Piercing cartilage or earlobes: how to handle a puncture, how many heals, photo

Ear piercing is quite a popular procedure, which millions of people around the world resort to. At the same time, not everyone knows that this manipulation can cause unpleasant consequences for health. To avoid this, it is worthwhile to make punctures only from a qualified master.

Ear piercing

Ear piercing can be performed in a variety of areas - on the earlobe or auricle. Such manipulations can provoke negative consequences. To minimize the risk of complications, it is important to take into account contraindications and clearly fulfill the appointment of a specialist.

Types of

There are several basic types of procedure:

  1. Classic puncture. Previously, this procedure was carried out using a needle, whereas today a special gun is used for this.
  2. Sirloin curler piercing. In this case, the cartilage is pierced at the top. A small hollow needle is used to make the hole.
  3. Industrial. In this case, perform 2 holes, which connect the decoration. Usually one puncture is done near the head, and the second one is on the opposite side. A special needle is used to make a hole, and during the restoration period a special decoration is used, called a barbell. It takes about a year to heal.
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  4. Tragus piercing. When it is done, pierce the ear area, located near the shell. To perform the procedure, use a semi-straight or curved needle. In this case, it is extremely important to be cautious, since the tragus's internal elements can easily be injured. The healing period takes 6-12 weeks.
  5. Tunnel. For the procedure, the lobe is punctured with a needle or a pistol. When the hole heals, it is enlarged with a special stretch. Then insert the tunnel.

On the photo types of ear piercing

Safe puncture points

In the auricle there are many points that are responsible for certain human organs. Lobe is considered the safest place in which you can perform a puncture. This zone has no cartilage and heals very quickly after the procedure.

Possible consequences of

Performing this procedure can cause various health consequences. To minimize risks, you need to adhere to the recommendations of a specialist.

Reaction to the reflexogenic point

Reflexogenic areas are a projection of various organs. If you fall into this area, there is a risk of disruption of some systems. So, a puncture of the lobule can cause a decrease in visual acuity.

At the same time official medicine does not confirm such a connection. Therefore, the patient must make the final decision.

Inflammation of tissues

If you break the rules of asepsis during the procedure, pathogenic microorganisms get into the damaged place. This leads to pain, local swelling of the tissues, redness, localized fever, the appearance of purulent discharge.

If you have these symptoms, you need to contact an ENT doctor who will choose an effective treatment. Sometimes you need to conduct operational manipulation. However, in most cases, prescribe conservative therapy - the use of antibacterial agents and antiseptic drugs.

Inflammation of the puncture zone

Keloid formation

In rare cases, the piercing results in keloid formation. For several weeks after the procedure, there is a proliferation of connective tissues that leave the area of ​​damage, forming a lump or an outgrowth in the puncture zone.

Keloid cones on the ear


Benign tumor lesions of cartilage or lobes appear quite often. The risk of such a disorder increases the infection of the treated area. With formations of impressive size, there is a risk of hearing impairment. To cope with this problem, surgical manipulations are carried out.

Tissue Breaks

If the punctures are very close to the surface, there is a risk of rupture. This is due to the tension of the tissues with heavy ornaments.

Deformation of the auricle

When piercing the cartilaginous tissue, there is a risk of deformity - omission or subluxation. In complex cases, it even begins to grow.

Allergic reaction

Ear engorgement can provoke itching sensation. If a person has reddening, swelling, blisters, this may indicate an allergy to the decoration. In this situation, the earring needs to be changed. You may need to take antihistamines, which should be selected by a doctor.

Suppuration and bleeding from a wound

If there is a violation of the blood clotting process, there is a risk of bleeding. In this case, you must apply a bandage.

Hearing loss

Injury to a hearing aid as a result of a violation of the procedure may cause permanent hearing loss. Sometimes it is irreversible. Also, problems can be caused by a violation of the focusing of sound vibrations. Pseudo-loss of hearing is a consequence of the use of massive ornaments.

If you still decided to

To conduct the procedure must be a qualified specialist. Ideally, you should contact a plastic surgeon or beautician. The doctor should follow such recommendations:

  • adhere to the rules of asepsis;
  • use disposable tools;
  • to choose hypoallergenic materials of ornaments;
  • use a special gun for children.

What you need to know about piercing:

The better to do

Ear piercing is usually performed using a special gun. It is especially important to use this tool when performing the procedure in children. For adults, the master can use needles and catheters.


To perform this procedure, perform the following:

  1. To begin with, the selected zone needs to be treated with solutions containing alcohol
  2. . Place sterile needles in the gun next to which the earring is placed.
  3. The tool plane is positioned over the lintel. The needle must be above the marked area.
  4. The specialist then sharply pushes the handle of the device and the planes are connected.
  5. As a result, the needle penetrates the skin and immediately into the hole falls decoration.
  6. The pistol is undone and removed, and the earring is fixed with special tools.

How do hardware ear piercing, see in our video:


Recovery after puncture and formation of the channel takes about 2 weeks. Then decorations can be changed.

Immediately after puncture, before healing,

To avoid negative consequences, you must adhere to these rules:

  1. Needle earrings should not be taken 2 weeks.
  2. During the first 3 days after the procedure it is worth not to visit the bath and pool. Also it is not recommended to swim in the water.
  3. Every day in the morning and in the evening for 2 weeks you need to lubricate the treated areas with antiseptic or chlorhexidine. During the procedure, the earring should be scrolled and advanced in the hole.
  4. Do not use alcohol because it can cause a burn.
  5. Additional treatment is needed after sports, shower and bath.
  6. After a couple of weeks, the earring-needles can be removed and replaced with other ornaments.

Recommendations on the selection and care of jewelry, ear cleaning

After puncture in an open wound, place a stud or needle earring. It should be small in size and made of silver or gold. There are also special alloys that accelerate tissue repair and prevent inflammation.


Puncturing is carried out within 2 weeks. Then you can wear any earrings. Many girls are wondering if the holes can be completely closed, if not using jewelry. It depends on the individual characteristics. In most cases, the holes do not tighten even after a long time.

Feedback on the procedure for puncturing the ears in our video:

Dangerous signs when you need to see a doctor

There are a number of symptoms that should become the basis for a visit to the doctor:

  • severe redness at the puncture site;
  • is an inflammatory process;
  • intense pulsating pain;
  • appearance of purulent discharge;
  • temperature increase.


Piercing is prohibited in such cases:

  • ear disease;
  • allergy;
  • diabetes;
  • blood pathology;
  • craniocereberal trauma;
  • mental disorders;
  • skin diseases;
  • rheumatism;
  • epilepsy.

Ear piercing is a pretty serious procedure that requires careful preparation. To minimize all risks, an experienced specialist must take it into account, taking into account the individual characteristics of the patient.

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