravation of the disease caused by disorders in the diet or by heavy physical stress, the clinical picture is similar to acute inflammation. A more accurate diagnosis can be established after laboratory and radiographic studies.

Clear clinical signs of tiflitis in coprologic studies include the presence of intracellular starch, digested fiber, altered muscle fibers and split fat in the stool. X-ray studies include:

  • irrigoscopy;
  • fluoroscopy;
  • parietography.

In this case, a characteristic symptom is the shortening of the cecum and the change in its lumen - an expansion or decrease.

Types of tiflita

Depending on the location of the site of inflammation, the ulcer and catarrhal tiflitis are determined. The inflammatory process seldom passes apart from other internal organs and is often associated with other infectious diseases. Sometimes the causes of the development of the disease are structural changes in the intestine, such as adhesions, abnormal location of the caecum, leading to stagnation of the stool and which subsequently provoke the disease. In these cases, inflammation is classified as undifferentiated tiflitis.

Treatment of tiflita

Treatment scheme for tiflitis includes two directions - etiological and symptomatic. Due to the fact that basically an infection that clears inflammation, gets through the blood or is caused by a prolonged stasis of stool in the intestine, the treatment consists in removing signs of organism intoxication and disinfecting effects of the drugs.

The appointment of antibiotics with tiflite is carried out proceeding from the causative agent of the disease. The need for antibiotic therapy for symptoms of intestinal typhoid is dictated by the following factors:

  1. Increased temperature.
  2. Constant headache, when you need to use painkillers.
  3. Nausea or vomiting with antiemetic drugs.

Infectious type of inflammatory process is treated with antibacterial drugs. Enzyme preparations are prescribed to restore normal microflora.

In acute tiflitis, treatment begins with the sowing of feces on the microflora, and sensitivity to antibacterial drugs of harmful microorganisms is revealed. Enterofuril and Metronidazole are prescribed on the first day of the disease, and in the absence of results, use Furazolidone or Amoxicillin. Purification of the body during intoxication is carried out by intravenous injection of the solution. Tiflith cecum is treated with a diet that is effective in combination with antibacterial drugs. In addition, physiotherapy and abdominal massage are prescribed.

The chronic form is characterized by a latent flaccid course of the disease with sudden attacks of pain during exacerbation. The reasons for its development is untimely treatment or lack of integrated therapy. The lack of proper treatment can lead to various kinds of serious complications. Among them are:

  • Ulcers on the mucous surfaces of the cecum.
  • Inflammation of the retroperitoneal space develops.
  • General poisoning of the body.

Diet with tideless

The correct nutrition is of great importance in the complex of therapeutic measures. Diet with tiflite provides for the inclusion in the diet of foods that are balanced in protein, fat and carbohydrate content and with the exclusion of plant fiber. On a mandatory basis, the food should only be freshly prepared and warm.

It is advisable to have meals in small portions throughout the day at regular intervals. Exclude from the menu sour fruits, beans, nuts, buns. If constipation is diagnosed, then add more boiled vegetables, compotes, fruits. What you can eat with tiflite, is determined based on the individual characteristics of the organism and the nature of the course of the disease. For example, with constipation in the menu include sour-milk products. Dried apricots and prunes are also useful here.

With diarrhea, on the contrary, consumption of sour-milk products is limited. The menu includes products that are quickly digested and delay the defecation process. Wiped or melkonarublennye products provide gastrointestinal tract sparing mechanical action. Among the recommended products are biscuits, white bread crumbs, low-fat meat dishes, buckwheat, oatmeal, rice porridge on the water, soft-boiled eggs or egg white omelet, baked or steamed fish of low-fat varieties. Broths and soups with boiled cereals, divorced. From drinks it is recommended strong tea, coffee, diluted juices. The need for a treatment table is dictated by the need to restore the normal functioning of the entire digestive tract and intestine. Compliance with the diet has a positive effect on immunity, removing emotional excitability, improving the psychological state of a person.

Treatment of tiflita with folk remedies

Treatment of the disease with its timely start and use of the whole complex of measures, as a rule, is successful and allows you to completely get rid of the disease. Folk remedies are in addition to the main course of therapy, and are the use of medicinal plants. They are used in the form of decoctions and infusions. The most effective for the treatment of chronic tiflitis, which is quite long in the course of the course, is a tincture of a mixture of chamomile, sage, and centenarius. From constipation is useful juice of onions, which take three times a day for one teaspoonful.

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