The main symptoms of facial nerve inflammation and the treatment at home of folk recipes

2 Proven methods of the national pharmacy

Is it possible to treat at home lesions of the facial nerve? Treatment at home is possible, however, after visiting a doctor, clarifying the diagnosis and agreeing with him the basic strategy of the fight.

Regular warming up is not bad help in fighting this disease. For their organization, they will need table salt or sand. Preheat these substances should be in a dry frying pan, using the fire plate. Then they are poured into a bag of natural tissue, which is applied to the affected side. Instead of a bag, you can use a clean sock without synthetics.

Good effect gives reception inside tinctures from hawthorn, motherwort, calendula and peony. Such tinctures can be purchased already ready in the pharmacy. They are mixed in equal proportions of 30 ml. Then add 15 ml of Corvalol and 3 tsp.of natural honey. The resulting composition should be well mixed. Take it before you go to sleep for 1 tsp. The course of treatment is quite long and is 3 months. Then a break is made for the same period, and the treatment is repeated.

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If a person has facial nerve inflammation, treatment at home can be done with the althea root. In the morning 4 tsp.plants are flooded with boiled water. Its temperature should be about 20 ° C.The root is infused throughout the day. In the evening, a natural cloth is moistened in this infusion and applied to the diseased side. Such a compress should be insulated: apply parchment paper on top and cover with a handkerchief. Compress should remain in place for at least 1.5 hours. After it is removed, and the handkerchief is left for the whole night.

To treat inflammation of the facial nerve, you can also use the mummy. You can buy it in a 10% solution. The remedy is used during the massage of the affected area, that is, rubbed inside. After the treatment, you should immediately drink a glass of milk with 1 tsp.honey and 0.2 g of mummy. Such treatment should be carried out continuously for 3 weeks. After a 10-day break, the course is repeated.

Fir oil is used for massage of the affected area. This remedy is also rubbed into the diseased part. The course of treatment is 2 weeks.

Traditional healers to combat the disease are advised to use a decoction of rose petals. To make it, you need to collect fresh petals of the plant, which are poured with boiling water for 10 minutes. The broth is taken orally 200 g three times a day. The course of treatment ranges from 3 to 4 weeks. The essence of such treatment is that pink essential oils and other useful substances contribute to improving the work of the nervous system and the conductivity of impulses in nerve fibers.


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Another recipe - infusion of mint and lemon balm. Well dried leaves of these plants in an amount of 20 g are mixed with the same amount of coriander. The mixture is poured with pure medical alcohol and a small amount of boiled water( about 20 ml).The mixture should be infused exactly for 24 hours. Then it is filtered well, and the herbs are squeezed out. The tincture is wetted with natural tissue, which is then applied to the sore spot, as well as to the temples and the occiput.

To the sore spots you can apply a mixture of pottery and vinegar.

Clay and vinegar should be softened to the test condition. Such peculiar "cakes" should be applied to the affected side.

For general improvement of the condition with an inflamed facial nerve, it is advised to use a pack of natural honey with grated onions. These two ingredients must be mixed in equal proportions and applied to a sore spot.

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It is advisable to take various sedative tinctures during treatment, for example, tincture of valerian. They can be purchased in ready form in pharmacies.

A patient in the process of treatment should be monitored and for his nutrition. In this case, very useful dates. They must be grinded( for example, using a meat grinder) and consumed three times a day for 3 tsp. Such rubbed dates can be diluted with natural milk. Drink tea from the flowers of chamomile. To begin with, this drink should be held in your mouth, and then swallowed. Chamomile, as an excellent antiseptic, not only removes inflammation, but also reduces the feeling of pain.

1 Symptoms of the disease depending on its type

Symptoms of neuritis of the facial nerve are very unpleasant and can cause a lot of problems for a person. The main ones are:

  • pain in the back of the ear;
  • severe lacrimation or, conversely, absolute absence of such;
  • complete or partial disturbance of movement of facial muscles;
  • auditory disorders( sometimes patients hear sounds louder than they are);
  • sharp decrease, and even a total loss of taste sensations;
  • patients are hard to take liquid food.

When there is neuritis of the facial nerve, treatment, the overall clinical picture largely depends on the location of the localization. For example, in the presence of the pathology of the nucleus of the facial nerve, only the weakness of facial muscles can be observed, and auditory disorders are added when the nerve emerging from the brainstem is damaged. In the latter case, there are problems with the auditory nerve.

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In the absence of correct and timely treatment, this ailment can lead to serious complications in the form of facial contracture. In this case, there is a process of contraction of the affected side of the face, which causes very strong discomfort and involuntary muscle contractions. This can be observed in 4-6 weeks after the onset of the disease, if not restore the function of facial muscles.

3 Medical gymnastics at home

In parallel with the intake of various drugs, you can and should conduct special therapeutic gymnastics. The patient must sit in front of the mirror to control his movements, and relax the facial nerves. Then raise your eyebrows and frown. After dropping your eyes down, open and close them. If the eyelid itself does not close, you can help him with a finger. Try to screw up your eyes and make them circular motions. Smile, but do not move the lips, then lift the upper lip so that the teeth appear. Puffing his cheeks, blowing his nostrils. Head down and slightly puff. To make movements is akin to when a candle or match is blown out. Draw your cheeks and draw your lips with a tube. With closed lips, try to lower the corners of the mouth. Cover the upper lip with the lower one. Roll the "balloons" from one cheek to the other. At the final stage of the exercise, the language from side to side with both open and closed mouth.

This exercise should be done 5 times. If a person is very tired, you can give the muscles a little rest and make relaxing stroking movements in the face. Then continue. Such an exercise takes an average of about half an hour. Gymnastics for the muscles of the face is held at least twice a day, only in this case the patient will feel a positive effect. After carrying out of exercises the person is bandaged with a handkerchief. And the sick side of the face is getting better by hands, and the healthy side is getting down.

In conclusion, it should be noted that with the timely start of treatment, most patients get rid of this ailment. You need to follow all the recommendations, be patient and do not wait for sharp improvement in a few hours. Positive dynamics occurs, as a rule, in a week, and in a month you can talk about recovery. Sometimes the residual phenomena of the disease manifest in the form of broken facial expressions. Such violations in most people disappear within the next 3 months. In very rare cases, mainly because of improper or untimely treatment, they can remain for life.

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