Flushing of lacunae of tonsils: vacuum, apparatus, syringe at home

Without any doubt, treating angina with antibiotics is a very effective method. Antibiotics, appointed by doctors, are capable of killing microbes and removing them from the body along with the nutrient medium of their habitat. But the medicine still claims that it is possible to accelerate this process with the help of a very simple and well-known method of rinsing the tonsils.

Flushing of the tonsils

The task of rinsing the glands is a priority when you have a sore throat. Tonsils are accumulations of lymphoid tissue. They do not have a homogeneous structure, they have many depressions( in medicine - lacunae) and unevenness( crypts) of .

It is in crypts and lacuna that pathogenic microflora, food particles, mucus, dead epithelium and leukocytes can accumulate. All this is a prerequisite for the formation and reproduction of staphylococci and streptococcal infection. Rinsing the throat with special solutions helps stop the reproduction of bacteria.

This method is especially familiar to those who suffer from chronic tonsillitis.

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Indications for the procedure

Flushing is done in several cases:

  1. Acute tonsillitis or tonsillitis. Rinsing is shown not only hardware, but also independent. It can be carried out at home. Of the solutions recommend salt with soda, rotokan, strong tea, potassium permanganate. The value of the method lies in the ability to rinse out the infection and accelerate the recovery.
  2. Parathonsillar abscess. With this disease, glands are also rinsed. To do this, use solutions with antiseptics. Among them, chlorhexidine, furatsilin and a weak solution of manganese.
  3. Chronic pharyngitis. Antibiotics are not prescribed for this disease. Gargle with alkaline solutions and anti-inflammatory herbs. Among them are rotokan or elekasol.

It is better to rinse the glands in a hospital. Homemade self-rinsing can not produce results that are achieved with the help of special medical equipment.

Indications for washing tonsils

Hardware methods

Hardware throat rinsing methods give very good results. Unlike home rinsing, the hardware procedure is able to give a faster effect. Self-rinsing of the glands can not completely clear them from pathogenic microorganisms.

Viruses, microbes and pus can be found in very deep layers of tissues. In this case, getting rid of them yourself is simply impossible. Especially for these purposes, a special syringe and a vacuum washing method are used.


Flushing is carried out in the walls of the hospital. The procedure uses a special syringe with a curved cannula and a blunt needle at the end. Through it, a medicinal solution is supplied to irrigate the glands.

ENT introduces the device directly into the lacunae( grooves in the glands) and feeds the solution under pressure. Most often this method of washing the glands gives a quick and steady effect. This is the absolute advantage of the method.

But the washing with a syringe has its drawbacks. Since lacunae can have a very small diameter, washing can not go to the end. Also often occurs trauma of lymphoid tissue due to discrepancy of the size of the needle, the diameter of the lacunae.

Vacuum method

The vacuum method is used by the doctor in the event that the previous procedure did not yield results. Basically vacuum washing is combined with ultrasound and phonophoresis. This method is the most modern. Its advantages are as follows:

  • reduction in the size of the tonsils, due to the effects of ultrasound;
  • removes inflammation and tones tissues;
  • improves blood circulation in the glands;
  • breaks down any purulent plugs and draws them by a vacuum method;
  • no possible injury.

This method of combating angina and other viral and infectious diseases affecting tonsils is contraindicated in pregnant women. This is due to the fact that phonophoresis and ultrasound may affect the body of a woman and her child negatively.

How do vacuum flushing of tonsils, see in our video:

How to make at home

It is not forbidden to wash glands at home. The main thing to do this procedure with the permission of the doctor and without third-party devices. It is enough just to take a sip of the solution in your mouth and throw back your head to rinse the tonsils. In general, follow the following rules:

  • it is necessary to carry out 6-8 washes per day;
  • rinse the glands with a warm solution, in no case hot or cold;
  • for washing will suit herbal collections and antiseptics;
  • for better penetration of the solution during rinsing, you need to stick your tongue out as far as possible;
  • rinsing should last at least 3 minutes.

It is worth remembering that rinsing at home is not as effective as the procedure performed by a doctor.

How to carry out lavage of the tonsils at home, says Dr. Komarovsky:

What you need to know

The frequency of rinsing depends on what kind of disease affects the human glands. If the angina is purulent, rinses should be as frequent as possible - up to 10 rinses a day. With the usual inflammatory process in the tonsils, the patient needs to perform at least 6-8 rinses per day.

In the photo, the procedure for flushing the tonsils with the

hardware method

solutions The throat rinse solution can be purchased or manufactured independently. There are about fifty different solutions for gargling. What exactly should be used in a particular case, can only tell the doctor.


Several medications can be prescribed from medications:

  1. Chlorhexidine. Medication is an excellent tool, whose action is aimed at eliminating germs and viruses. The preparation is produced in the form of a solution, tablets and aerosol.
  2. Chlorophyllipt. This drug is an alcohol solution that actively removes inflammation from the glands and kills the pathogenic microflora.
  3. Furacilin. The powder has a light yellow color and a slightly specific flavor. Despite the fact that it is a synthetic remedy, the effectiveness of this rinse is proven. Prepare saline from the tablets, which need to be crushed into powder and stirred in warm water.

How to cook

The most common and familiar to each of the tonsilm rinses are the following solutions:

  1. Salt and soda. The product has a disinfecting effect. For cooking, you need a teaspoon of salt and a teaspoon of soda without a slide on a glass of warm, boiled water.
  2. Honey. Such a solution has not only an anti-inflammatory and healing, but also a calming effect. The solution is prepared very simply: for 1 glass of warm water, add 1 tablespoon of honey and stir.
  3. Manganese solution. This solution perfectly disinfects the glands from pathogenic microorganisms. The solution must be made very weak, so as not to damage the tissues of the tonsils.

Herbs, decoctions, improvised products

An excellent means for washing is chamomile. Such a rinse well calms the tissues of the tonsils. For cooking, pour 2 tablespoons of dry grass with a glass of strong boiling water, and insist for half an hour. When the infusion has cooled, you can start rinsing. You can also prepare a decoction of calendula or sage.

Speaking of improvable means of removing pus, it is worthwhile to understand that the consequences of such procedures can be very dangerous. In no case should you take pus from the glands with bandage or cotton wool. It is also not recommended to rinse the glands with a syringe or hydrogen peroxide.

How to prepare a solution of sea salt for washing tonsils, see in our video:


Even though the procedure for washing the tonsils is simple enough and seemingly safe, there are a number of contraindications to its implementation.

In case the patient is allergic, the doctor should choose a rinse solution with extreme caution and consideration of all the individual characteristics of the patient's body.

Diagnostic value of

The diagnostic value of tonsil flushing in angina is very high. Solutions can significantly accelerate the healing process and save a person from the danger posed by viruses, bacteria and fungi found on the surface of the tonsils.

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