Lincomicin Ointment: instructions for use, price, reviews, analogs, composition

Among the analogues, separate attention should be paid to lincomycin ointment, which gained considerable popularity due to the balance of its composition, a small number of side effects and the possibility of relatively long use( up to two weeks).Its use does not cause complications, the acquisition is carried out without a prescription from the doctor.

Features of the preparation

Combining an antibacterial and disinfectant effect, the preparation can be used both for self-application and for complex effects. It is the integrated approach that is most effective in cases of particularly neglected lesions, with poor resistance of the organism.

Latin name of the drug Linkomicin. The use of lincomycin ointment by a dermatologist is prescribed, which on the basis of the diagnosed diagnosis with the necessary analyzes will help to make the chosen treatment the most effective.

Dosage forms

Dosage forms of this drug, in addition to the ointment, are capsules for internal use and a solution intended for intramuscular administration. All three varieties of the drug have a high rate of effectiveness in the treatment of skin lesions, eliminating edematous tissues, stimulating their early regeneration and improving their functions.

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Composition of lincomycin ointment

Lincomycin ointment and other medicinal varieties of the preparation have a similar composition, active substance in them acts lincomycin with a pronounced antibacterial effect on the epidermis. In the preparation, lincomycin is present in the form most readily assimilated by the human body - as hydrochloride monohydrate. The active substance has a high activity against a large number of bacteria, neutralizing their vital functions and preventing reproduction.

Also included in the ointment are additional ingredients that enhance the action of the active substance, soften the surface of the skin, regenerate it and ensure the restoration of its functions. The auxiliary components of the preparation include the following components:

  • potato starch;
  • glycerol;
  • lanolin;
  • purified paraffin;
  • Vaseline medical;
  • zinc oxide, which has a pronounced drying effect and relieves irritation and inflammation of the tissues.

The multicomponent composition guarantees the fastest positive result in the treatment, enhances the action of the active ingredient.


The cost of the tool in comparison with most of the modern analogs is quite affordable: a tube of lincomycin ointment of 15 g costs in different drugstores from 55 to 120 rubles.

Pharmacological action of

The beginning of the therapeutic effect of the drug in question begins from the moment it is applied to the surface of the damaged skin. Rapid absorption makes it possible to obtain results after only 1-2 applications, a balanced composition minimizes the likelihood of a negative effect of the agent on the skin. Neutralizing the negative effect of pathogenic microflora and stopping the active growth of bacteria, lincomycin ointment copes even with neglected forms of skin lesions, eliminating foci of inflammation, reducing the rate of degenerative processes in the epidermis.

Using lincomycin ointment, it is possible to achieve complete elimination of such unsympathetic manifestations, such as swelling of the skin, changes in its sensitivity, and eliminating signs of inflammatory processes. The action of the active substance is based on the destruction of cell membranes of pathogenic bacteria, which prevents them from fully functioning and leads to a gradual destruction.


Modern and highly effective drug, lincomycin ointment copes with neglected pathological processes in the upper layer of the epidermis, while providing a minimum number of adverse events. When skin lesions are caused by the manifestation of active growth in the number of bacteria, the use of lincomycin ointment leads to a sequential cessation of the process of activation of the pathological process, accelerated recovery of damaged skin areas and stabilization of all functions of the skin.

Violation of protein synthesis, underlying the action of the drug, is a prerequisite for stopping the reproduction of bacteria on the surface of the skin. At the same time, there is an increase in the regeneration of the skin by increasing the protective forces of the skin, its immunity.


The process of exposure to this drug is very fast, which is due to the good absorption of the ointment into the skin. The splitting of the components of the substances that make up the preparation is also active. Removal of the remains of components occurs with the help of kidneys and part of the intestine.

Accumulation of the active substance in the body and tissues of the patient does not occur if the rules for the use of the drug are observed: the duration of use of the lincomycin ointment should not exceed two weeks of continuous use.

