Preparations from worms for children of a wide spectrum of action, harmless and effective, what it is better to give for treatment of helminths in the child, how to treat?

Glaive invasion is a common disease among children. They are most often prone to infection with worms. There are many types of parasites that can live for a long time in the body of the patient, but children often have ascarids and pinworms. Many parents know that preparations from worms for children can cause side reactions. But the fact is that without medicines it is rarely possible to cure a helminthic invasion. What drug is better to give a child from worms?

Modern drugs for the treatment of worms in children, as a rule, have a wide range of effects. They are necessary, because parasites surround us, they are everywhere. You can get infected from dirty hands, animal hair, poorly heat-treated meat or fish. Kids are eager to learn the world, they can try the sand for taste or do not wash their hands after communicating with a pet, that's why they are at risk.

Children very often suffer from invasion of parasites in their bodies, so doctors are forced to prescribe to them relatively harmless preparations against worms. The peak of infection usually occurs in the summer. Among the berries, vegetables and fruits can be identified the most dangerous from the point of view of infection with helminths.

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The leading place is occupied by strawberry, it is very close to the ground, and besides it is often fertilized with manure. In addition, the berry has an uneven structure, so it dusts off badly, including eggs of various parasites. That's why after the summer season, parents need to give the children tablets relatively harmless for a wide range of activities. But they should be prescribed by a doctor, because it is very important to calculate the correct dosage. From what worms give drugs to children?

As mentioned earlier, two types of worms are most often detected in small patients: ascarids and pinworms. But sometimes there are also more dangerous species, therefore before giving the children a preparation from worms one needs to undergo diagnostics. When infected with pinworms, itching appears in the anus, most often it occurs at night. It is this symptom that should alert the parents. Unfortunately, other types of worms are harder to recognize, they can hide under the symptoms of other diseases.

Children are most often infected in school or in a kindergarten. If one person gets sick, then the risk of infection and other people is high. That is why pediatricians periodically prescribe to children drugs from helminths. Unfortunately, there is no medicine immediately from all types of worms, so treatment should be done after all necessary tests have been taken.

Harmless preparations from worms for children

The best medicine can be considered the one that acts disastrously against the detected parasite. There is no universal remedy, which would work equally for any helminthic invasion. The best harmless children's drug from worms should be appointed by a doctor after the tests. All types of such medicines are particularly effective and have toxic effects, therefore, therapy should be performed under the supervision of a specialist. When giving a child a preparation against worms, it is necessary to remember the following recommendations:

  • Anthelminthic drugs are relatively harmless, but only if the dosage is observed.
  • Dosage is determined by the doctor, it may not always be the same as the instructions.
  • In cases of severe infection with different types of parasites, a whole course of medications can be prescribed, which will need to be applied intermittently.
  • Worm preparations for children of a wide spectrum have many contraindications that you need to know. They can not be used for patients with chronic liver and nervous system diseases, and they are also prohibited for oncological patients.

Many doctors, knowing about the toxicity of effective preparations against worms for children, do not prescribe them for prevention. They are issued only after the examination. That's why if a child looks healthy, his skin is not pale, there are no problems with appetite, there is no itch in the anus, there is no nausea, then you do not need to poison the body with chemicals again.

Overview of preparations for worms for children

Let us briefly consider the relatively safe preparations for worms for children:

  • Bacterfrey drops. They have a wide range of actions, but the main goal is to combat parasitic organisms. The drug completely destroys all worms and their larvae, preventing relapses. Also from the body are derived products of the decay of vital activity of parasites, toxins and harmful compounds. After 14 days( complete course of therapy), traces of helminths are not found. The natural composition of Bactefree drops( ginger root, cedar extract, eucalyptus and jasmine) makes the product absolutely harmless. The drug not only does not harm the body, but also improves its functionality, strengthens the immune system.

    Read more about Bactefree

  • Piperazine. It is a harmless remedy that fights against ascarids and pinworms. Rarely when it causes side effects, but with a massive infection may not help.
  • Pirantele. These tablets have a broader spectrum of action. Can be assigned to kids from six months. Also help from pinworms and ascarids, they are also prescribed for ankylostomiasis and non-carotidosis.
  • Vermox. If the treatment of helminths in children is carried out with this drug, it is possible that the patient has several types of parasites at once. This medicine has a wide spectrum of action, it can cause side effects. Recommended for children from 2 years.
  • Decaris. This medication can be prescribed by a doctor if there is a suspicion of a mixed invasion. It also has a wide range of activities. Allowed at the age of 3 years. In case of massive infection, an unwanted reaction of the body may occur in the form of vomiting, cramps, abdominal pain, allergies, which is why the therapy should be carried out under the supervision of the doctor.
  • Nemosol. This strong drug is prescribed starting from two years. Its wide spectrum is disastrous for many types of worms. At its or his reception often there can be side effects from insignificant up to serious, especially at massive infecting. Intoxication is caused by the decay of dead worms, the more of them, the stronger the poisoning of the body. This drug is often prescribed for infection with several species of worms.

Which preparation for worms is better for children?

Any drug is prescribed depending on the type of the detected worm, the difference between a child and an adult is only in dosage. Parents often ask themselves when to give relatively harmless tablets against parasites for prophylaxis? Prophylactic reception can be justified in the following cases:

  • If the toddler often has contact with the ground, for example, likes to play in the sandbox.
  • Preparations against worms in children can cause an unwanted reaction of the body, but it is justified if a child often travels with parents to exotic countries.
  • If animals are present, preventive treatment should also be carried out.
  • If children are involved in sports such as football and beach volleyball, then they also need to undergo an examination from time to time.

Worms can be found not only in dysfunctional families, all children are at risk. That's why all parents need to take their children for examination. Preparations against helminths are simply necessary, as getting rid of them from worms is very difficult. Glaive invasion is a disease that, if untreated, can cause significant harm to the body.

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