Modern ways of treating astigmatism of eyes at home in men and women

1 Bates Method

According to the author himself, this method can cure astigmatism of the eyes at home and generally correct vision, which in many adults and children does not differ in perfect acuity. As a treatment, the author offers several effective exercises, in the effectiveness of which many users have managed to verify.

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2 Exercise palming

According to the author, to improve the vision can be by eliminating the impact of light on the retina. So relax and at the same time train your eyes.

To complete the exercise, you need any book. In this book, you need to find a letter or picture, look at it, then, covering your eyes with your hand, try to mentally remember the image. Remember it every time in a darker color.

This exercise can be done anywhere and anytime, since no additional items are needed. So, you need to cover your eyes and try to imagine a few color shades or colors. The representation of each color should not be more than 1 minute. It is necessary to train the eyes in this way for 3 to 10 minutes.

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3 Method of recollection of

This technique is based on the author's determination of the connection between the mental state of the health of an adult and the functionality of his vision. As an adjustment to the view, the author suggests using some exercises.

It is necessary, with your eyes closed, to imagine any object in your mind. It can be an animal, an insect, a beautiful plant. During the presentation of the object it is necessary to depict it with details, paints, to come up with the whole picture, with the addition of other objects.

For the next exercise, you need a special table Sivtseva( the one used to check the eyes of the oculist).It can be printed from the Internet or purchased from the store. The table should be hung on the wall and away from it by 2 m. After that, you need to look at those letters that are clearly visible and find one that is viewed with difficulty. Just looking at this letter, you need to close your eyes and present it in clearer outlines, after which you need to look at the table. Each time, badly viewed characters will be seen better.

These exercises must be carried out regularly to achieve positive results.

4 Gymnastics for the eyes of Zhdanov

Treatment of astigmatism at home is possible by one simple technique that will help improve vision. It's quite simple to perform them, and you do not need a lot of time and special conditions to perform the exercises:

  1. You need to imagine in your mind 4 points in the form of a cross. After that, you need to drive your eyes through these points, drawing them.
  2. Draw a smooth circle with your eyes.
  3. Present a geometric figure( for example, a square) and draw it with your eyes.
  4. Draw the number 8 or the sign of infinity with the eyeballs.

Perform these exercises need about 10 times. In subsequent lessons, you can add new actions with your eyes, drawing other geometric shapes figuratively.

This gymnastics is contraindicated in retinal detachment and during surgery on it, in other cases, exercises will help improve vision and correct astigmatism.

5 Proper nutrition in pathology

Is astigmatism treated with the right food? Nutrition is an important component of the health of internal organs and body systems. With the help of the right diet, you can strengthen and restore your eyesight, but thanks to harmful products, the situation will only worsen.


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As a treatment for astigmatism, it is necessary to consume daily juices of fresh vegetables and herbs( carrots, celery, parsley, cucumbers, spinach).Every day you need to drink 0.5 liters of such juices, dividing the portion into 2-3 meals. From these vegetables you can prepare salads or vegetable soups. In the salad, you can also add vegetables, which favorably affect eyesight( tomato, cabbage, bell pepper).

Every day you need to eat berries, fruits containing antioxidants, such as currants, blue grapes, pumpkin, melon, etc. From these berries you can make homemade yogurts, add to oatmeal, various desserts.

Blueberries and black currants can be consumed in pure form or boiled water, then drunk like regular tea. These berries are excellent activators of retinal cells.

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Products that are better to be excluded from the diet or restrict their use:

  • alcoholic beverages;
  • salted foods and salt in general;
  • sugar;
  • coffee;
  • spicy seasonings;
  • fast food.

Treatment of astigmatism with the help of delicious and healthy products will appeal to both adults and children.

6 Curative effect of medicinal herbs

Medications from astigmatism can be found in homeopathic therapy, as nature has taken care of human health by presenting beautiful medicinal herbs.

As a treatment, the grass with an interesting name - a charm - proved to be quite good. From it you need to make an infusion in the proportion of 100 g of dried herb per 2 liters of water. To make the present, the glaze should be poured with steep boiling water, insist for 2-4 hours, then strain and drink 100 ml before eating. During treatment with a charm, you should refrain from drinking alcohol.

Bilberry leaves and fruits can also be used to treat astigmatism. To do this, you need to pour dried berries with boiling water, insist for 30 minutes, then drink like regular tea. Leaves of bilberries must be brewed, then drink 100 grams before meals. Blueberries can also be consumed in pure form, so it preserves even more useful vitamins and microelements necessary for normal vision. To keep the maximum amount of the substance contained in blueberries, you can prepare infusion of cold water. To do this, dried berries should be poured with boiled cool water and left for 8-10 hours, after which it should be used for its intended purpose.

Astigmatism treatment is also used in folk therapy. From it you can cook an infusion, bay 2 tbsp.l.dried herb 500 ml of boiling water. Having insisted on the remedy for 35 minutes, you need to strain it and drink 3 tbsp.l.a day, dividing the portion into 3 doses.

To improve eyesight with astigmatism, you can use ordinary cold water. To do this, every day for a short time, quickly sprinkle on the eyes with water, stimulating an improvement in blood flow.

As a treatment, you can use another good method, which can be used not only with astigmatism, but also with age-related changes in vision. To do this, take the husks from boiled crayfish, wash it, then cook for 40 minutes, pour it with boiling water. The resulting broth should be drunk before meals, 2 times a day, starting at 1 tbsp.l.

Treatment of folk astigmatism can be carried out only if the disease does not need urgent surgery. Some tools and exercises can be used as a preventive measure for impairment of visual function for both adults and children. At home, you need to limit the amount of time you spend at a computer or TV, as this affects your vision negatively.

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