Treatment of polyps in the intestines with folk remedies: reviews

In the body of a healthy person, regular renewal of the cells of the intestinal mucosa occurs, however, in the event of failures of this process( arising from any acute inflammatory diseases or traumatizing these cells) regeneration mechanisms are connected.

Each such failure does not pass without a trace: the layer of epithelial glandular cells at the site of pathology localization is slightly thicker each time.

If the regeneration processes are started too often, the increase in pathological thickening of the mucous membranes results in the formation of local outgrowths. This is how the followers of the disregenerator theory explain the mechanism of the appearance of polyps in the human intestine.

Polyps can be single and multiple, rounded and mushroom-shaped, located on a thin stalk or on a wide base. Sometimes the clump of polyps resembles a carpet with a number of toothed or finger-like projections.

Symptoms of

formation In the presence of polyps in the intestine, any clinical manifestations and specific symptoms are usually absent, so patients for a long time are slow to consult a doctor.

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Since no one is insured from the formation of polyps, one should remember that the reason for anxiety are:

  • abdominal pain;
  • frequent urge to empty the intestine;
  • discomfort experienced during defecation;
  • presence of bloody and mucous discharge in the stool and on its surface;
  • any difficulties associated with the promotion of stool;
  • unstable stool character, manifested in the alternation of diarrhea and constipation.
  • In colonic polyposis , large neoplasms can lead to the development of colitis and colon diseases. The correct sign of polyposis of the large intestine are longitudinal strips of blood and mucus on the surface of stool, and the lower the polyp, the brighter the blood and the less it is mixed with feces. For patients with polyposis colon is characterized by alternating constipation and diarrhea, accompanied by exhausting tenesmus. They all experience severe abdominal pain, itching and burning in the rectum and anal canal. Constant bleeding and attacks of diarrhea affect the deterioration of the general condition, manifested in persistent dizziness, physical exhaustion and pallor of the skin.
  • The initiated polyposis of the rectum , the presence of which a person may not even guess for quite some time because of the absence of any manifestations, in violation of the integrity or inflammation of the neoplasm can suddenly manifest itself by the abundant release of blood and mucus in the stool.
  • Sigmoid colon polyps lead to regular constipation, intermittent seizures of unconditioned diarrhea. Polyposis of the sigmoid colon is also manifested by bloating, belching and discharge of pus, blood and mucus during feces.
  • Rare cases of small intestine polyarthosis are fraught with the development of intestinal obstruction, gullet, perforation of its walls, profuse bleeding, and the introduction of one part of the small intestine affected by polyps to another. In the early stages of polyposis of the small intestine manifests itself as nausea, heartburn, flatulence, a feeling of fullness of the stomach, cramping pains in the upper abdomen. With polyps localized in the initial segment of the small intestine, the patient can develop indomitable vomiting.
  • Polyps of the duodenum for a long time do not bother the sick person at all. Pain sensations, intestinal obstruction, bleeding of ulcerated membranes appear only after the polyps have reached a very large size. The patient has pain in the navel, a feeling of fullness of the stomach and belching rotten. If a large polyp overlaps the lumen of the duodenum, provoking a delay in food in the stomach, the patient has symptoms of intestinal obstruction, characterized by the appearance of cramping pains in the abdomen, vomiting and noise of splashing during auscultation.

Can I remove polyposis of the intestines with folk medicine?

The question for this answer can not be unambiguous, since the body of each person is a completely unique phenomenon.

