How to increase immunity to an adult or child at home

Our body is a balanced, multilevel and clearly arranged system, where the correct work of each organ depends on the state of the system as a whole. If you have health problems, you need to know who or what will help solve these problems.

And the answer to this question is very simple. The body itself will help in the first place!

Nature has taken care of protecting our health from the effects of negative influences and has provided the human body with a powerful mechanism of self-defense - immunity. The ability to properly use this mechanism is the key to a successful fight against many diseases.

What is immunity?

Why do some people constantly get sick, but others do not take any ill?- Because healthy people have strong immunity.

Why, when a sore became attached, after it, a few more ailments will necessarily become attached?- Because in the process of illness the body is tired of fighting alone. His reserve forces are great, but not unlimited.

The main task is to competently help our body cope with the problem on time, rather than create unnecessary difficulties for it.

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Immunity in the Latin language( immunitas) refers to deliverance, liberation from anything, emphasizing even by its name the whole importance of the immune system. And this is really a complex system, combating diseases for the health of every cell in our body.

It is based on the work of a huge number of separate defense mechanisms, the purpose of which is to prevent the disease into healthy cells. But if these mechanisms are weakened or broken, then all pathogenic bacteria, viruses, parasites, fungi, poisons get unhindered access to healthy cells.

Types of immunity

Reasons for the weakening of

To save health or not to exacerbate existing problems, it is important to know what exactly destroys the protective system. If possible, eliminate these factors from your life.

Reasons for Factors for
Unbalanced food ▪ Consumption of harmful foods and food of questionable quality.
▪ Lack of correct power schedule.
▪ Insufficient fluid intake.
▪ Lack of vitamins in food or overabundance.
Violation of the biological rhythms of the body ▪ Frequent lack of sleep.
▪ Violation of the balance between rest and work.
Incorrect physical workload distribution ▪ Exhaustion.
▪ Lack of regular physical activity.
▪ Lack of variety in daily activities.
Ignoring hygiene rules ▪ Insufficient, surface treatment of food.
▪ Irregular body care.
Stressful situations ▪ Strong emotional stress.
▪ Postoperative period.
▪ Sharp change of the usual modes.
Bad habits ▪ Drinking alcohol.
▪ Smoking.
Sharp climatic differences ▪ Long stay in the sun.
▪ Inattention to choosing clothes in the off-season, when the danger of getting sick is greatest.
Environmental problems ▪ Air pollution in large cities.
▪ Poorly cleaned drinking water.
▪ Living and working in areas with increased radiation.
Health problems ▪ Started and not completely cured diseases.
▪ Congenital diseases.
▪ Age changes.
Taking medicines ▪ Taking antibiotics, hormonal and potent drugs.
▪ Self-medication of complicated diseases.

To determine in what state your immune system is at the moment, it is enough to know how the failures in her work are manifested. Symptoms of reduced immunity
  • An increased incidence of colds( more than 1-2 times per year).
  • Predisposition to viral infections( influenza, viral hepatitis, chickenpox, herpes).
  • Frequent complications of diseases.
  • Skin problems( dermatitis, papilloma, furuncles).Relapses of the same disease.
  • Enlarged or modified lymph nodes.
  • Poor wound healing.
  • Fungal lesions.
  • Allergic reactions.
  • Long periods of poor health, unreasonable fatigue, weakness.
  • Painful appearance.

Causes, factors and consequences of a decrease in immunity

How to improve

With reduced body resistance, it is desirable in combination to take into account a number of factors that strengthen the immune system. This will most effectively affect the increase in immunity.

Tablets, vitamins, supplements

( Consultation with a doctor is required!)

