Hemangioma in children and newborns: photo, causes, treatment, laser removal and surgical removal

Benign neoplasms like hemangiomas, which are formed from vascular tissues, often appear in newborns and older children. As a rule, the cause of hemangioma is anomalies of embryonic development of the vascular system.

Externally, the tumor looks cyanotic or purple-red, slightly rising above the skin, or a flat spot. Such tumors tend to bleed and actively increase in size.

According to statistics, hemangiotic formations are diagnosed in 1-3% of newborn babies and in every 10 children in the first 12 months of life, and girls are twice as likely as boys to have such education.

Although the tumor is not malignant, it can germinate deep, damaging the surrounding organs, which is fraught with dysfunctional consequences for the child's respiratory, visual and auditory system.

Classification of

All haemangiogenic tumors are divided into 4 varieties:

  • Capillary or simple hemangioma - it consists of a cluster of minute capillary vessels and is localized mainly on the skin surface. It is found in 95% of cases;
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Photo of capillary hemangioma in the lower eyelid of a newborn

  • Cavernous - localized subcutaneously and consists of a multitude of cavities filled with blood;

The photo clearly shows the appearance of cavernous hemangioma on the face of the child

  • Combined - this tumor has the characteristics of simple and cavernous hemangioma, while localizing in the subcutaneous layers and on the skin;

The photo clearly shows how the combined hemangioma in children looks

  • The mixed hemangiotic tumor has a multi-tissue structure and consists of lymphatic, nervous, vascular and connective tissue.

Causes of hemangioma in children

Hemangiogenic vascular formations appear in infants and children for a variety of reasons:

  • Late motherhood, when a woman gives birth at a fairly mature age;
  • Pathologies during child bearing;
  • Fattening of twins, triplets, etc.;
  • Birth of a child before the due date;
  • Aggressive or unfavorable environmental living environment of a pregnant woman;
  • Relapse or exacerbation in a pregnant pathology of an endocrine nature;
  • If in the first 6 months of bearing the baby the mother had an infection with a viral origin;
  • Abuse of certain medicines.

How can you understand that a child has hemangioma?

Sometimes, outwardly, a hemangiogenic tumor has a similarity to a mole. Therefore, it is important to distinguish between similar neoplasms. As it was reported above, hematopoietic tumors are detected immediately after birth or in the first half of the baby's life. Usually in children, the haemangiogenic tumors are located:

  • On the scalp, mainly on the occipital part and neck;
  • On the face, eye, eyelids, forehead, nose, lip and cheeks;
  • On limbs of hands and feet, as well as on the priest, belly and back;
  • On mucous tissues of the tongue, lips, genitals or anus;
  • Bone vertebral and cranial tissues;
  • On inorganic surfaces, for example liver.

Photo of a flat( capillary) hemangioma on the nose in a newborn

For hemangiomas in children, there are two stages of development:

  1. Proliferative is a stage of growth, it can last up to six months, during this time the tumor practically grows to its final parameters.
  2. Involutional is a stage of reverse development, in half of cases it comes to an end at the age of five children. By the approach of 9 years already in 90% of children the end of the involutionary period is observed. Not always at the end of the involution, the site where hemangioma was previously located will be indistinguishable from healthy tissues. Sometimes on these areas there are small scars and scars.

Hemangiogenic formations may rise slightly above the epithelial surface or be level with it. The sizes of such tumors range from 0.1 to 15 cm. When touched, it feels that they are somewhat hotter than the surrounding surfaces.

Characteristics of the formation of

The types of hemangiomas differ not only in structure but also in their external characteristics:

  • Simple hemangioma looks flat, sometimes with a sharply defined spot of a cyanotic-red hue, when pressed on the capillary tumor, its color turns pale, but it quickly becomes saturated after cessationpressure;
  • Cavernous varieties of hemangiomas differ in their typical bluish tinge. With the tension of surrounding tissues or during a strong crying, such a hemangioma will become brighter and slightly larger, but then it will again acquire the original shades and sizes;
  • Combined formations combine the signs of cavernous and simple hemangiomas;
  • Mixed hemangiogenic tumors manifest themselves depending on the prevalence of a particular type of tissue in them.

