Intracranial translocation( ICT) from alcoholism: types, stages, reviews

Intracranial( intracranial) translocation( ICT) is used as an auxiliary, and as an independent technique. The procedure is carried out with the consent of the patient, an important condition for success is the observance of 5 days of absolute sobriety.

Method of intracranial translocation of

Encoded by intracranial translocation from 1 year to 5 years. Repeat the procedure can be repeated without harm to health. The main condition, in which there are no side effects, is a complete refusal to take alcohol.

Stall is quite dangerous. Taking the smallest amount of alcohol can cause unpredictable changes in the activity of vital brain centers:

  • respiratory - stopping breathing;
  • motor - cause seizures;
  • cardiovascular - provoke changes in the rhythm of the heart.

The effect of intracranial translocation coding can be reversed. To do this, it is necessary to carry out a procedure that activates the nerve centers that have undergone treatment.

Mechanism of Influence of ICT

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The method of intracranial translocation is based on the ability of brain nerve cells( neurons) to transmit information through electrical impulses.

Acting on the nerve centers of the cerebral cortex by electromagnetic variable fields, modulate the activity of neurons, achieving a reduction in the craving for alcohol.

Electromagnetic radiation causes currents in the neural tissues of the brain capable of depolarizing neurons, changing the charges of neurons.

The depth of the electromagnetic field on the structure of the brain is set by changing the voltage, the frequency of stimulation. The effect of the magnetic field depends on the duration of processing of the neurons of the cortex, the wavelength of electromagnetic radiation.


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Why is the ICT method used when encoding from alcohol? Alcohol refers to depressants, molecules of ethyl alcohol have the ability to suppress, inhibit the transmission of nerve impulses. The electromagnetic field, modulating the signal transmission between nerve cells, has an antidepressant effect.

Low-intensity electromagnetic currents are used to treat alcohol dependence. The choice of dose is carried out individually.

Types of

Coding is performed on an outpatient basis and in a hospital setting. It is advisable to be treated in a hospital, this ensures the safety of the procedure, ensures that the patient does not consume any beverages, food products containing alcohol.

Layer translocation of

The layered intracranial translocation or PICT is used in the most difficult cases of alcohol dependence, when all other methods did not give a positive result. It is enough 2-3 sessions of PICT with an interval between them in 2 weeks to get rid of alcoholic dependence for the set term.

Each new treatment affects the deeper layers of nerve centers responsible for cravings for alcohol. Such layer-by-layer treatment gives a more pronounced and persistent effect.


The method of coding for alcoholism by the method of dislocation or ICDT is a double effect on the nerve centers of the brain. They process electromag- netic radiation sites connected with alcohol dependence, and also stimulate the centers responsible for adapting a person to life under stress, mobilizing hidden reserves of the body.

Stages of

The duration of the procedure is from 20 minutes to 1 hour. The action of the program provides for decoding at will of the patient. To fix the result, they resort to coding using the Dovzhenko method, instilling an aversion to alcohol at the unconscious level.

Carrying out the procedure

For coding, special equipment is used, the patient lies on the couch during the procedure or sits. Treatment of the brain with electromagnetic radiation occurs with the help of a helmet, which is put on the head.

During the session, the effect is also influenced by sound stimuli, light, auto-training, drug administration.

Provocation of

Provocation is carried out to determine how effectively the treatment is performed. The patient is offered to drink 10 grams of vodka and examine the body's response to alcohol intake.

If no negative changes occur in the near future, the coding is recognized as perfect and the patient is sent home.

In the event that a patient's pulse becomes frequent, his breathing changes, symptoms of intoxication appear, and the observation is stopped. The patient is provided with the necessary help, injects drugs that neutralize alcohol. After stabilization of the state, the coding procedure is repeated.

Advantages and contraindications

The method of intracranial translocation in the fight against alcoholism has such advantages:

  • In compliance with all the requirements of narcologists, intracranial coding is safe for health.
  • Because of the possibility of paradoxical reactions from the brain, the use of alcohol during the encoding process is completely impossible.
  • Treatment is anonymous.
  • Coding can be repeated many times.

With all the advantages of the ICT method, one should not forget about contraindications:

  • Epilepsy;
  • mental illness;Atrial fibrillation;
  • craniocerebral trauma.


ICT encoding is not currently widely used. The mechanism of action on the brain of electromagnetic radiation has not been fully studied in order to predict all possible changes in the body caused by coding.

Opinions in the assessment of the phenomenon are divided. There are unconditionally positive reviews, and, on the contrary, denying not only the effect of coding, but also considering ICTs to be hazardous to health.

But even the most stubborn skeptics admit that the method works, the coding time is respected. Disruptions with this method of treatment of alcohol dependence are much less. Perhaps this is due to an integrated approach to solving the problem.

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