Sarcoma - what is this disease: symptoms, photos, causes, types, treatment and prognosis

The nature of malignant tumors is very diverse. There are many different forms of cancers that differ in structure, degree of malignancy, origin and type of cells. One of the dangerous formations is the sarcoma, which will be discussed.

What is this disease?

Sarcoma is a malignant tumor process that comes from connective tissue cellular structures.

Localization of

This kind of tumors does not have any strict localization, since connective tissue elements are present in all structures of the body, therefore sarcomas can arise in any organ.

In the photo you can see what the initial stage of Kaposi's sarcoma

looks like. The danger of sarcoma is also that this tumor in a third case affects young patients under 30 years old.

Classification of

Sarcoma has many classifications. In accordance with the origin of sarcomas are divided:

  • On tumors originating from hard tissues;
  • Of soft tissue structures.

On the degree of malignancy, sarcomas are divided into:

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  1. High-quality - rapid division and growth of tumor cell structures, few stroma, widely developed vascular system of the tumor;
  2. With low malignancy - cell division occurs with low activity, they differentiate perfectly, the content of tumor cells is relatively low, there are few vessels in the tumor, and stroma, on the contrary, is many.

Depending on the type of tissue, sarcomas are classified into osteosarcomas, reticulosarcomas, chondrosarcomas, cystosarcomas, liposarcomas, etc.

The degree of differentiation of sarcomas is divided into several varieties:

  • GX - it is impossible to determine the differentiation of cellular structures;
  • G1 is a highly differentiated sarcoma;
  • G2 - moderately differentiated sarcoma;
  • G3 - a low-grade sarcoma;
  • G4 - undifferentiated sarcomas.

Cell differentiation involves the determination of the type of cells, the type of tissue to which they belong, etc. With a decrease in cell differentiation, the malignancy of sarcoma formation increases.

With the growth of malignancy, the tumor begins to increase intensively, which leads to increased infiltration and an even faster development of the tumor process.

Causes of

The exact causes of sarcoma have not been established, however, scientists have established a link between certain factors and the tumor.

  1. Heredity, genetic conditioning, the presence of chromosomal pathologies;
  2. Ionizing radiation;
  3. Carcinogenic effects such as cobalt, nickel, or asbestos;
  4. Abuse of ultraviolet with frequent visits to the solarium or a prolonged stay under the scorching sun;
  5. Viruses such as papillomavirus, herpesvirus, HIV or the Epstein-Barr virus;
  6. Harmful production associated with the chemical industry or refining;
  7. Immune abnormalities that cause the development of autoimmune pathologies;
  8. Presence of precancerous or benign processes;
  9. Prolonged nicotine dependence;
  10. Hormonal failures in the process of puberty, which lead to intensive growth of bone structures.

Similar factors cause uncontrolled division of cellular connective tissue structures. As a result, abnormal cells form a tumor and germinate into neighboring organs and destroy them.

Symptoms of sarcomas of various organs

Clinical manifestations of sarcoma differ according to the specific form of the tumor, its location, the degree of development of the sarcoma.

The first stage of the tumor process usually reveals a rapidly progressive formation, but with its development, the neighboring structures are also involved in the tumor process.

Abdominal cavity

Sarcomas formed in the abdominal cavity are symptomatic, as in cancer. Abdominal sarcomas develop in the tissues of various organs.

  • Liver. Occurs rarely, manifests a painful symptomatology in the right hypochondrium. Patients noticeably decrease in weight, the skin becomes icterous, in the evenings hyperthermia disturbs;
  • Stomach. Characterized by a long asymptomatic onset. Often come to light accidentally. Patients report the appearance of dyspeptic disorders such as nausea, heaviness, flatulence and bloating, rumbling, etc. Gradually, signs of exhaustion increase, the patient constantly feels tired, weak, depressed and irritable;
  • Intestine. Similar sarcomas are accompanied by pain in the abdomen, slimming, nausea and eructation, lack of appetite, frequent diarrhea, bloody mucus discharge from the bowel, rapid defecation, rapid exhaustion of the body;
  • Kidney. Sarcoma in the kidney tissues is characterized by pronounced hematuria, tenderness in the region of the location of the formation, palpation of the tumor can be palpated. Blood in the urine does not cause any other uncomfortable sensations or urinary disorders;
  • of the retroperitoneal space. Most often the sarcoma grows to considerable size, squeezing adjacent tissues. A tumor can destroy the nerve roots, vertebral elements, which is accompanied by intense soreness in the corresponding zones. Sometimes such a sarcoma causes paralysis or paresis. When the tumor is squeezed by the tumor, swelling of the extremities and abdominal walls may occur. If hepatic circulation is disturbed, then ascites and so forth develop.
  • Spleen. In the early stages of development of the sarcoma is not manifested, but with the growth of the body increases, then the tumor begins to disintegrate, which is accompanied by a clinical toxicity like subfebrile temperature, anemia and progressive weakness. Also, the splenic sarcoma is characterized by a constant sensation of thirst, lack of appetite, apathy, nausea and vomiting syndrome, frequent urge to urinate, pain, etc.;
  • Pancreas. This sarcoma is characterized by soreness, hyperthermia, weight loss, loss of appetite, diarrhea or constipation, jaundice, malaise and general weakness, nausea and vomiting symptoms, belching, etc.

