Statistics of oncological diseases in Russia by region and world

With a disease like cancer - do not brag. Everyone knows about this terrible pathology. But even more frightening is the fact that it has become much larger. There are no exact data for 2015 yet, but during the last five-year period, certain pathology trends can be traced to an increase.

Statistics of patients with oncology in Russia

Patients who have an oncological tumor are on special account with an oncologist, and the fact which stage and form of the disease is of no particular importance. Such a record includes all cancer patients.

In which regions is the higher risk of dying from cancer?

Over the past few years, the number of oncological pathologies has increased significantly in poor African countries, in East Asia and Russia. Within the framework of our country, the highest percentage of oncology is recorded in regions with highly developed industry, which is caused by insufficient ecology.

On the map the rating of oncological diseases is given by regions of Russia - information statistics for 2014

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World rating

If to speak about statistics on a global scale, annually diagnoses cancer in 10 million representatives of the world population .

It turns out that every day, 27,000 people have cancer, and 1,5 thousand of them are diagnosed by Russians. And this is only officially diagnosed oncological pathologies, and how many people still do not know about the disease, it remains to guess.

Structure of oncological diseases in Russia

Oncological processes of skin are more often diagnosed, then other lesions follow. The most common is melanoma, then other localizations.

General structure of organs:

  • 11.4% - falls on breast cancer;
  • 10,6% - tumors of bronchi, trachea or lungs;
  • 7.1% - gastric neoplasm;
  • 5.6% - prostate tumors;
  • 5.1% - lesions of the rectum;
  • 4.7% - lymphatic tissues, hematopoiesis system;
  • 4,2% - uterine tumors;
  • 3.8% - neoplasms in the kidney;
  • 2.9% - pancreatic tumors;
  • 2.9% - cervical cancer;
  • 2,8% - education in the bladder;
  • 2,6% - oncology of ovaries.

Among male patients, the morbidity structure is as follows:

  • 18.6% - tracheal or bronchopulmonary tumors;
  • 12,2% - prostatic formations;
  • 11.3% - skin;
  • 8.9% - gastric oncology;
  • 6.1% - lesions of the colon.

The oncological pathologies of the following organs are similar in men to the general structure.

In women, the prevalence of oncology relative to the organs looks somewhat different:

  • 20.8% - oncology of the mammary glands;
  • 16.3% - cutaneous neoplasm;
  • 7.6% - oncological processes in the uterus;
  • 7.2% - lesions in the colon;
  • 5.6% - swelling of the uterine neck;
  • 4.7% - ovarian formations.

The highest percentage of clinical cases falls on the age category over 70.

As for young patients under 30, the following oncology prevails in them:

  • 32,4% - oncological processes in the lymphatic system or hemopoiesis;
  • 9.8% - nervous system tumors;
  • 7.2% - cervical cancer;
  • 6.8% - education in the thyroid gland;
  • 4.4% - ovarian tumors;
  • 4,2% - lesions of the bone system.

As for the 30-59-year-old age group, the oncological morbidity in them is as follows:

15.8% - oncology of the mammary glands;
  • 10.2% - bronchopulmonary or tracheal cancers;
  • 10.1% - formation of the skin;
  • 6.6% - gastric tumors.
  • The specialists also determined the average age of the patients, which in men is 64 years, and in women 63. Fortunately, this indicator has an increasing tendency, that is, cancer processes develop in patients at a later age than in the old years.

    Mortality from malignant neoplasms

    About 8 million patients die of cancer every year from oncology.

    In Russia, dies about 300,000 cancer patients a year, almost 47% of them are women, and 53% of deaths occurred in the male population of .

    Statistics of male cancer mortality in Russia are as follows:

    • 26.9% - bronchopulmonary formations and tracheal tumors;
    • 12.3% - gastric oncology;
    • 7.2% - tumors of the urinary system;
    • 7.1% - prostatic neoplasms;
    • 5.6% - pancreatic cancer processes;
    • 5,3% - formation of the oral cavity or on the lips.

    As for the female population of Russia, the picture of mortality from oncology looks somewhat different:

    • 17.4% - deaths occur in breast cancer;
    • 10.2% - gastric tumors;
    • 9.8% - dies from oncology in the colon;
    • 6.7% - from bronchopulmonary or tracheal tumor processes, as much from tumors in the rectum or ovarian cancer;
    • 5.4% - a cancerous tumor of the uterus and the same amount of cervical cancer.

    Oncology in children

    Unfortunately, the incidence among children is also increasing yearly. In 2012 in oncological dispensaries there were about 19-20 thousand children under 17 years of age, and the share of 0-4-year-olds is about 15 thousand patients. Annually, oncology is diagnosed in 2.7-3.4 thousand children under 17 years of age.

    In general, the incidence of children with oncological pathologies is structured as follows:

    • 46.6% - accounted for hemoblastoses - tumor processes in lymphatic tissues and hematopoiesis;
    • 17,3% - spinal tumors and formations in the brain;
    • 7.4% - renal tumors;
    • 5.8% - sarcomas( malignant connective tissue formations);
    • 4.9% - cartilaginous and bony neoplasms;
    • 3,4% - eye cancer.

    As for infant mortality, for example, in 2012, cancer killed almost a thousand small lives. If we talk about the overall structure of mortality, then cancer accounts for about 4.5% of child deaths.

    Cure statistics after treatment

    In oncological pathologies, the survival rate is usually measured in five-year periods, in other words, if the patient lived after therapy for 5 or more years, then he survived the disease.

    Survival largely depends on the stage of oncology at the time of its diagnosis:

    • With cancer detected at stage I, survival is more than 92%;
    • For oncology of the II degree, 76% survival rate is characteristic;
    • In tumors in stage III, survival is 56%;
    • Only 12% of patients survive the IV stage of cancer after treatment.

    Unfortunately, every 8-10 patients with established oncological pathology are forced to refuse therapy because of financial insolvency. And about a fifth of Russians who implicate cancer are simply afraid to turn to specialists, postponing oncologist's visit to the last, when pathology will be incurable.

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