Demalan: instructions for use, price, reviews, analogs, composition

Demodectic is an ailment that occurs when a parasite is hit on the skin. During ailment the patient experiences the expressed discomfort therefore it is necessary to pick up a qualitative medicine, capable quickly to cope with a problem.

Features of the preparation

Demalanum( Demalanum) is a drug successfully used in the field of dermatology. The composition of the topical agent effectively copes with demodicosis, as well as the symptoms that provoke this pathology: it destroys the pathogenic flora, removes the inflammatory process and promotes rapid healing of the epidermis.

Dosage forms

Demalan is available in the form of a cream( sometimes called ointment) in a 10 gram package packed in a cardboard box. There is also a drug in the form of lotion and gel, but they are not always available in pharmacies.

Composition of Demalan

The main active ingredient is metonidazole( Metronidazolum), an antiprotozoal agent, that is, a substance that struggles with microorganisms.

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Metronidazole is also used for local, for internal use, it quickly destroys pathogenic microorganisms, restoring health and well-being of a person.

Therapeutic properties of Demalan are also produced by adding to the cream components:

  • glycogen - a substance for rapid regeneration of the skin by activating metabolic processes in the deep layers of the epidermis;
  • olive oil is a component for softening the epidermis;
  • chamomile extract - a component for reducing itching and other manifestations of physical discomfort;
  • Lanolin is a nutrient.

Demalan contains various emulsifiers, which are necessary for giving the necessary consistency and preserving the qualities of the drug.


The cost of Demalan in pharmacies is 280-400 rubles.for packing.

Pharmacological action of

Demalan is effective with the following directions of exposure:

  • antimicrobial;
  • is an anti-inflammatory;
  • is regenerating.


After application to the dermis, Demalan quickly destroys microorganisms living in the epidermis of the skin of the face and eyelids. Anti-inflammatory effect is manifested by the removal of puffiness, rash and itching, as well as any other manifestations of demodectic disease. Acceleration of the healing process of the skin is carried out due to the action of metronidazole on metabolic processes.

Pharmacokinetics of

Data indicating the time of removal of the components of Demalan from the body has not been provided to date.


Demalan is used for demodicosis and demodectic blepharitis.

Instruction for use

The drug should be used exclusively under the supervision of the attending physician. The cream is applied to the skin of the face according to two schemes: twice a day or once a day before bedtime.

If the cream is applied overnight, the patient needs to clean the face with warm soapy water. When applying Demalan twice, the skin needs to be wiped with a cotton disc moistened with eucalyptus or calendula tincture. These tinctures allow you to clean the surface of the skin before applying the healing cream, and the alcohol in the base of the tincture acts as a conductor giving the ingredients of the therapeutic agent to penetrate deeply into the epidermis.


The course of therapy with Demalan is 45 days. Usually demodectic symptoms disappear earlier, but you need to continue applying the cream for at least one and a half months to prevent relapse of the disease.

For children, newborns

Unlike other drugs, Demalan has a high concentration of plant components, so even children can use the cream. However, therapy should be controlled by a doctor who, based on the manifestation of the disease and the age of the child, should adjust the dose specified in the instructions.

In pregnancy and lactation

The manufacturer does not advise using Demalan in the I trimester of the fetal period. If the symptoms of demodectic are not expressed too much, then it is better to postpone the period of treatment until the moment of delivery and the end of lactation. But if therapy is needed immediately, you can purchase Damalan after a visit to the doctor in charge.


Demalan can not be used at high sensitivity to any of the components of the formulation. Moreover, allergy sufferers must proceed with caution to begin therapy with Demalan.

Side effects of

Against the background of applying on the dermis of the drug Demalan may appear reddening of the skin, accompanied by itching. At the first signs of a side effect, there is a reason to stop the treatment with cream.

After all the signs of skin irritation disappear, you need to resume using Demalan at the same time with the drug against allergies.

Special instructions

Demalan can not be used without consulting a dermatologist. The doctor must confirm that the signs of ailment are manifestations of demodecosis.

The main danger that arises in people with demodicosis is repeated infection. Avoiding it is quite simple, if you comply with all the rules of personal hygiene.В During therapy, you need to get rid of towels, and instead of them wipe your face with disposable paper towels. The pillow case is recommended to be changed daily and thoroughly ironed on both sides with a hot iron. The drug should be applied with disposable gloves.

In addition, it is important to maintain the body's immune system, so that immunity can quickly cope with the disease. To do this, it makes sense to adjust the diet, completely eliminating alcohol, fast food, fried, smoked and salty foods. A large number of fresh vegetables and fruits will allow to cleanse the intestines and completely normalize digestion.

Interaction with other medications

There is no information on the interaction of Demalan with other medicinal products.


Demalan has many recommendations due to its high efficiency and softening of the skin due to its unique composition. According to the published reviews, Demalan has a stable effect approximately 2 weeks after the start of the application. Doctors emphasize that patients who combine the use of Demalan with a diet, achieved faster recovery than patients who disregarded tips on changing the diet.


Demalan is a drug with the newest formulation, the effectiveness and safety of which correlates with the minimum amount of undesirable effects due to natural substances in the formulation. However, the following preparations can be considered as analogs:

  • Oftotsipro( Russia) - 190 rubles;
  • Demazol( Russia) - 290 rubles;
  • Aurobin( Germany) - 430 rub.

Before using any of these drugs, you need to consult a dermatologist.

This video will tell you what not to do with demodicosis:

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