Adenocarcinoma of the ovary: types, symptoms, stages, treatment and survival

In the ovaries tumors of various types, both malignant and benign, are formed. Malignant formations often have a glandular cancer or adenocarcinoma.

This tumor is an abnormal malignant glandular cell proliferation of ovarian tissues. Such formations are relatively rare, however, with early diagnosis they are quite good at treating.

Causes and Risk Factors of

There are many controversies regarding the causes of the occurrence of ovarian glandular cancer, however, oncologists identify certain factors that particularly affect the formation of such formations.

  1. Uncontrolled or prolonged use of oral contraception.
  2. Excess weight, obesity.
  3. Unfavorable ecological situation.
  4. Irradiation.
  5. Prolonged use of certain medications such as infertility medications;
  6. Hereditary genetic predisposition;
  7. Early monthly and later onset of menopause;
  8. Abuse of powder, talc, blush and other bulk agents of cosmetic use;
  9. Ligation of the fallopian tubes, removal of the ovary;
  10. Unhealthy diet;
  11. Irradiation.
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Therefore, it is especially important for such women to undergo a preventive gynecological examination every six months.

Symptoms of adenocarcinoma of the ovaries

The initial stages of adenocarcinoma development are hidden for the patients, and when the signs are manifested, it is rather difficult to suspect oncology on them.

  • One of the first manifestations of glandular ovarian cancer is the menstrual irregularities of , which are in the irregularity of the cycle, but since ovarian adenocarcinoma often occurs in women in pre-menopausal age, this irregularity is often written off to the onset of menopause.
  • Women also note not expressed tenderness and uncomfortable sensations in the lower area of ​​the peritoneum .
  • Often, the glandular cancer of is accompanied by disorders of intestinal activity such as flatulence or bloating of , premature saturation and a feeling of stomach fullness, functional digestive disorders.
  • When the tumor reaches a significant size, its can be detected by the palpation method.
  • With large sizes of formation, pressure on the intraorganic structures occurs, which causes difficulty in breathing and intestinal obstruction .
  • Some patients report the occurrence of pain with sexual contact .

When the disease reaches the peak of development, the woman changes her stomach shape, often suffers from shortness of breath, and lymph nodes increase markedly. Adenocarcinoma often metastasizes lymphogenically, spreading through distant organs.

Classification of species

Ovarian adenocarcinomas are classified according to histological features for serous and low-grade, papillary and mucinous, endometrioid and clear cell tumors.

Each of these varieties differs in their individual characteristics, so it is worth considering them separately.

Serous ovarian adenocarcinoma

Specialists consider this form of glandular ovarian cancer as the most aggressive variant of ovarian oncology. It usually develops on both ovaries.

Abnormally malignant cellular structures are capable of producing a serous secret, which is identical in composition to the fluid produced by the epithelial layer of the fallopian tubes. The structure of the tumor is characterized by the content of multi-chambered cystic formations.

  • Serous glandular cancer is characterized by large dimensions of tumors, up to giant ones.
  • The tumor is characterized by early metastasis and intensive growth, penetrates into other organs, especially the gland( tissue in the peritoneum), which is strongly associated with digestion and circulatory system. Therefore, in women with a similar form of ovarian cancer, there are accompanying disorders of digestive and circulatory activity, complicating the already serious condition of the patient.
  • Ascites are also a characteristic complication.
  • Serous glandular ovarian cancer occurs predominantly in middle-aged patients.


This type of ovarian oncology is characterized by low differentiation of cellular structures, which is expressed by the absence of pronounced tumor characteristics. A low-grade ovarian tumor is characterized by atypical cellular structures, their slow development and growth.


Approximately 80% of the cases of ovarian adenocarcinoma occur in the papillary type of formations.

This tumor is distinguished by a special structure of the internal structure, which consists in the presence of a capsule inside the lining of the papilliform epithelial layer and containing the liquid.

Such a structure often causes confusion in determining the type of tumor and complicates the diagnosis.

Therefore, when identifying such an adenocarcinoma, it is necessary to carefully study the structure of the formation and the nature of its contents, the degree of differentiation and defeat. Such a diagnostic approach will help distinguish ovarian glandular cancer from other formations.


Mucinous ovarian adenocarcinoma is characterized by the presence of cystic lesions in the tumor structure that are filled with mucoid-like contents. Cells can sprout into the abdominal cavity, then the metastases formed in it begin to actively release a large amount of mucous secretions.

