Louse( pediculosis): symptoms, causes, treatment, photo bites

The louse is a specific parasite, which is a product of the evolution of head lice( not to be confused with pubic lice).The peculiarity of such a parasite is to change its "habits", it lives on clothes, not on the body. The feet of the louse are unable to hold on to the hairs on the human body.

Features of the disease

Difference from the head lice

The favorite habitat of this parasite are old blankets, pillows, bed linen, seams of clothing. Louse lice have a number of differences from the head relatives. These differences are in:

  • color. In the wardrobe, it is yellow-white, and the head is brown, gray, yellow with dark patches on the sides;
  • excellent cold tolerance;
  • by a parasitic environment( creases of clothing, not hair);
  • appearance.

This evolved parasite causes a person such a disease as a pediculosis. After their bites, the patient has a skin lesion that manifests itself in the form:

  • papules;
  • blisters that have a blood crust in the center;
  • pigmented spots.
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Lice bite looks( photos)

Habitat and appearance of parasites

Flesh lice prefer:

  • unsanitary conditions;
  • pleasant perfume fragrances;
  • natural fabrics( linen, cotton).

You can infect this parasite anywhere:

  • in a hotel;
  • on the market( after fitting the clothes).

This parasite is very tenacious. He can live in an open environment for several days. It starts to multiply only after it gets into the habitual environment. The louse reproduces very rapidly, for a lifetime( about 35 days) it lays about 300 eggs.

Eggs are elongated and their size is only 0.5 mm. To clothing eggs( they are called nits) are attached due to the sticky substance with which their shell is covered. They mature because of the warmth of the human body. Complete larval maturation occurs after three lines. The size of the larva is 1.5-2 mm, outwardly they are similar to adults.

Next, we will tell you about where the louse-lice come from.

About what a pediculosis is, this video will tell:

Causes of occurrence of

Ways of spread of lice are:

  1. Continuous bodily contact with the carrier of parasites .The speed of movement of these insects is meager( about 20 cm / min).They crawl from the clothes of the sick person to the clothes of the healthy.
  2. Places of mass congestion of people .The parasite is transmitted in educational institutions, kindergartens, public transport.
  3. Fitting clothes in the natural markets for second-hand clothes( second hand).

Symptoms of

The appearance of clothing lice is indicated by the same symptoms that are known to all head lice. To such attributes carry:

  1. Presence of traces from bites which usually heal independently after 4 days.
  2. The occurrence of severe itching at the site of the bite and around it. In the wound the parasite injects an anesthetic secret, because of which the blood does not fold.
  3. Appearance( in some cases) of an allergic reaction. Usually an allergy is accompanied by a rash on the dermis. In more severe cases, there may be nausea, fever, headache, digestive system disorders.
  4. Appearance of bluish spots on the dermis with a large number of bites.
  5. The onset of insomnia, nervous disorders due to constant itching.

Parasite bites are more often observed in such places:

  • neck;
  • waist;
  • armpits;
  • shoulders;
  • small of the back;
  • back( its upper part).

These are the symptoms that indicate infection with clothing lice. Find them is very difficult, because she is hiding in the folds of clothing. Therefore, if a scratch is found, the wound on the dermis should be visited by a dermatologist.

On how to detect clothing lice, we will tell below.


The basis of diagnostics is the detection of characteristic damages on the body, and on clothes of nits, living parasites. About the remedy for clothing lice read below.

About the inspection for clothing lice will tell this video:

Treatment of lice

Treatment of lice pediculosis takes a little time, but it is advisable to apply to the health services. Specialists will appoint special means for processing the room, and will also advise a suitable remedy for the patient.

Drug and therapeutic methods

To get rid of the lice, you need to process:

  • all things;
  • body.

Handling things

Handling things is:

  1. Collecting all infected things.
  2. Washing in a washing machine at a maximum temperature with the addition of vinegar or insecticide. In the absence of such an opportunity, it is advisable to take advantage of dry cleaning services.
  3. Carry out dressing in steam-formalin chambers.
  4. To hang clothes in the cold( in winter).Keep the laundry for at least a week at a temperature below -20 ° C.
  5. After washing, the laundry should be ventilated for 2 weeks.
  6. It is recommended to boil all the things of the patient.
  7. You can put things sick with pediculosis in a tight package, insert inside the package anti-medication( "Sulphidosis", "Carbophos").

For the destruction of lice, you can use such effective means:

  • "MediFox".
  • "Pediline".
  • "NOC".
  • Carbofos.
  • "Bubil".

Treatment of the body with a pediculicide agent consists of the following:

  1. Thorough washing of the body.
  2. Application of a pediculicide.
  3. Body washout with soap.
  4. Dressing new clothes, which are pre-ironed with a hot iron.

Bite treatment

Bite treatment:

  1. For the treatment of epithelial injuries, you can use balsam "Rescuer", "Asterisk".
  2. The histamine is used for allergy.
  3. Antibacterial, disinfectants are used in the development of complications of pediculosis, which are manifested in the form of pustular lesions.

Sprays, lotions, shampoos are used to treat the body. Very effective means against lice on the body are:

  • "Pair Plus";
  • «Nit Free»;
  • "Nittifor".

These drugs are applied to the body, especially the affected areas of the epithelium. After applying the remedy for lice should turn polyethylene. After the specified time, the product is washed off.

On how to get rid of at home from such ailment as clothing lice, read below in the article.

At home

You can get rid of lice with the help of folk remedies. Unambiguously, there will be such methods:

  1. Hanging tansy in places of drying, ventilation clothing. Decoction with tansy can rinse the body after bathing. The smell of this plant is not tolerated by parasites.
  2. For wounds to heal the affected areas, it is recommended to lubricate with an ointment prepared at home. Its components are: baby cream, pork fat, roots of white cheremica, angelica( dry).
  3. To kill nits, you can use the acid of cranberry juice.
  4. Bed linen can be disinfected by 20% kerosene soap solution, emulsion of carbophos( 0.15%).

Prevention of the disease

  • To avoid the emergence, reproduction of lice, you need to monitor the purity of the hair, the body. Compliance with hygiene is considered in this case the best method of prevention.
  • Clothes must be washed in time, changed.
  • It is recommended to avoid a place with a high risk of infection with pediculosis.
  • It is not desirable to wear other people's things, underwear.

How to protect yourself from parasites like clothes lice, this video will tell:

Complications of

In case of prolonged illness, the following types of complications may occur with lice:

  • ulcerative epithelial lesions;
  • nerve disorders;
  • development of allergic reactions;
  • typhus.


If you carry out activities aimed at destroying louse head correctly, then the prognosis of a pediculosis is good. If you do not start treating this problem, lice can multiply for several years. Negligent attitude towards the disease is dangerous by the development of complications.

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