Drug group Therapeutic effect The name of the drugs
Interferon Block the development of infection. Grippferon,
Interferon leukocyte
Interferon inductors Stimulate the production of protective proteins by the body itself. Amiksin, Arbidol, Neovir, Cycloferon
Immunostimulants of bacterial nature In response to the introduction of weakened or dead bacteria, the body itself synthesizes protective proteins. Imudon, Ribomunil, Lycopid Pirogenal
Immunostimulants based on nucleic acid Activates the work of leukocytes, contributing to the rapid healing of the affected tissues. Derinat, Ridostin
Immunoglobulins Neutralize the action of infectious agents. Intraglobin, Cytotect, Pentaglobin
Thymus preparations( thymus gland) Activates cellular immunity. Timozin, timoptin
Synthetic preparations Increase the activity of the immune system. Galavit, Amiksin, Neovir
Biogenic stimulators Stimulate the metabolism. Aloe tablets,
Vitamins Normalize the body's basic processes. Centrum, Supradin, Alphabet, Complivit
Supplements( vitamin complexes, food substitutes, teas) Enriches the body with biologically active substances. complex "Mega", complex "Bisk"
Vegetable preparations Promote the increase of resistance. Immunal, Estifan, Immunorm, ginseng tincture

Ingestion of the following food products will be invaluable for raising the immunity:


  1. Honey and other bee products.
  2. Fruits:
    • Citrus fruits( improve the work of the kidneys, hearts).
    • Apples( effectively fight the common cold).
    • Peaches( prevent infectious diseases).
    • Bananas( normalize blood pressure).
  3. Berries:
    • Cranberry( protects against radiation).
    • Cherry( reduces the risk of heart attacks).
    • Black currant( has a tonic effect).
    • Strawberries( activates the metabolism).
  4. Vegetables:
    • Turnip( it has a diuretic, expectorant and laxative effect).
    • Sweet Bulgarian pepper( increases the stability of capillaries and reduces their fragility).
    • Pumpkin( lowers cholesterol).
  5. Drinks:
    • Natural juices.
    • Green teas.
    • Sour-milk drinks
  6. Other products:
    • Sea fish( rich in vitamin D).
    • Beef( source of protein, zinc and iron).

Products useful for immunity

Physiotherapy, hardening

To enhance immunity, systematic physical exertion is simply necessary. However, we should not forget that in some diseases there are a number of contraindications for active physical activity. In such cases, be sure to consult a doctor so as not to aggravate the situation.

Increase physical activity gradually, without fanaticism. Regularity and a positive attitude are also important.

The safest sports for improving immunity are:

  • Swimming.
  • Walking.
  • Table Tennis.
  • Morning gymnastics.
  • Therapeutic gymnastics.
  • Medical swimming.
  • Hydrocinesitherapy( curative gymnastics in the water).
  • Mechanotherapy( complex of therapeutic exercises with the help of simulators, apparatuses).

It is very useful to combine outdoor walks with physical activity.

  • Skiing, ice skating.
  • Badminton.
  • The ball game.
  • Tourism.

Hardening improves the processes of thermoregulation, increasing the resistance of the organism with unfavorable external factors.

  • Air baths.
  • Contrast shower.
  • Quenching by the sun( heliotherapy).
  • Walrus.

Traditional medicine

  • Tea with dog rose.
  • Herbal collection( leaves of strawberries, turn, chamomile, Echinacea, ginger).
  • Infusion of mountain ash.
  • Vitamin compote( mint, lemon balm, willow-tea, cranberry, black currant).
  • Infusion of garlic, honey and lemon - one of the most effective folk recipes for raising immunity and treating many diseases. In diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, garlic should be excluded.
  • Fish oil is the most important source of nutrients. It should be taken in courses from two weeks to a month.

Reviews and recipe for the preparation of folk remedies for hanging immunity based on honey, lemon and ginger:

How to recover quickly after a flu or SARS

  • It should be for a while to protect yourself from close contact with people infected with viral infections.
  • Sleep at least 8 hours a day.
  • Do not allow drafts in the room, overcooling or overheating of the organism in the open air.
  • Give up alcohol.
  • Restrict sports and work.
  • Avoid stressful situations.
  • Drink as much pure water as possible.
  • Give increased attention to healthy eating.
  • To undergo a course of health-improving massage.