Such a tumor differs in that there are many partitions inside it that form the, which allows to identify this type of ovarian adenocarcinoma. The most common mucinous form of the tumor in women after 30, and most often it has a two-sided nature of the lesion.

Clear cell

This type of adenocarcinoma is rare, accounting for only 3% of the total number of ovarian epithelial tumors.

A characteristic feature of these tumors is the variety of types of cellular structures such as carnation and transparent glycogen cells. This type of ovarian adenocarcinoma is considered to be the least studied today, although it is known that it is susceptible mainly to 50-year-old patients and older.

The light-celled type of cancer belongs to the high-quality oncology, it affects mainly one ovary, forming into a large pelvic formation .

It is difficult to diagnose clear cell adenocarcinoma, as it is often confused with other tumors.


Similar tumor has a carcinoma-like structure, characterized mainly by a cystic structure and filled with a thick brown substance.

Similar formations have a rounded shape and stem, are solid tumors and contain squamous epithelial foci.

Endometrioid adenocarcinomas of the ovary are found in patients older than 30 and in 15% are accompanied by a malignant oncology of the uterine body.

Such ovarian cancer develops rather slowly and asymptomatically, but with early detection has favorable predictions.

Stages of development of

The development of ovarian adenocarcinoma occurs in several stages:

  • In the first stage, the lesion is localized exclusively in the ovarian tissues and does not go beyond them;
  • In the second stage of the tumor process, the adenocarcinoma of the ovary grows into the abdominal cavity, confining itself to the low-tidal region;
  • In the third stage, glandular ovarian cancer metastasizes into the hepatic tissues and other organic structures of the abdominal location, as well as inguinal lymph nodes;
  • The fourth stage of adenocarcinoma is diagnosed in cases where there is remote metastasis in the cerebrospinal, pulmonary or bone tissues.

Quite often against the background of oncoprocess in the ovary inflammatory process develops, then the woman has a characteristic pulling soreness, which is difficult to attribute to cancer.

This is why ovarian adenocarcinoma is most often detected when metastases penetrate the hepatic tissues, which is accompanied by abundant accumulations of fluid in the abdominal cavity and characteristic protrusion of the abdomen.

Diagnosis of a tumor

Diagnostic studies are of the utmost importance in the detection of a dangerous pathology. The correct approach allows you to accurately determine the type of oncology and choose the most effective method of therapy, which significantly improves the survival of patients.

Any diagnosis begins with a medical examination and anamnesis. Then, if there is a suspicion of oncology, the gynecologist sends the woman for additional studies like:

  • Ultrasound examination of low-tidal organs;
  • Magnetic resonance and computed tomography;
  • Biopsies of tumor tissues, etc.

An important role is given to the detection of oncomarkers, although their specificity is not very high, therefore, analysis of the research of materials obtained by biopsy is considered as the most informative for today.

Therapy of pathology

The therapeutic approach is based on various nuances like the stage of the tumor process, its type and the general condition of the patient. Most often used methods of chemotherapy and surgical intervention.

In early detection, treatment is usually based on local removal of the primary tumor site, although more often the tumor is still removed along with the affected ovary.

In some cases, this technique is used as the main treatment( for example, when the operation is contraindicated).Usually, chemotherapy is based on the use of cytostatic medications that have antitumor activity.

At the end of the treatment the patient is under the constant supervision of the oncologist, in order to prevent a relapse and to undergo additional treatment in a timely manner.

Survival prognosis

Probability of survival at for ovarian cancer decreases with increasing stage of the tumor process.

A favorable outcome can be expected only when the therapy was performed correctly and in the first stage of the tumor process. At detection:

  • At the initial stage, the chances of survival are about 90%;
  • In the second stage - about 60%;
  • In the presence of metastases, only 10-16% of women survive.

For work, the forecasts are mostly favorable, because the absence of organs of the reproductive system does not affect the ability to work physically.

Avoid ovarian adenocarcinoma can:

  • Having abandoned unhealthy habits and consumption of foods with preservatives and carcinogenic additives;
  • Controlling weight;
  • Living in an environmentally friendly area.

In addition, it is necessary to treat any "female" pathologies in a qualified manner, carrying out medical appointments, and not to heal them by domestic methods, exposing themselves to unjustified risk.

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