Features of childhood tumors

Hemangioma in children may be characterized by progressive growth. If such a tumor is localized in the nose or eyelid, visual or respiratory function may be impaired. In addition, such tumors are prone to ulceration, bleeding, infection, which can lead to a variety of complications such as lymphadenitis, etc.

Approximately ⅔ of clinical cases are characterized by hemangiogenic regression. It may take several years for complete resorption. Most tumors resolve to 7 years of age.

With early regression after hemangioma, there are no traces, but if the tumor resolves to younger school age, then in its place remains a minor trace. If the hemangioma is characterized by an innate origin, then it acquires a chronic form and, during its development, does not grow particularly and does not tend to disappear. A similar picture is most typical for teenagers.

What is the danger of a tumor?

Essentially, hemangiogenic tumors do not pose a danger to the child, but it has destructive activity.

In the process of germination deep into tissues, the tumor can reach the vital organs and lead to disruption of their activity.

Therefore, such formations are recommended to be deleted sooner.


For diagnostics, modern laboratory and hardware methods are used such as:

  • Dermatoscopy;
  • Ultrasound diagnosis( ultrasound);
  • Angiographic study;
  • If necessary, CT, X-ray, MRI.

Treatment methods

Treatment of hemangiogenic formations depends on their development and depth of germination deep into tissues. If such an education is superficial, does not expand, does not threaten the health of the child, then an observational tactic is chosen.

If the tumor obviously complicates the life of the child, placed on the eyelid, at the mouth or in the airways, then it must be removed. Indication for removal is also the propensity of formation to bleeding, ulceration or traumatism.


Surgical manipulations for today are the most effective treatment option. Indication for such treatment is:

  1. Location of the tumor in the head, anogenital zone, on the face;
  2. With intraocular location or localization on the oral mucosa;
  3. In case of complications;
  4. With progressive growth of education, regardless of its location.

If there are such factors, tumor removal is indicated, but it can not be removed for children with serious health problems and newborn babies. In general, the removal is carried out in several ways:

  • Surgical removal is indicated for large-scale tumor placement;
  • Laser therapy is today considered to be the most effective and relatively accessible method of treating hemangiotic tumors. The average price of such treatment is about one and a half to two thousand rubles;
  • Cryotherapy assumes freezing of vascular hemangioma with liquid nitrogen. Such a method can not be applied on the face;
  • Sclerozirovanie assumes an infusion into the formation of a special solution, which provokes vascular blockage and deprives the swelling of the food;
  • Moxibustion involves the removal of formation by electrical action( diathermocoagulation effect);
  • Radiation X-ray therapy involves irradiation of hemangioma.

The deleted materials are sent to histology as far as possible.

Postoperative period

When the haemangiogenic formation is removed, the child may be prescribed antibiotics. The wound must be treated daily with antiseptic means.


In case of complicated hemangioma, medical methods of treatment involving hormonal therapy and use of Propranolol are used. Preparations of hormonal origin accelerate resolving tumor processes. But such treatment is not distinguished by high performance indicators, but there are many unfavorable consequences.

The use of blockers like Propranolol helps reduce pressure in the vessels of the tumor, causing its nutrition to deteriorate, and the formation begins to die. Such treatment is characterized by high efficiency and the absence of repeated formation of hemangiotic tumors.

Photo before and after treatment of vascular hemangioma in infants, with the drug - timolol

Many specialists recommend treating hemangioma with drops against glaucoma. Three times a day on the tumor drip solution for a long time, but after two or three weeks of use there is a clear pallor of the hemangioma.

Folk remedies

Traditional healers offer to treat hemangioma with dandelion infusion, celandine, tea mushroom, juice of green walnuts or mummies and other means.

Self-use of any folk remedies, especially when treating a child, is unacceptable. Therefore, any actions of this nature necessarily require medical advice.


Approximately in every seventh child, there is a progression of hemangiotic tumors, which subsequently begin reverse development, lasting for years. As a result, the tumor can dissolve with excellent cosmetology, although there is often a small depigmented area or a small hem.

Video of Dr. Komarovsky on hemangioma in newborns:

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