Indications for use

The use of lincomycin ointment is performed when prescribed by a dermatologist, who will preset an accurate diagnosis, and also be able to monitor the treatment. The therapeutic effect is prescribed for any bacterial lesions of the skin, accompanied by their inflammation, the appearance of swelling, with purulent lesions. All these situations to improve the degree of their treatment should be diagnosed, which will optimize the treatment process, avoid the risk of negative side effects.

Indications for the use of lincomycin ointment and its varieties are:

  • acute and chronic current skin lesions of bacterial and infectious nature;
  • inflammatory processes on the skin, which are difficult to treat;
  • ulcerative lesions of the epidermis, accompanied by the formation of purulent exudate.

erysipelas, trophic ulcers, pressure ulcers, pimples, vesiculopustulosis, deep boils, dermatitis, eczema of various origins - all these skin lesions are well cured with external application of lincomycin ointment. To enhance the effectiveness of treatment, capsules can be prescribed for ingestion( dosage and duration of application should be prescribed by a doctor) and intramuscular injections.

Instructions for use

The use of ointment varies for adults and children.


The use of the drug by an adult is due to the diagnosis, as well as the degree of susceptibility to the active ingredient. With increased sensitivity of the skin, it is necessary to exercise increased caution in its use, any allergic manifestations should be considered the reason for the withdrawal of the drug or its temporary cessation of use.

For adults, lincomycin ointment may be prescribed for topical application for 2-3 applications per day. Duration of use depends on the susceptibility of the skin to the active agent of the remedy, is usually 8-12 days and should not exceed two weeks of continuous use.

For children and newborns

For children, lincomycin ointment can also be used, but due to the sensitivity of the baby's skin, the application of the ointment should be controlled by a dermatologist. The frequency of application of ointment to the affected skin in childhood is 1-2 times a day, the duration of use of the drug is less than that of adults: 5-8 days.

Newborn use of lincomycin ointment is contraindicated.

In pregnancy and lactation

Since penetration of the active component through the placental barrier is noted, during use of pregnancy, the use of the drug in question is contraindicated for a woman. When breastfeeding, it can be prescribed only by the attending physician if there is a predominance of a probable positive effect over possible negative side manifestations.


  • Contraindications to the use of lincomycin ointment may be considered manifestations of renal and hepatic insufficiency, individual intolerance of the active component of the drug.
  • Early childhood and gestation period are also considered contraindications for the use of lincomycin ointment.

Side effects of

To the possible side effects when using the drug should include:

  • aggravation of the existing manifestations of the underlying skin disease;
  • redness and increase its sensitivity;
  • local increase in temperature of affected skin;
  • appearance of nausea and signs of food poisoning;
  • increased drowsiness, loss of strength.

Special instructions

  • The use of the drug in the elderly also requires accuracy in view of the likely negative effects on the skin.
  • If an allergic reaction occurs, flush the area with plenty of water and stop using the ointment.
  • Eye contact also requires washing with water.

Interaction with other medicines and alcohol

  • Lincomicin ointment, being an active antibacterial agent for external use, can be used for complex treatment, when combined with other drugs, there is no decrease in its effectiveness.
  • Alcohol brakes the process of absorbing the active component of the skin, therefore, in order to obtain a guaranteed positive result in treatment, it is recommended to completely stop taking alcoholic beverages.


In the opinion of customers, lincomycin ointment is one of the most effective modern preparations that perfectly cope with many skin lesions. Even long-term non-healing wounds infected with mechanical damage to the skin are more quickly restored when applied to this drug. Increases the effectiveness of the complex treatment with the use of all dosage forms.

The availability of value in comparison with the commercially available analogs also adds to the appeal of the drug to buyers. Many people note a good absorbency of the product, which allows you not to fear the appearance of greasy marks on the skin and clothing after applying the ointment.


For drugs with the same effect, you should include cream and ointment for external use Levomekol, the cost of which is slightly higher than the drug under consideration( 180-240 rubles per tube), as well as ichthyol ointment and Vishnevsky ointment, which also have a price- 35-85 rubles per bottle, respectively. Sometimes lincomycin ointment is replaced with Helimycin.

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