Acute paraproctitis - causes, symptoms treatment( operation and after it), ICD classification 10, photo, video

The onset of such a disease as acute paraproctitis is associated with the anatomical structure of the rectum, and its location in the human body. Starting in the pelvic region, the rectum is completed by the anal opening of the anus, through which the feces are removed from the body. Adjusting their output passes through the sphincters( muscle rings).

When the rectum passes into the anal canal on the mucosa, there are indentations, the so-called crypts. With the penetration of infection in the ducts of the mucous glands located at the bottom of the crypts, the inflammatory process begins. The main cause of acute paraproctitis is an infection that enters the fatty tissue. Other causes include congenital anomalies of the anatomical structure of the rectum. The list of microorganisms causing the disease includes:

  • Pathogenic cocci, exceeded content in the microflora of protaeus, rod-shaped bacterium.
  • Bacteria that live in an environment without the presence of oxygen, causing anaerobic sepsis, gas gas reflux, or putrefactive paraproctitis. All bacteria of this kind contribute to the progression of the disease in the most severe forms.
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  • Specific infections that are triggered by certain diseases.

In the cellulose pathogen penetrates through the inflammatory focus in crypts. It is also possible to penetrate the infection when traumatizing the rectal mucosa during defecation, through the vessels that carry out lymph drainage. Inflammatory processes in the urethra, the reproductive organs of women, the prostate gland can also cause acute paraproctitis. Predisposition to the development of the disease is noted in people suffering:

  • weakened immunity;
  • chronic or severe frequent infections;
  • impaired intestinal function;
  • with hemorrhoids, atherosclerosis, diabetes mellitus with the defeat of small vessels.

Classification of acute paraproctitis is carried out at the location of ulcers, and to which type the fistula belongs.

Symptoms of acute paraproctitis

The main signs of the disease are severe pain in the perineum or in the rectal area, significantly increasing as the abscess proliferates. Penetration of toxins, inflammatory substances directly into the blood, causes poisoning of the whole organism and a transition to sepsis is possible. Outwardly this is manifested by high fever, chills. Among the other symptoms of the disease, complaints are noted about:

  • general weakness and deterioration in overall well-being;
  • increased fatigue even with little effort;
  • headaches;
  • insomnia;
  • lack of appetite;
  • disorders in urination, delay and pain during defecation.

Depending on the type of acute paraproctitis, individual symptoms can manifest themselves in a clear or less pronounced form, have specific manifestations characteristic of this type of disease.

Treatment of acute paraproctitis

In case of manifestation of the symptoms of the disease it is necessary to consult a proctologist. The process of diagnosing itself is quite simple and consists in external examination of the focus of inflammation with finger research of the rectum. What other diagnostic methods are not used, because, first, to establish a diagnosis in acute paraproctitis is fairly straightforward. And secondly, given the nature of the disease, any research methods will be very painful for the patient.

The disease itself in acute course requires only one treatment - urgent operation. If you do not do an urgent operation, then serious complications and the transition of the disease into a slow stage are possible. Preparation for surgery includes:

  • blood and urine analysis for general indicators;
  • electrocardiography;
  • examination by an anesthesiologist.

The operation itself in acute paraproctitis is carried out under general anesthesia, as with local anesthesia, the injection of a needle can promote the spread of infection. Moreover, the effect of anesthesia with local anesthesia is not sufficient to completely eliminate pain. During the intervention, the abscess is opened and the cavity is cleaned of pus, followed by washing with an antiseptic solution. Thus the doctor opens and checks for presence of pus all "pockets", destroying available partitions. For the removal of gases in the rectum, a special tube is inserted, and the drainage left in the wound provides an outflow of pus, syphilis.

After the operation of acute paraproctitis for daily healing of the wound, daily dressings are performed using antiseptics and antibacterial ointments containing methyluracil. Antibacterial drugs are prescribed as needed, if there is a high temperature in the postoperative period, residual traces of inflammation in the wound. Finding a patient in a hospital usually takes up to ten days and further treatment continues at home.

Treatment of acute paraproctitis after operation

After patient discharge, medical recommendations for further treatment depend on the type of illness. Basically, they are reduced to drug treatment and the organization of proper nutrition. Effective sessile warm baths with a weak solution of potassium permanganate or chamomile broth and applying healing ointments. To deliver the necessary medication to the wound, microclysters are used, which begin to be done three weeks after the operation. Do them with small interruptions for two to three months, depending on the severity of the disease. Simultaneously with medicinal enemas put cleansing enemas.

The second most important method of successful treatment is strict adherence to the recommended diet. Of course, you should completely eliminate from your diet salty, spicy, sour food, forget about any alcoholic beverages. The use of fruits, except for baked apples, is also not recommended. It is very important in this case an abundant drink, amounting to at least 1.5 liters per day. Created to ensure unity in the methodology of approaches, the International Classification of Diseases - ICD-10 classifies acute paraproctitis as K61.

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