Apparently, sarcomas of organs located in the abdominal cavity are often accompanied by similar symptoms.

Organs of the chest cavity

Tumors of such localization most often occur as a result of metastasis from other foci. The symptomatology differs somewhat depending on the localization.

  1. Sarkoma ribs. Initially, the patient feels soreness in the area of ​​the ribs, breast and surrounding tissues, gradually the pain increases, and soon even anesthetics can not cope with them. On the ribs, a swelling is felt, which, under pressure, causes pain. The patient is troubled by symptoms such as irritability, excessive excitability, anxiety, anemia, fever, local hyperthermia, respiratory disorders.
  2. Light. Such a symptom is indicated by a symptom such as excessive fatigue, dyspnea, dysphagia( with metastasis in the esophagus), nausea and vomiting symptoms, hoarseness, pleurisy, cold symptoms, prolonged pneumonia, etc.
  3. Hearts and pericardium. There is a small tumor hyperthermia, weight loss, articular pain and general organic weakness. Then a rash appears on the body and limbs, a clinical picture of heart failure develops. Patients are swollen face and upper limbs. If the sarcoma is localized in the pericardium, the symptomatology presupposes the presence of hemorrhagic effusion and tamponade.
  4. Esophagus. Symptoms of esophageal sarcoma are based on disorders of swallowing processes and soreness. Pain symptomatology concentrates behind the sternum, but can radiate into the vertebral parts and the scapular region. There is always inflammation of the esophageal walls. As in other cases, sarcoma is accompanied by anemia, weakness and weight loss. Such a pathology ultimately leads to complete exhaustion of the patient.
  5. Mediastinal. The tumor spreads through all the tissues of the mediastinum and squeezes and germinates into the organs in it. When a tumor penetrates the pleura in its cavities appears exudate.


Sarcoma of the spine is called a malignant tumor in the spinal cord and adjacent structures. Danger of pathology in the compression or damage of the spinal cord or its roots.

Symptoms of vertebral sarcoma are caused by its localization, for example, in the cervical, thoracic, lumbosacral or "pony tail".

However, all lumbar tumors have common symptoms:

  • Rapid tumor development( per year or less);
  • In the department affected by the tumor, there is pain, characterized by a constant character, which is not eliminated by anesthetics. Although at first it is weakly expressed;
  • Limited mobility of affected vertebrae, causing patients to take a forced posture;
  • Complications of a neurological nature in the form of paresis, paralysis, pelvic function disorders, manifested as one of the first;
  • The general condition of the patient with vertebral sarcoma is assessed by doctors as severe.


The main symptoms of cerebral sarcoma are:

  1. Unexplained headaches;
  2. Frequent dizziness with loss of consciousness, movements become uncoordinated, often vomiting worries;
  3. Behavioral disorders, mental disorders;
  4. Frequent cases of epileptic seizures;
  5. Temporary visual disturbances, however, against the background of constantly elevated ICP is a great risk of developing optic atrophy;
  6. Development of partial or complete paralysis.


The sarcoma of the ovary is characterized by large dimensions and rapid growth, scant symptoms like pulling-aching pains, heaviness in the lower abdomen, menstrual irregularities, sometimes ascites. Sarcoma is often two-sided and is characterized by very rapid development.


Primary sarcomas are usually formed in the upper parts of the orbit, and this form is more common in children.

Such tumors grow rapidly, increasing their size. In the orbit, there is an open and painful feeling. The eyeball is limited in mobility and displaced, exophthalmos develops.

Blood and lymph

The clinical picture of lymphosarcoma depends on the primary focus, more precisely, its localization. Lymphosarcomas are most often B-celled and similar to the course of acute leukemia.


The larynx sarcoma is accompanied by difficulty in swallowing, the voice becomes hoarse, if the tumor is localized under the ligaments, then the esophagus and respiratory tract become abnormal.


Prostate sarcoma is characterized by aggressive and rapid development, and it begins to show characteristic signs when reaching a significant size or when metastasizing to neighboring structures.

Symptoms: increased frequency and difficulty with urination, intense soreness in the lower abdomen and anus, hyperthermia, rapid weight loss and rapid exhaustion of the body.

Types of

Sarkom formations have a rather plentiful variety of forms, each of which has its own peculiarities and differences.

  • Stromal sarcoma

A similar form of the tumor process is most common in the endometrium and develops in the uterus. The main cause of this disease is irradiation, to which a woman was once exposed.

In addition, frequent gynecological curettage, abortion and birth defects, endometriosis and polyposis can cause stromal sarcomas. It shows bleeding and pain symptoms.

  • Spindle cell

This tumor consists of spindle-shaped cellular structures. It is often confused with fibroma.