Useful rules that will help increase the immunity of

How to improve the body's resistance to pregnancy

Medicines for future mothers are prescribed only in case of urgent need! Even vaccination is contraindicated. Also should be excluded:

  • Internal use of herbal decoctions( allergic reaction possible).
  • Multivitamin complexes in the first trimester of pregnancy.
  • Occupation of professional sports.

Some fruits:

  • Grapes( increases the likelihood of premature birth).
  • Exotic fruits( a big risk of allergic reactions).
  • Strawberry( can provoke a miscarriage).
  • Pineapple( for a period of less than 13 weeks).

To increase immunity during pregnancy should be gradual and cautious, given that each term has its own "pitfalls".From safe useful products it is necessary to allocate:

  • Green apples.
  • Nuts( walnuts, hazelnuts, peanuts).
  • Products with a high content of folic acid( greens, beans, cabbage, asparagus).
  • Buckwheat. Seeds of pumpkin, sunflower, sesame.
  • Liver of cod.
  • Fruits should be chosen with the content of exactly those vitamins that the doctor recommends.

To the useful physical loads include:

  • Morning exercises aimed at stretching.
  • Walking in the fresh air.
  • Swimming.
  • Special fitness.
  • Yoga for pregnant women.

How to improve a child

One of the main tasks of parents is the health of children. But the bad ecology and the collapse of poor-quality food in stores complicate this task.

What should I choose for my child?

In which section to give it, in order to preserve and increase its health?

To begin with it is necessary to take into account the preferences and inclinations of the child, and only then choose the most useful from this list. Otherwise, it will be difficult to instill in him love for a healthy lifestyle.

Out of the wellness activities it is possible to recommend:

  • Mandatory airing of the children's room.
  • Frequent walks, active games.
  • Massage of feet, hands.
  • Daily morning charge.
  • Wiping.


  • Fresh fruits.
  • Vegetables steamed. Vitamin compotes from natural berries and fruits.
  • Seafood.
  • Low-fat meat( minimum 50 grams per day).
  • Green.
  • Honey.
  • Clean spring water or bottled water.

In the off-season children's multivitamin complexes and preventive measures against influenza are obligatory.

How to improve immunity to the child says Dr. Komarovsky:

How to maintain health in the elderly

The secret of longevity lies in the maximum activity of a person and his healthy emotional background. There are a number of things that after sixty years you definitely do not have to do :

  1. Sit all day at home.
  2. Abuse of medicines.
  3. There are fatty foods.
  4. Expose yourself to stressful situations, worrying about everything and for everyone.

Health at this age not everyone will be able to ski, but it is always possible to find a useful occupation.

  • More time in the open air.
  • Take care in your home medicine chest. There certainly will be overdue tablets, the use of which is life-threatening.
  • Make an appointment for a dietitian. He will help you competently make a menu, focusing on your health.
  • Plant cultivation, fishing, visiting theaters and museums will improve mood and stabilize the emotional background.
  • Practice breathing practices.
  • Clean the vascular system. Vascular problems are the main cause of heart attacks and strokes!
  • Communicate more with people. This will expand the range of your interests and opportunities.

Diet to enhance immunity

Increased immunity: what is the danger?

Not in all cases, increasing immunity is the norm. If the reaction to some microorganisms is too great, then this is a serious disease.

Allergy is the main indicator of increased immunity. Against the background of allergies, other diseases( eczema, hay fever) can develop.

With increased resistance there is a danger of autoimmunity development. This is an aggressive reaction of the body to its own cells. Diabetes mellitus and rheumatoid arthritis are an example of autoimmune diseases.

Tips of an immunologist in our video:


  1. In a stressful situation try to switch to another topic, provide yourself with a full sleep. The proverb - "All diseases arise on the nerves of the soil" has long been based on a scientific basis and tested by centuries of experience.
  2. Balance the power so that it does not have extremes. When choosing diets, consider the characteristics and needs of your body.
  3. Give up bad habits.
  4. Distribute physical activity in such a way that the body feels comfortable and does not overwork.
  5. Do not abuse medicines to boost immunity. This can cause a backlash.
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