Chronic tubo-otitis code of ICD 10: symptoms, causes, treatment of bilateral form

Tubootitis - inflammation of the mucosa of the inner ear cavity. It is formed against the background of dysfunction of the auditory tube. Auditory ossicles are located in the air cavity.

For their full operation, the pressure should be at the same level as in the environment. For this, there is a relationship between the air cavity and the environment, which is provided by the auditory tube. When it is violated, they speak of tubootitis.

What is tubo-otitis, ICD-10

This disease is called eustachyte. It can be acute or chronic. In the process of tubotitis, there is a violation of the ventilation process in the middle ear area. This leads to a rapid drop in hearing. Eustachiitis, according to doctors, is often the first stage of developing catarrhal otitis.

According to ICD-10, the disease is encoded by H68 or H69.The first code means inflammation and blockage of the Eustachian tube, and the second - other diseases of this part of the ear.

Signs of the disease

The disease is accompanied by a violation of the regulation of pressure in the tympanum. Therefore, the main sign is hearing impairment. Additionally may appear:

instagram viewer

  • zalozhennost with the affected side,
  • the appearance of tinnitus,
  • autophony.

Sometimes there are severe headaches and fatigue.

Reasons for

The causes of this disease are diverse. Inflammation can be a complication after suffering the diseases of the upper respiratory tract. It can be SARS, flu, sore throat. Viruses and bacteria penetrate the mucous lining and cause its inflammation. In the absence of treatment, the ailment can begin to spread further, damaging the tympanum.

A prerequisite for the development of the disease can be:

  • Systemic diseases, for example, measles, chicken pox, tuberculosis.
  • Allergic reactions, which are characterized by edema.
  • Curvature of nasal septum.
  • Increased adenoids.

One of the theories is that the disease appears against the background of infection with viruses, for example, by hypo-ruptent pathogens. The factors leading to the development of the disease affect the symptoms of the development of the disease.

For the reasons for the development of tubo-otitis( eustachitis), see in our video:

When the disease passes to the chronic stage of

. In the absence of treatment, the chronic form of tubo-otitis develops, which leads to a thickening of the tympanic membrane and a decrease in its elasticity. The disease itself progresses slowly. The focus of inflammation appears on the mucosa in the tympanum.

The prerequisite for this is the penetration of exudate into the middle ear region. With proper treatment, the acute form can be docked within the first 24 hours.


The doctor usually diagnoses an acute form on the basis of visual inspection and analysis of patient complaints. Audiometry is conducted. The audiogram makes it possible to identify hearing impairment. To determine the mobility of the tympanic membrane, tympanometry is prescribed.

The chronic course during the periods of exacerbation proceeds in the same way as the acute form. At the stage of remission, the presence of the disease can be detected only by visual inspection. The doctor can see:

  • narrowing of the lumen of the auditory tube,
  • change in the shape of the eardrum,
  • reddening of the mucosa.

Another significant sign is an irreversible hearing loss. In addition, endoscopy of the nose in the mouth of the auditory tubes is prescribed. This type of disease is characterized by puffiness.

Localization of tubo-otitis

Treatment of

With tubo-otitis all measures are aimed at sanation of the nasopharynx, removal of swelling and relief of the processes of inflammation. Treatment can be both medicamental, and be supported by methods of traditional medicine.


To eliminate pathogens, the following are assigned:

  • antibiotics,
  • antiviral medicines,
  • antifungal drugs.

Folk methods

Aloe juice effectively cope. It is mixed in a 1: 1 ratio with warm water. In each nasal passage, 6 drops of the resulting mixture should be dripped.

You can also fight with the disease with the help of onion juice. First the passage is cleaned of excreta. Then instill 4 drops into each ear with a warm composition.

One effective remedy for otitis treatment is mint tincture.

It is prepared like this: 100 ml of vodka is taken 1 tbsp.l.fresh leaves. The mixture persists for a week in the dark. Burying is necessary one drop three times a day.

Other methods

To improve patency, a catheterization is performed with the administration of hydrocortisone or adrenaline. Additionally, pneumomassage of the tympanic membrane is also prescribed. He returns the eardrum to natural mobility, prevents the formation of scarring and deterioration of hearing.

The otolaryngologist can refer to:

  • magnetotherapy,
  • UHF,
  • UFO,
  • pulse currents,
  • laser therapy.

Procedures are carried out in a clinic. If you want to speed up the recovery process, the following procedures will help:

  1. Periodic pressing on the cartilaginous process of the auricle,
  2. Exhalation of the air through the nose with fingers nuzzled.

Reviews about the treatment of tubotitis:

Possible complications of

Tuboitol usually has a slow flow. Therefore, people often do not get help in a timely manner. The launched form can lead to the development of a chronic form, to persistent hearing loss and to the transition of inflammation to the tympanum.


With timely treatment begun, the acute form of the disease is stopped within a few days. But in the presence of concomitant diseases that worsen the ventilation of the auditory tube, the transformation into a chronic form occurs. Prevention of the disease is included in the timely treatment of infectious and allergic diseases of the nasopharynx and in the use of decongestants.

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