Coding from alcoholism pricking: names, types, principle of action, feedback

Alcoholism ruined an innumerable number of lives, however, if the alcoholic still has a drop of desire to get rid of addiction, then an injection can help him. This method of treatment of alcoholism today is quite popular and is actively used in narcology. According to statistics, such a simple procedure like a shot from alcoholism, is highly effective and has a low rate of recurrence.

Encoding from alcoholism by pricking

Encoding with a stab from alcohol dependence requires the introduction of a specialized drug to an alcoholic. Anti-alcohol injections have many advantages, but to maximize the effectiveness of therapy with such injections, experts recommend combining the encoding with injections with psychotherapy.

Among the most obvious advantages of this injection are particularly prominent:

  • The long-term technique. The injections are usually characterized by a long therapeutic effect. After all, this is not a tablet taking money, which you can skip or forget to take the medicine. The drug is injected and begins to act, so the likelihood of recovery from alcohol dependence is highest.
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  • Injection can be done to patients of any age, taking into account contraindications of an individual character.
  • Injection coding is much more convenient than any kind of binder. It is easier to make and there is no need to make a skin incision.

The injection does not affect the physical condition of the patient as long as the patient complies with the requirements of alcohol therapy and does not take hot drinks.

Principle of operation

The mechanism of action of this injection is simple. First the alcoholic is explained how the injected drug will influence and what awaits him if the prohibition on alcohol consumption is violated. Then the narcologist injects the drug into the liver, vein, muscle, etc. While the patient does not drink, he does not feel any disturbances in the state of health, however, when using even meager doses of ethanol, the alcoholic develops a pronounced reaction accompanied by very unpleasant consequences, such as severe intoxication andawful hangover syndrome. In view of this, injections are also called a "hot shot".

  • Problems with stool;
  • Nausea and vomiting;
  • Convulsive muscle contraction;
  • Symptoms of arrhythmia or palpitations;
  • Pressure jumps;
  • Headaches, dizziness, migraines, etc.

It is about such consequences that an alcoholic is warned beforehand before injection. In general, the therapeutic effect of such coding is based on the psychological and chemical prohibition of drinking.

A shot from alcoholism can cause an alcoholic such an effect. :

  • The patient is afraid to take another portion of alcohol.
  • Aversion to alcohol develops.
  • In the process of forced sober life there is a rethinking of life values.
  • Gradually the alcoholic gets used to a sober life.
  • As a result, the patient tries to adhere to sobriety further, even after the end of the injection.

Types of

There are several types of anti-alcohol injections that have different names and are introduced into different parts of the body: the muscles, the veins, the liver, the scapula or the skin, etc. Medications with disulfiram or preparations like MST or SIT, etc.,Each drug is prescribed taking into account individual contraindications, therefore such coding should be carried out on the recommendation and under the supervision of a specialist. A preliminary before the coding to remove the hangover syndrome is often used a hot shot, representing a mixture of vitamins and magnesia.


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Into a vein

About intravenous injection coding, specialists have a dual opinion, however, no one denies its effectiveness and the simultaneous danger. Such treatment of alcoholism has a strong influence on brain activity and can provoke mental disorders like confusion of consciousness, hallucinations and psychoses. Especially often patients in a vein do Disulfiram. With such coding, it is necessary that the alcohol dependent does not have serious pathologies.

This drug lasts for 1-3 years, depending on the volume of injection. The most effective is the encoding for the year.

Intravenous coding can cause such complications:

  • Hot flashes and chills;
  • Cardialgia or heart pain;
  • Fear of dying;
  • Bright heart;
  • Sudden vegetative vascular dystonia.

Approximately after an hour after intravenous injection, the severity of adverse reactions decreases and the alcoholic begins to sleep. To consume alcohol after such an injection is absolutely impossible, because the consequences are most unpredictable, up to a lethal outcome. With such encoding, various drugs are used that have the following names: Chemical protection, Esperal, Vivtrol, Algominal, Aquiling, etc. The cost of the procedure depends on the encoding period and the drug used and is about 3000-5000 rub.


The safest coding, from those injections that do against alcoholism. Intramuscular injections almost never cause side effects and can be done at home. Usually, drugs like Vivitrol, Esperal, Delphisone, etc. are used. The cost of coding depends on the drug chosen and the duration of the effect and is approximately 2000-8000 rub.


A similar technique involves subcutaneous injection of the drug into the scapula, that is, in fact, represents a prick under the scapula. The drug is a gel, which after administration for several days is encapsulated, which is often accompanied by general hyperthermia. The action of the drug is similar to the rest of the methods, as is the cost.

In the liver

Injection in this situation does not involve the introduction of the drug directly into the liver. The mechanism of action here is somewhat different. The patient is given a drug that blocks the production of liver enzymes necessary for the implementation of the decomposition of ethanol. As a result, there is a response in the form of intoxication, manifested by the traditional symptoms of alcohol poisoning( vomiting, dizziness, etc.).

Under the shovel

No less effective is considered an injection under the shoulder blade, which is often called a filing. The procedure is accompanied by discomfort and painful sensations, therefore it is not very revered among patients. Often, before the injection, the patient is additionally treated with an anesthetic. Introduced disulfiram, which blocks the organic ability to process ethanol, as a result, the patient immediately after alcohol deteriorates the condition, which is not amenable to treatment and lasts long.

The drug injected under the scapula is absorbed very slowly, so the effectiveness of this encoding is quite long. The principle of treatment is based on the fact that when using alcohol, a patient does not receive pleasure from such a process, but, on the contrary, feels weak and sick. This fact makes further drunkenness simply meaningless.

The price of the question is determined by the variety of the drug and its dosage. For example, Esperal-gel, introduced under the shoulder blade and operating for 1-5 years, will cost 3500-5500 rubles.


There are several hard contraindications to the encoding for the injection:

  • Pregnancy.
  • Nervous-systemic or mental illnesses such as epilepsy or dissociative disorders, etc.
  • Abstinent state.
  • Exacerbated infectious pathologies.
  • To the cores.

To avoid undesirable consequences, it is recommended that the sober regime be observed for several days before the injection coding.

Consequences of

The consequences of this encoding may be different, because alcohol dependence also affects the subconscious of the alcoholic, which is manifested by the persistent unwillingness of the alcohol dependent to be cured, and the circumstances and pressure of household members lead him to the narcologist. In such situations, the injection may not be useful or the therapeutic effect will be short-lived. Therefore, for the success of such treatment for alcoholism, it is extremely important that the patient has his own desire and goal of recovery.

If there is no such an interest in the alcoholic, then getting rid of alcoholism will not help any injection and the alcoholic breaks and again stinks.

The effectiveness of

According to most narcologists, the most effective is the double coding, which is an injection, combined with psychotherapeutic sessions. Such an approach to the treatment of alcoholism can simultaneously eliminate the psychological and physiological dependence on alcohol. If you follow all the recommendations for the period of the drug, you can completely restore alcohol-damaged health.

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