  • One of the best ways to get rid of benign neoplasms in the intestines is treatment with a drug made from 12 dessert spoons of purified pumpkin seeds, seven boiled egg yolks and 500 ml of any vegetable oil. Pumpkin seeds grind to the state of powder, add to them the crushed egg yolks and, carefully mixing them with each other, pour the mixture with vegetable oil. The obtained substance is put on a steam bath for twenty minutes. The finished product is poured into a sterile jar and taken on a teaspoon on an empty stomach for five days. After a five-day break, the treatment is resumed. Therapy according to this scheme should continue until the remedy is over.
  • Very popular among the people uses a tool used to treat many diseases of the intestine. With its help, you can rid the body of polyps in the intestines, esophagus and stomach, as well as cure peptic ulcer. Mixing butter and natural honey( 1 kg each), they are boiled, stirring regularly, on very low heat for at least two hours. During this time, the composition will become homogeneous, and its components will not be separated from each other. The cooled medicine is stored in the refrigerator. Take a tablespoon on an empty stomach( in the morning).
  • According to user feedback, the use of propolis gives good results in the treatment of intestinal polyposis. Treatment should consist of two stages( lasting three weeks each), separated by a weekly break. After melting the butter( 100 g), propolis powder( 10 g) is introduced into it. Send the mixture to the steam bath, warm it for ten minutes and immediately filter. A teaspoon of the product obtained is bred in warm milk( 200 ml) and taken an hour before breakfast, lunch and dinner.
  • Polyps in the intestine are treated with a decoction of cones of hops and spruce needles. Gulf a glass of boiling water with four dessert spoons of spruce needles, let them brew for half an hour, then add a teaspoon of dry hop cones, bring it to a boil, cool and filter. The resulting amount( daily rate), divided into portions, is drunk during the same day. One course of treatment is three days, after which it is necessary to take a six-day break. To obtain a positive effect, three such courses are necessary, that is, nine glasses of medicinal broth will be consumed.
  • Polyps in the intestine are treated with a mixture of natural honey and the wiped horseradish , taken in equal proportions. Single dose - a teaspoon, taken in the morning on an empty stomach.
  • You can cure polyps in the intestines with the help of microclysters from the infusion of medicinal herbs , which are performed regularly before going to night rest. Taking two tablespoons of the collection, prepared from dry grass, tails, St. John's wort and marigold, taken in equal parts, pour them two glasses of boiling water and insist for six hours. Enema is performed until the cure of the disease is completely cured.
  • To prevent malignancy of polyps, it is recommended that you regularly take an infusion prepared from six dessert spoons of Kalina fruit and 500 ml of boiling water. After filtering the cooled infusion, sweeten it with a small amount of honey and drink during the same day.
  • For the treatment of intestinal polyposis, use a decoction of the oak bark: fill two dessert spoons of raw material with a liter of boiling water, boil them for a quarter of an hour on a very low flame. After cooling, the prepared preparation is stored in a dark place. For seven days it is taken on a tablespoon 30 minutes before meals. After a three-day break, they again start taking the medicine. Therapy according to the proposed scheme is recommended to be performed until the patient is completely healed.
  • An excellent remedy to help get rid of polyps in the rectum is sea buckthorn oil. Taking 1 kg of sea-buckthorn fruit for its preparation, they are boiled for a few hours on very low heat in 1 liter of sunflower oil. Freshly prepared butter is poured into a glass container and stored in a dark place. Oil is used daily to lubricate the rectal anal canal in the morning, afternoon and evening hours( by carefully inserting the oiled little finger into it).Before the evening procedure it is desirable to make a herbal bath with a decoction of chamomile flowers, birch buds, St. John's wort or yarrow. Filling the basin with a warm herbal decoction, they sit down in it and soak for an hour, ensuring the preservation of the original temperature by periodically adding boiling water.
  • A curative effect on a patient with polyps in the intestine has a decoction prepared from an equal amount of ground chaga, a dry herb of St. John's wort and a yarrow. Gulf half a liter of boiling water, two tablespoons of collection, the means allow to infuse for several hours. The recommended dosage is 50 ml 20 minutes before the start of the meal. Duration of admission - not less than fourteen days.
  • For the treatment of polyps in the intestines and for the prevention of their reappearance, folk healers are advised to take a tincture prepared from a golden mustache. Fifteen "segments" of this plant are finely chopped and filled with 500 ml of quality vodka. After a two-week infusion, the drug is taken three times a day for one dessert spoon for four weeks. Breaks between courses should be at least ten days. Given the tendency of polyps to recur, repeated medical courses will have to be repeated.
  • When camphor polyposis is good for camphor oil. The drug is prepared from a tablespoon of this oil, mixed with the same spoon of liquid honey and a few drops of iodine. Every evening before going to bed, the patient should inject a small swab in the lumen of the rectum, impregnated with this mixture, leaving it inside until the very morning.
  • To get rid of polyps localized at the exit from the rectum, an ointment prepared from dry celandine , ground in a coffee grinder to a powder and mixed with boric petrolatum, will help. This dark green substance is impregnated with cotton swabs and placed in the anal canal at least five times during the day. The treatment course lasts one week.

The same method of treatment can have a completely different effect on patients with the same seemingly disease.

Most graduate doctors are rather skeptical about the possibilities of traditional medicine to cope with polyps of the intestine.

In any case, relatively large neoplasms their answer is categorical: large polyps can only be removed by surgical intervention.

As for small tumors and prevention of their reappearance, the opinions of professional specialists are divided here. Some doctors believe that in some cases the methods of traditional medicine can be quite effective and have the right to exist, but only if agreed with the attending physician.

One of the reasons for the effectiveness of folk recipes, they see that the bioactive components of the medicinal raw materials used stimulate the immune system of the sick person, helping his body successfully cope with the disease.

The best folk remedies for treating polyps in the intestine

Using traditional medicine to treat polyps in the intestines, it is extremely important to listen to the recommendations of specialists in this field, strictly observing the dosages prescribed by them, since the recipe of most folk recipes includes poisonous plants.


Paying attention to the fact that the celandine is a part of most folk remedies intended to combat polyps localized in different organs, specialists of the Kuibyshev medical institute conducted an experiment devoted to the study of the medicinal properties of the extract of this plant on patients with polyps in the large intestine.

Shredded celandine, cooked vegetable extract( observing the ratio: one part of phytochemicals per ten parts of water).The finished preparation was injected into the cavity of the previously cleared colon by performing a series of enemas( for an hour).

As a result of the experiment, it was found that 10 to 20 such procedures are sufficient to completely eliminate polyps in the large intestine.

