Adenoviral conjunctivitis: how to recognize and cure a disease

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1 A brief introduction to

As a rule, adenoviral keratoconjunctivitis has the status of a seasonal problem, which is most often found in children's groups. First, the kids have cold symptoms: cough, runny nose, chills, sore throat, fever. As these manifestations develop, one can observe the activation of the inflammatory process of the mucous membrane of the eyes. In most cases, the cornea does not affect the inflammation and the quality of vision does not change.

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Adenoviral conjunctivitis begins with an acute form. First one eye is affected, and in a few days - the next one. In the edge of the century, you can see a discharge that has a mucous character. The conjunctiva of the eyelids and transitional folds are hyperemic, a swollen condition is observed. On the conjunctiva, a film can be formed, which is easily removed.

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It should be understood that the symptoms and treatment should not be dealt with on their own. It is possible to distinguish the main forms of the presented ailment: catarrhal, membranous and follicular. Each of them has a different degree of severity. According to the results of the conducted studies, it was found that only in 13% of clinical cases it is possible to observe the corneal lesion. In the case of timely treatment, the phenomenon of keratin can completely disappear.

Adenoviral conjunctivitis has distinctive symptoms: respiratory tract damage, headache and fever. The duration of the ongoing disease varies within 2-3 weeks.

2 Treatment measures

If you do not treat the above-described disease, it will begin to progress, leading to irreversible consequences. Patients should understand that to date there is no universal tool to help fight adenoviruses. Each clinical case will be treated separately, in accordance with ophthalmologic complications.

Conjunctivitis of the eye appears only 3-5 days after ingestion of 1 of 30 adenoviruses in the mucous membrane of the nasopharynx. Some doctors are inclined to believe that adenovirus enters the body through dirty hands that come in contact with contaminated personal hygiene items, toys, etc. As a rule, one eye begins to "fall ill," and another one is connected in a few days.

Most parents think that the treatment of adenoviral conjunctivitis can be carried out at home: washing with a weak tea, low concentrated boric acid. There are adults who run to the pharmacy for the albucid, which in many families is considered a universal remedy against eye diseases.

One must understand that this approach is wrong. Antibiotics and corticosteroids have no effect on the virus, and so the disease begins to progress. In some patients, inflammation can go to the cornea of ​​the eye, the eyelid begins to swell, overlapping the eye gap. Against this background photophobia may develop - not the most pleasant state.

Severe form of the disease can lead to a decrease in visual quality up to 30%.

In this case, hospitalization should follow, and in some situations - and surgical intervention. To prevent such a problem, parents should immediately apply to the treating doctor at the slightest suspicion of conjunctivitis.

3 The main directions of therapy

Treatment of the disease should be complex. It is necessary to use drugs that will not only destroy the virus, but also not damage the mucous membrane of the eye. A distinctive feature of this virus is that it can "lie" in the deep layers of tissues, and therefore neutralization will require drops with interferon.

Before calling for help to a doctor, you must create the necessary conditions for the patient:

  1. The patient should use separate personal hygiene items. All attributes of treatment should be reserved for only one patient. Napkins, tampons, handkerchiefs must be discarded after use.
  2. Parents who are in direct contact with a sick child should regularly disinfect their hands. Only this way you can protect yourself from infection.
  3. The patient's room must be constantly ventilated. For the time of photophobia, all the windows should be shaded.


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Adenoviral conjunctivitis, which is at the initial stage of its development, does not require the use of special eye drops. The course of interferon and common immunomodulating drugs in combination with the observance of personal hygiene will allow to get rid of the problem within 8-10 days.

It should be noted that protracted forms require more attention and reception of more complex preparations. Laferon is a broad-spectrum antiviral drug that is prescribed to many patients. At the initial stage, the number of instillations can reach 7-8 times, as the state improves, the amount decreases to 2-3 times.

If a patient develops pus in the eye, antibacterial drops should be used to prevent re-infection.

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If you find the first symptoms of a cold, you should immediately seek help from your doctor. Keratoconjunctivitis can be masked for colds, making it difficult to diagnose. Such a problem is not uncommon in a child's body, and therefore parents should exercise special vigilance.

Self-administration of the drug is fraught with the body. Treatment is determined in accordance with the current clinical picture. Eye health is a gift to be able to handle. Be carefull!

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