Acupuncture points of the ear: with noise in the ears, to stimulate the work of organs

Alternative medicine has become very famous due to the effect on the body. Acupuncture of the ear is considered one of the most effective varieties of acupuncture. This procedure is capable of surprisingly affecting the organs, their systems.

Acupuncture of the ear

Exposure to certain points makes it possible to restore the correct operation of the organ on which acupuncture is performed. Also, this procedure helps reduce pain. The auricle has certain zones, points on which doctors have learned to exert influence.

Acupuncture of the ear is rightfully considered very effective because of the high sensitivity, the activity of points localized in the area of ​​this organ. This is the specific features that distinguish this procedure from other methods of acupuncture.

Scientists suggest treating the auricle in the form of an inverted embryo. They believe that it reflects each of the human organs. To carry out the procedure, the specialist needs needles that have different lengths:

instagram viewer
  • needle-buttons;
  • brackets;
  • locking needles.

Video about biologically active points on the ear and methods of their stimulation:

Methods of impact on the points

Through the ear passes a huge amount of energy meridians of the human body. Their beginning is noted in the area of ​​the external ear, the end is located in the same area.

When a specialist finds the point he needs, he will, through acupuncture, influence the organ that needs therapy.

Before you start acupuncture, you need to establish a reliable diagnosis. After that, the specialist starts to work.

The doctor feels the shell of the ear, using an instrument for this purpose, whose action is directed to the search for active points. Then the specialist introduces special needles to these points. If the pain increases in any area of ​​the body, then the point is recognized.

Special specialist determines the resistance of the dermis covering the ear. The pressure in the area that corresponds to the diseased organ is much lower than in the field of biological points corresponding to healthy organs. The master examines 2 ears, compares the data.

Having established active points, diagnosis, the doctor disinfects the auricle, selects suitable needles. Needles for the procedure can be made of gold, silver, various metals. Enter needles into the acupuncture points to a depth of about 2 mm.

In some cases, to enhance the expected effect, the master can increase irritation by current, cranking, inserted needle. Rotating clockwise is necessary to stimulate the work of the organ. To oppress the work of any organ, apply the rotation of the needle counter-clockwise.

The inserted needle in the ear is usually left for about 8 minutes. If the patient is very sensitive, the needle retention time is shortened. For a full course of therapy, 5 procedures are sufficient, breaks between them should be 2 days. In the ear, it is customary to administer 3 to 6 needles.

How acupuncture of the ear is performed, see in our video:

Acupuncture of the ear is performed by using different techniques:

  • technical methods of acupuncture;
  • su jokh + use of special seeds( vaccine).

VACCARIA seeds are applied to the ear( fastened with scotch tape).They are recommended to be worn for a different period( 2 days, 2 weeks).The duration of wearing seeds depends on the area, the disease to which the effect should be applied.

Also use ear buttons that have an adhesive backbone. They should be worn for up to one week, not longer.

Active points on the ear

Active points and zones

For correct procedure, it is necessary to know exactly the localization of bioactive points of acupuncture on the auricle. These points, the zones are localized on the dermis of the ear. Even the first session has a noticeable effect on the body, facilitates the course of the existing disease.

About 170 biologically active points were found in the ears. They have a direct connection with all organs available in the body. Most often, the projection is direct( the points on the left ear are responsible for the organs on the left, the points on the right ear are responsible for the organs on the right).Sometimes there is cross-projection.

From more than 100 active zones, usually masters pay attention to several tens, responsible for pain( dental, head), vision, joints.

On the cartilaginous surface located near the ear canal there are points that are responsible for:

  • intestine;
  • easy;
  • liver;
  • spleen;
  • bladder;
  • diaphragm;
  • heart;
  • pancreas;
  • of the kidney.

Ear reflexology helps to cope with problems in the field of the musculoskeletal system. Its points are localized at the top of the ear( in this area there are cartilaginous protrusions, curls).They are responsible for:

  • elbows;
  • the lower back;
  • knees;
  • toes stop;
  • wrists;
  • lumbar, cervical vertebrae;
  • fingers, hands.

If the organ is paired, it is necessary to exert an effect on both ears / in the ear from which the diseased organ is located.

On the photo active points and ear zones

Massage techniques

To get the benefit from acupuncture really, but in the event that the procedure is carried out by an experienced specialist. The master must pass specialized courses, practice in one of the eastern specialized centers. There are also certain techniques, after mastering which, one can independently carry out the treatment.

Basic massage methods:

  • rotational movement by means of palms;
  • rubbing;
  • rotational movements by means of fingers.

Massage will help to eliminate headaches, improve hearing, get a boost of energy.

For relaxation, you can use a toning massage. It is executed as follows:

  1. We erase the ear, performing circular motions.
  2. Press on the points located on the lobe, knead this area of ​​the ear with your fingers.
  3. Massage the thumb through the auricle( outer part).
  4. We pass the index finger inside the sink, press on the curls.
  5. Massage the BTE head region.
  6. We perform circular movements with the palms pressed to the ears.
  7. Click on the tragus.
  8. Stroke the bowl( clockwise).

After completing this massage, you can remove fatigue, tone up the body, get rid of the headache. Regular execution of the procedure will significantly improve health, restore the work of all organs and structures.

Ear massage - a simple method of action on active points:

What problems can be solved

Doctors use acupuncture ear for thousands of years. Such therapy is practiced in many countries. Thanks to the acupuncture of the ear, various effects can be exerted on the body, its separate organs:

  • Elimination of severe pain.
  • Recovering abnormalities that occurred in the functioning of the autonomic nervous system.
  • Elimination of allergies.
  • Restoration of mental disorders.
  • Enhances the effect of medications used.


Not all problems can be solved with acupuncture of the ear. In some cases, the procedure is contraindicated. Prohibited:

  1. Carry out therapy for cardiovascular disorders during exacerbation.
  2. to carry out the procedure in the presence of blood pathologies.
  3. Conduct procedures for menstruation.
  4. Perform acupuncture of the ear in the presence of neoplasms.
  5. Perform acupuncture during pregnancy.

The procedures performed will not have the necessary effect in the presence of systemic lesions.

Diagnostic value of

Many specialists, having studied the shape, condition of the ears, their shape, the thickness of the lobes, the size of the parts, the arrangement of depressions, curls, can indicate some malfunctions in the functioning of the body. Upon examination, the doctor can even detect an oncology, a predisposition to various dangerous pathologies:

  • sclerosis;
  • infarction;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • kidney anomalies;
  • pathology of the lungs.

After diagnosis, the specialist establishes the projection of all parts of the body on the ear. He notes the change in specific zones that are associated with one of the bodies. Changes in the ear shell usually manifest in:

  • peeling;
  • irritation;
  • flabbiness;
  • cyanosis;
  • rashes;
  • red.

With pathology of a particular organ, the patient will have painful active points on the ear. You can independently diagnose disorders in the body.

To do this, you need to probe a thin, non-sharp object with the auricle. Having felt pain, compare the detected point with a picture that shows the correspondence of human organs to acupuncture points.

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