Myopia in school-age children: treatment

Myopia, otherwise called myopia, is a fairly common visual impairment, in which objects closer are seen better than those that are in the distance. Myopia is often found in school-age children, it is during school days that most people diagnose this disease.

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Most often the first signs of myopia can beTo reveal already in 9 - 12 years, to the senior teenage age the myopia is completely formed. With age, vision will continue to decline, however, by correctly selecting the treatment, the rate of fall can be reduced. Pediatric myopia is usually divided into several varieties, depending on the type, the most appropriate correction is selected:

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  • is weak, vision has fallen by less than three diopters;
  • is average, vision impairment is within 3-6 diopters;
  • is strong, at which vision falls more than six diopters.

In addition, two types of myopia are distinguished according to the rate of deterioration of vision. With progressive myopia, vision is constantly deteriorating, sometimes by a few diopters per year. When stationary - the vision is reduced to a certain mark, after which it no longer worsens.

It is believed that children at school age are particularly prone to myopia. Because of the strain on the eyes in the school during the lessons and after, during the preparation of the homework, the likelihood of developing myopia increases. Especially with non-compliance with the rules of prevention, without special gymnastics for the eyes, the correct light regime.

Therefore, at school age, it is advisable to especially monitor the health of the child's eyes, observe the rules for the prevention of eye disorders, periodically visit an ophthalmologist. Otherwise, vision can fall really hard, it takes a lot of time and energy to restore it.

Important! At appearance of signs of nearsightedness at the ophthalmologist's child it is necessary to visit at least once a year.

Symptoms of

In the initial stages of the disease, the child or his parents may not notice the development of myopia, often violations are detected during an examination of an ophthalmologist during a school medical examination. However, it is worth paying attention to the following signs of developing nearsightedness:

  1. With myopia, the child does not see well in the distance, while the sight remains clear enough and weakly deteriorates.
  2. The contours of the objects look blurred, indistinct.
  3. As a whole, sharpness decreases, there may be a feeling that objects located far away merge.

These are the main symptoms of myopia. Externally, the parent can pay attention to the fact that the child begins to squint a lot in trying to view something, always leaning low over a sheet of paper when he writes or draws. The child can stop noticing any little things, especially in the distance. When these signs appear, you need to urgently consult an ophthalmologist.

Reasons for

There may be several causes of myopia in school age, in some cases they are combined and can influence each other. The main factors for the onset of myopia in children are:

  1. Heredity. It is proved that the propensity to this disease of the eye can be transmitted by hereditary path. If the parents of a child have nearsightedness, there is a high probability that it will occur in the baby. In this case, it is recommended to start the ophthalmologist at the very beginning of the school in order to keep track of possible deterioration in time.
  2. Other eye diseases. If other ocular pathologies were present in childhood, the probability of occurrence of myopia in a schoolboy is increased. Excessive eye strain. The main reason for the development of myopia in school-age children, at school, eyes are particularly stressed. If the child strains his eyes constantly, the rate of vision decline may start to increase.
  3. Incorrect nutrition in children. For the normal functioning of the eyes and the body of the child as a whole in the diet, certain useful vitamins and minerals are needed: zinc, magnesium, calcium and others. With their deficiency, the likelihood of developing eye diseases increases.
  4. Violations of working and rest conditions in the child. If the light is not placed correctly when reading or writing, the child does the lessons or draws in an uncomfortable, unsuitable position, the probability of developing myopia becomes higher.

It's also worth noting that computers, smartphones, tablets and other modern technology can influence visual acuity. Children, especially younger schoolchildren, it is desirable to limit the time to use such things, in work with them you need to take breaks for rest and gymnastics for the eyes.

Important! In most cases, the development of myopia can be avoided altogether.

Nearsightedness: curable or not

In general, myopia can be completely corrected by laser vision correction, but it should be taken into account that it is not performed in children under the age of eighteen. Studies show that at an early age the effect of laser correction is too short-lived.

Therefore, it is impossible to completely get rid of myopia in a child of school age. However, with properly selected treatment and a combination of a complex of different agents, one can achieve the stability of vision, it will not fall more strongly. An important role is played by optical correction: using glasses or contact lenses.

Contrary to common misconception, from wearing glasses the eyesight does not deteriorate even more, on the contrary, correctly selected glasses will help to stop its fall. The main thing - to choose the right diopter, it should be done after a full examination with an ophthalmologist.

Methods of treatment of

There are several different methods of correcting vision with myopia. In children, the neglected degrees of the disease respond well to treatment at home after a full examination with a specialist.

Important! More on effective ways to treat myopia at home, read here.

Optical correction

Often the selection of suitable glasses or lenses is the main aspect of therapy. Children lenses are prescribed less often, they prefer glasses. Correctly selected diopters will help to stop further deterioration of vision.

However, it should be borne in mind that a variety of glasses usually depends on the degree of the disease. Usually, light or moderate degree of myopia requires glasses, which should not be worn regularly, only during eye strain. When severe myopia is often required to wear glasses on an ongoing basis.


With short-sightedness, eye drops containing vitamins and substances that promote relaxation and nourishment of the eye can be prescribed. Some of them strengthen and protect the cornea and the retina from negative effects. You should not start taking such drops yourself, you should consult a doctor.

Examples of drops used in the treatment of myopia: Emoxipine, Quinax, Okovitis and others.

Physiotherapy and gymnastics for the eyes

In addition to drops and eye correction, external methods of physiotherapy are used that improve the blood supply and tone of the eye muscles. Vacuum massage, laser therapy, electrophoresis and other techniques can be used.

In addition to physiotherapy, eye gymnastics is important, helping to strengthen the eye muscles, which can stop functioning correctly with myopia. There are several different methods, it is easy to choose the most suitable in each individual case.


With myopia in children, it is often recommended to adjust the diet if there is vitamin deficiency or lack of certain vitamins. In this case, it is recommended to eat more seafood, legumes, fresh fruits and vegetables, sour berries.

It should be taken into account that with the help of nutrition one can not correct vision, a proper diet will improve the condition of the organism as a whole and help to prevent further deterioration.

Treatment for Zhdanov

Professor Zhdanov, who wrote a book on the restoration of vision, offers his scheme for fighting myopia. The bottom line is the idea that most of the problems with the eyes arise because of the lack of tonus of the eye muscles. The basis of the scheme Zhdanov - exercises for the eyes of W. Bates.

In addition to exercises, Zhdanov considers it important to use the Shichko ladder and cleanse from negative programs. Negative thoughts can have an effect on physical health, therefore, for a full recovery, special psychological practices are necessary. Also Zhdanov suggests the use of propolis, blueberries and other folk remedies that improve sight.

Treatment with folk remedies

With the help of folk remedies, it is impossible to restore visual acuity, but they can help to prevent further decline. Most folk remedies are aimed at relaxing the eyes and feeding the body with vitamins.

After a stressful day for the eyes, it is recommended to brew a weak good green tea, insist for 10 to 15 minutes, then soak them with cotton balls and apply to the eyes for fifteen minutes.

To restore the necessary amount of vitamins, it is recommended to mix two glasses of cowberry with a glass of honey, put the mixture in the freezer. There is this drug twice a day for three tablespoons.

In general, with all the recommendations of the doctor and observance of a suitable rest and labor regime for the eyes, vision with myopia will no longer decrease. Myopia in children is a fairly common problem, today it is struggling with it quite effectively.

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