The nodes of spindle cell sarcoma are characterized by dense fibrous structure and prefer skin, mucous tissues, fascia and serous cover.

If such a sarcoma is detected at an early stage, then the patient has a chance of favorable predictions.

  • Malignant

Refers to soft tissue formations, characterized by high recurrence( more than 40%), hepatic, pulmonary and cerebrospinal metastasis by lymphogenous pathway. Localized such formations mainly deep in the muscle tissues. The onset of development is asymptomatic, which makes early diagnosis difficult.

  • Pleomorphic

Such a sarcoma is most often found in the limbs, less often on the trunk. A similar tumor is detected when it grows to large sizes( more than 10 cm).

Represents a knotty, dense formation with a lobed structure containing areas of hemorrhage of dead tissue. Often patients die within the first 12 months after the detection of pleomorphic sarcoma, which is characterized by low survival rate, not more than 10%.

  • Polymorphocellular

This is the primary cutaneous sarcoma formed on the soft tissue periphery. In the process of growth, such sarcomas ulcerate, metastasize by lymphogenous pathway, accompanied by a characteristic growth of the spleen. Is susceptible only to surgical treatment.

  • Undifferentiated

This is an education that is impossible or too difficult to assign to any class or type. Such sarcomas are not associated with any specific cellular structures, but they are treated similarly to rhabdomyosarcoma.

  • Histiocytic

This formation contains polymorphic cellular structures. The tumor is characterized by an unfavorable prognosis, as it is rapidly generalized. Such sarcoma is characterized by aggressive course and a negative reaction to the therapeutic effect. Pathology often affects the gastrointestinal tract, skin and soft tissue structures.

  • Circular cell

This sarcoma consists of round cellular structures, rapidly developing and belongs to high-quality tumors. It affects soft tissue and dermal structures.

  • Fibromixoid

This tumor has a low malignancy. Affects patients regardless of age. It is localized mainly on the hips, shoulders, trunk. Such formations usually grow quite slowly and practically do not give metastases.

  • Lymphoid

This tumor affects the immune structures and is characterized by polymorphic symptoms. It is characterized by an increase in lymph nodes, autoimmune anemia, eczematoid skin lesions. The tumor squeezes the blood vessels and lymphatic system, than provokes the development of necrosis.

  • Epitheloid

Similar sarcomas affect mainly limbs, and more often in young patients. Such a tumor is considered a variety of synovial sarcoma.

  • Myeloid

Local tumor consisting of leukemia type myeloblasts. It is localized most often in cranial bones, lymph nodes, inorganic structures, spongy or tubular bone tissues, etc.

  • Light-celled

Fasciogenic formation, most often located in the neck, head, trunk region and affects soft tissue structures. Such a tumor develops slowly and for a long time, often there are relapses and metastasis.

  • Neurogenic

It is formed mainly on the legs, develops slowly, contains spindle-shaped cells, differs from other tissues. Treatment of such a tumor only operative, but the predictions are favorable. Survival is about 80%.

Difference from cancer

Sarcoma differs from cancer by connective tissue origin, whereas cancers form from ectodermal and epithelial cell structures.

There is such a tumor wherever there are connective tissue cells.

The stages of the malignant process of

Sarcoma develops in stages:

  • In the first stage, the tumor exists limitedly in the tissues of a particular organ from which it began to form;
  • In the second stage, the sarcoma begins to germinate into the internal structures of the organ, disrupting its functionality, the tumor is markedly increased, but metastasis is not observed;
  • In the third stage of the sarcoma, neighboring tissues, regional lymph nodes grow in the fascia;
  • At the 4th stage of the patient, the most unfavorable predictions are expected. The tumor reaches large sizes, strongly presses on adjacent structures and actively metastasizes.


A similar phenomenon in sarcoma tumors is the secondary formation of tumor foci. Malignant cells break off and enter the lympho- or bloodstream.

With blood, abnormal cellular structures ply through body systems. When they stop at the place they like, metastasis is formed.


Diagnostic measures require standard procedures like:

  • MRI or CT;
  • Radiography;
  • Radionuclide study of
  • ultrasound;
  • Neurovascular or morphological diagnosis;
  • Biopsies, etc.

How to treat sarcoma?

Sarcoma treatment is predominantly surgical with additional chemotherapy or radiation. It is the combination treatment that ensures maximum effectiveness.

This approach contributes to an increase in survival rate of up to 70% of cases. Since the tumor is sensitive to irradiation, a similar technique necessarily complements surgical removal.

Prognosis and survival of

The prognosis for sarcoma is caused by the stage of the tumor process, its shape and localization, the presence of metastases, etc.

For example, gastric sarcoma in one third of cases is characterized by early metastasis, which negatively affects prognosis. The retroperitoneal sarcoma has difficulties in predicting, because it has a mass of variants of the clinical course with different outcomes.

More accurate predictions of survival depend on the specific type of sarcoma, each of which requires an individual approach. Of no less importance is the response to treatment, the condition of the patient and other factors.

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