Folk remedies for proctitis, treatment at home

Proctitis is one of the most common diseases of the rectogastric cavity, the development of which is caused by a large number of causes. Along with medication prescribed physiotherapy and diet. When carrying out the treatment, the use of folk remedies is allowed, so that you are given the possibility of a complete and sufficiently rapid cure for such an unpleasant illness. At home, it is possible to use enemas, baths and various herbal decoctions.

Treatment of proctitis at home

Microclysters with herbal decoctions are the most relevant folk remedies for proctitis treatment:

  • Calendula decoction: 20 g of herb is brewed with warm water, after which the mixture should stand on the order of half an hour in a water bath. Insisting should last about 40 minutes. To apply the decoction, straining is carried out, and before application it is required to dilute with water in accordance with such a ratio of 5 g per 40 ml of water.
  • Another effective recipe for microclysters is chamomile infusion.40 g of grass is brewed with warm water. Now the infusion should be left for a longing in a water bath. Then strain is carried out, after which the infusion is cooled. Before direct application, it is necessary to dilute with water.
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  • Microclysters from oregano or melissa can be used. To do this, take 5 grams of each herb and brew with boiling water. It is left to languish in a water bath.

After the introduction of a medical folk remedy into the intestinal cavity, it is imperative to let it penetrate as deeply as possible into the mucosal tissue. To do this, take a reclining position for 10 minutes first on the back, then turn on your side and stomach. After that, you can kneel and elbows, with the head letting go down.

Microclysters are a very effective folk remedy for proctitis, so you can feel the improvement, and after several weeks of such treatment you will be able to independently verify the high effectiveness of such therapeutic manipulations.

Such a popular method of treatment with proctitis is of great effectiveness, like holding sedentary baths with decoctions of a medicinal plant type. For the tub with field horsetail, 150 g of grass is used, which was brewed with 1000 ml of boiled water, left for 15 minutes, and strained. The duration of such a procedure should not be more than 20 minutes. With the same actions at home, cooking of decoctions of chamomile, eucalyptus, immortelle, sage and sporicha is permitted.

Treatment of proctitis with folk remedies

Herbal decoctions of chamomile and marigold are allowed inside. Such a folk remedy has a good anti-inflammatory effect, and it is recommended to consume 10-20 g several times a day. It is acceptable to use nettle, dandelion, plantain, raspberry and tansy in it.

To remove the inflammation processes on the surface of the mucous membrane of the rectum cavity, it is allowed to prepare the ointment. For this folk remedy, you need a bark of oak, linen flowers, pepper grass. The mixture of herbs should be crushed so that it has a uniform consistency, and is filled with pork fat, which was pre-melted. After a half-day, the mixture is heated and filtered. Ointment should be applied to a gauze swab and injected into the lumen of the rectum cavity, then leave for at least 6 hours. Ointment is used in the treatment of proctitis at home with a course of several weeks.

All listed folk remedies for additional treatment of proctitis have sufficient effectiveness, however, it is necessary to consult with a specialist on the desirability of using them. This is due to the fact that under the guise of a proctitis, another disease of the cavity of the rectum may disappear, which means that a different approach is required.

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