Another important conclusion was that such an amazing effect is possible only with direct contact of celandine with benign neoplasms, since in patients of the second group who took the extract of celandine orally( through the mouth), no effect on polyps in the large intestine could be detected, even inthe use of significant dosages.

Based on the results of the study, experts came to the conclusion about the expediency of harvesting and preserving the juice of celandine using medical alcohol( two parts of the juice is taken one part of alcohol).To perform enemas in the treatment of polyps, one tablespoon of juice preserved in this way is sufficient.

Oral intake of canned celandine juice, which has the property of accumulating in bile and liver tissues, is effective in treating benign gallbladder neoplasms and even in early stages of liver cancer.

Recipes with celandine

In folk medicine, celandine juice in the treatment of polyposis is used for oral administration and for enemas.

  • For the preparation of juice, freshly torn stems of celandine are ground in a meat grinder, and the resulting mass is squeezed through gauze. Freshly squeezed juice is prepared with alcohol tincture, mixing 750 ml of juice and 200 ml of alcohol. Take tincture should be before eating( one tablespoon) morning, afternoon and evening. A tightly clogged bottle with a drug should be stored in a cool and dark place.
  • Since the preparation of enemas requires a large amount of freshly squeezed juice, this method of treating polyps is best used during the flowering of celandine. Squeezed a teaspoon of juice, it is bred in 1000 ml of boiled warm water and used to perform enemas. Do enemas better in the evening. The first course of treatment consists of fifteen procedures, after which a two-week break is necessary. During the second course of treatment for the preparation of a single enema is no longer a tea, and a tablespoon of juice, diluted in the same amount of water. The duration of the second course is the same 15 procedures with a two-week break. The subsequent treatment is performed according to the repeated course scheme.

There are many popular ways to use celandine to treat polyps in the intestines. Here are a few of the most popular.

  • Tincture of freshly ground mass. By grinding the freshly picked celandine( all parts of the plant, including the roots, can be used), a half-filled glass bottle with a capacity of 500 ml is filled with a half mass. The remaining volume is filled with vodka. Tightly corking the bottle, insist the remedy for twenty days. Ready tincture is taken in the morning hours( on an empty stomach), guided by the following scheme. During the first intake, use a solution prepared from 50 ml of water and two drops of tincture. In each subsequent reception, two drops of tincture are added to the solution until the amount is sixteen drops. After that, a ten-day break is done in the treatment. After a pause, repeat the course of treatment.
  • Decoction of fresh celandine leaves is used to perform therapeutic enemas. Bay a couple of teaspoons of chopped leaves half a liter of boiling water, the drug for ten minutes is kept on a steam bath. A well-filtered warm broth is used to perform enemas( the duration of the treatment course is at least seven days).The administration of the agent is performed in three steps;the patient must lie on his side at the same time. After a week's break, the course is repeated if necessary.
  • For oral use, you can use a decoction prepared from two teaspoons of dried celandine leaves and a glass of boiling water, tanned on a steam bath for half an hour. Take the drug should be a third cup fifteen minutes before meals. Prepared broth should be consumed during the first day. Gradually, the amount of vegetable raw materials in the composition is infused into one tablespoon. Duration of admission( from 12 weeks to one year) depends on the results. Take infusion should be for ten days, after which a four-day break is necessary.
  • Excellent effect gives microclysters with infusion of celandine, prepared by brewing a teaspoon of dry raw material with a small( 150 ml) amount of boiling water. After a half-hour infusion, the product is ready for use. Typing in a small rubber pear, it is injected through the anus( not forgetting to perform a cleansing enema before that).After lying on one side for two minutes, it is necessary to turn over on the opposite side for the same time, then lie down on your back for another couple of minutes. After completing a course of microclysters consisting of ten daily procedures, they make a week-long break after which they repeat a ten-day course.
  • 300 g of young celandine( along with rootlets) are thoroughly washed, dried and ground. Put the raw material in a glass jar, pour into it a glass of liquid honey( in its absence, you can fill up 300 grams of granulated sugar).After thoroughly mixing the ingredients, the can is tightly closed and placed in a refrigerator for six days. After this time, the drug is filtered and taken once a day for five droplets, diluting them with a tablespoon of boiled water. So every day they arrive for twenty days. After a ten-day break continue treatment. The signal to stop therapy is the emptying of the jar.

Feedback on the treatment of


After I was diagnosed with polyposis of the rectum and found that the ulcerated mucosa of some polyps began to bleed, the surgeon suggested an immediate operation to remove the polyps. However, my attending physician suggested an alternative: try folk medication, which consists in performing deep enemas with celandine, fish oil and drops of valerian. After a ten-day course of such procedures, it was found that the polyps in the rectum disappeared without any trace.


When my husband discovered a single polyp in the intestine, a familiar oncologist advised him to try a remedy for his treatment, prepared from sunflower oil, pumpkin seeds and egg yolks. In case of failure, I recommended repeating the procedure. Fortunately, the very first treatment session proved to be quite effective: after applying the remedy, the polyp in the form of bloody discharge was released along with the calves. The appointed examination confirmed the effectiveness of the folk remedy applied.

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