Radoter against alcoholism: action, instruction, contraindications, consequences

The addiction to alcoholic beverages has long ceased to be just a bad habit. And chronic alcoholism is a terrible disease, the struggle with which sometimes takes years and decades. People who dream of curing a native person of a deadly addiction, go for everything - pharmacy medicines, folk recipes on herbs, dubious "fashionable" advertising media. But with all the abundance of anti-alcohol methods one of the most effective methods is considered to be tablets for subcutaneous implantation, in the people they are often called torpedoes. Or classical coding.


Radoter is a well-known medicine for the therapy of chronic alcoholism. The drug also has known analogues, which are used exclusively in narcological clinics, under the supervision of doctors. So, for example, earlier one of the leading "ingredients" of Radoter was a part of the Torpedo medicine, hence the national nickname for all medicines of this type).

The basis of the anti-alcohol drug is a chemical compound disulfiram, it is sometimes used in rehabilitation clinics and under its direct name. Today, there are more than 10 medicines on the anti-alcohol medical market, the main component of which( or one of the main) is disulfiram. All of them work on the same principle, and the way of application is the same.

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Is produced by Radoter in two forms:

  • classic tablets for oral administration;
  • tablets for implantations, which are sewn to the patient-alcoholic under the skin.

Indications for use

Radoter is included in the group of drugs, called "Remedies for alcoholism, toxic and addiction disorders correction".Since today there is no reliable and absolute means for getting rid of alcohol dependence, all the existing drugs are called to "correct" the disease.

Indications for the use of "Radoter" depend on one factor - the dosage form of the antialcoholic drug. Tablets for internal reception help to avoid breakdowns( relapses) during the traditional treatment of dependence, that is, they are a full part of complex anti-alcohol therapy.

The subcutaneous implantation implant is used as the main means for the therapy of chronic alcoholism. Also capsules for "sewing" can be used for chronic poisoning with nickel, for detoxification.

Mechanism of action

All means for correcting health problems with alcoholism are divided into 2 large groups according to the principle of action. This withdrawal symptoms of withdrawal symptoms or the formation of aversion to ethyl alcohol. Specifically, the preparation Radoter( as well as other drugs based on disulfiram) produces a sharply negative reaction of the body to alcohol poison - at the level of reflexes.


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Alcoholic immediately feels it on itself, instantly appear:

  • general malaise;
  • hot flashes( hot flashes, when the face turns red and sweat breaks);
  • repeated seizures of nausea and vomiting;
  • tachycardia;
  • the pressure drops rapidly.

If a person drinks a course of Radoter tablets or has undergone a shot, even the slightest "ethyl dose" will bring real anguish. Due to this effect, alcoholism should be formed. Even a chronic alcoholic after one or two such attacks will cease to perceive the next glass / glass as a pleasure, a pleasant pastime or even vitally necessary doping.

Instruction for use

The instruction on the use of antialcoholic medicine Radoter depends entirely on the form of release:

  • If these are traditional tablets for internal reception, then it is necessary to swallow them in the morning, on an empty stomach. After a dose of medicine must necessarily be a full breakfast. The mandatory dose at the beginning of therapy is 500 mg / day. By the end of the treatment course it is smoothly reduced 250-125 mg / day.

The duration of a single oral dose of Radoter is 48 hours. The decision on the duration of treatment and dosage is taken exclusively by the narcologist - based on tests, the patient's condition and the stage of alcohol dependence.

  • Standard dosage of tablets for implantation - 8 pieces per 100 g. Sew them in the left abdominal area, at a low level, so that the patient does not rub the place of the incision with a belt strap. It is necessary to accurately make 4 cuts and enter 2 tablets into the subcutaneous tissue, to a depth of 4 cm. Then an ordinary seam and a sterile bandage are applied.

Usually the first implantation is done for a short time. If the patient easily tolerates treatment and quietly refrains from alcohol for a specified period, the doctor may decide to re-sew. In this case, the terms are already increasing.

In addition, the duration of the injection intravenously long enough and after extraction - 5-9 months. This is because when sewing disulfiram begins to slowly suck in the blood, and at the time of "decoding" reaches a sufficiently high concentration.


Radoter is a very powerful medicine, therefore there are serious contraindications to its use.

First of all, these are chronic diseases:

  • cardiovascular pathologies in the severe stage( atherosclerosis of cerebral vessels, post-infarction or pre-infarction condition, aortic aneurysm, etc.);
  • endocrine disorders( thyrotoxicosis);
  • tuberculosis and bronchial asthma;
  • exacerbation of gastric or duodenal ulcer;
  • epilepsy;
  • neuropsychiatric disorders;
  • diabetes mellitus of both types;
  • polyneuropathy;
  • cancers;
  • renal and hepatic insufficiency;
  • pregnancy and lactation, etc.

It is also forbidden to use preparations based on disulfiram with individual intolerance. So, there is a clear list of relative contraindications. In this case, the doctor decides to appoint Radoter only if this is really a matter of life and death.

These semi-prohibitions include:

  • the retirement age of the patient is over 60;
  • peptic ulcer in remission;
  • endarteritis( arterial disease);
  • residual effects of cerebral circulation disorders;
  • if previously the patient had psychoses in the treatment of disulfiram drugs.

Side effects of

Side effects are not excluded when treating Radoter.

When using tablets for oral administration, such abnormalities may occur:

  • is an unpleasant metallic taste in the mouth;
  • liver damage( hepatitis);
  • neuropsychiatric disorders;
  • memory problems;
  • headaches;
  • disorientation in time and space;
  • general weakness;
  • allergic reactions to the skin;
  • polyneuropathy of the legs( sensitivity disorders, partial paralysis, etc.).

Following implantation of the Radoter tablets, the following complications are recorded:

  • suppuration of the site where the implant is inserted( due to friction, early removal of the joints);
  • rejection reaction( if tablets are not injected deep enough);
  • allergic reaction.

If you take a dose of alcohol during treatment, this can cause the following consequences:

  • heart rhythm disturbances;
  • edema of the brain;
  • myocardial infarction;
  • hemorrhagic stroke;
  • collapse( life-threatening condition, in which the pressure drops dramatically and the functioning of all vital organs is disrupted).

Reviews of patients and doctors say that after taking the drug, the dependent completely feels all the "delights" of alcohol intoxication. Nausea, vomiting, severe malaise - this is what helps to form an aversion to alcoholic beverages and rid of addiction.

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