Smoking of opium: features of influence on an organism, symptoms of use, consequences

For smoking, opium is used, obtained by drying the milky juice from immature capsules of poppy. Opium is a narcotic substance, which contains alkaloids( opiates), amino acids, proteins. Drug dependence is caused by opiate morphine, which was isolated in its pure form in 1805, was used and is now used as an anesthetic, antitussive.

Smoking opium

Smoking in the classical Chinese manner involves the use of a smoking pipe in which opium is evaporated by a lamp. Drug use through smoking pipes was invented in China 200 years ago. Before that, he was smoked, mixing with tobacco.

This method of drug use has been common in the past, now this form of drug addiction is almost not used. This is explained by the fact that the process of smoking takes time, special preparations, preparation.

Historical background

Opium began to apply the ancient Greeks, mention of it is already found in the works of Hippocrates for 400 years BC.e. It is called a meconine in this work and is characterized by narcotic properties.

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After the prohibition of the use of this drug in China in 1729, an evaporation system using a special lamp and a long smoking tube was also invented.

This occupation became very popular in the Victorian era. There was a whole culture of drug use. Tubes, lamps, cups for smoking were real works of art.

In the 19th century, opium comes with Chinese immigrants to the United States. By the beginning of the 20th century, there was hardly a city in the USA where there would not be a chicken. At the beginning of the last century in Europe, America began an active struggle with the dominance of the drug.

One of the methods used to combat the use of opium was the attempt to replace it with heroin, a derivative of morphine. The result was the emergence of the first heroin addicts in the early 20th century. And also that the smoking of opium came out finally from mass consumption.

Opium chicken in Shanghai in 1907

The effects of

on natural drugs, has a sedative, soothing effect, is appeasing, soothing. For medical purposes, opium alkaloids are used - opiates.

Of 20 opioids, codeine, morphine, is used to make medicines. The use of opiates, like narcotic drugs, causes addiction, destroys the health, life of the addict and his loved ones.

Opiates are included in the natural metabolism due to their similarity with endorphins - the hormones of human pleasure. Endorphins are compounds formed by natural metabolism in the human body.

Nature has provided these substances to prevent pain shock. The properties of endorphins are blocking the transmission of pain signals. By binding to the receptors of nerve cells, these substances stop the transmission of a nerve impulse.

Mechanism of action

Opiates have a similar structure to endorphins, are able to bind to neuronal receptors, replacing natural compounds. This displacement of the body's own endorphins leads to a decrease in their production.

  • Attempts by a smoker to stop using opium by the body cause a sharp shortage of own endorphins.
  • Pain receptors, not having received a habitual portion of substitutes of their own endorphins, transmit nerve impulses to the brain.

The brain of the addict receives simultaneously a lot of pain signals of different intensity. The patient at this time feels terrible pain.

Influence on internal organs

When smoking opium from the lungs, the components of the drug penetrate into the blood, and are carried throughout the body. Of the 20 opiates contained in this drug, only the morphine can penetrate into the brain. He is the main striking force that causes dependence.

Opiates can accumulate in various organs of the body. Most of them are found in the lungs, liver, kidneys. The smoker's appetite disappears, the muscle mass is lost, it looks exhausted, exhausted.

When opium overdose develops pulmonary edema, blood pressure drops. External signs with abstinence syndrome - the pupil is dilated, there may be a toothache, headache. Death can come from a violation of the brain, stopping breathing.

Symptoms and signs of use of

The manifestations of drug action in any mode of consumption are similar, but differ in their intensity, timing of appearance. When smoking opium, symptoms appear later, but getting rid of addiction is no less difficult than with other methods of use.

  • At the first admission, smoking opium causes nausea. Vomiting can occur, then these symptoms disappear, they are replaced by signs of brain damage.
  • A person who smokes opium can suddenly fall asleep. Waking up, he immediately turns on the conversation, and, do not remember what was going on.
  • Smokers become distracted, forgetful.
  • They have lowered the pain threshold, there is no reaction of the pupil to the absence of light. In the dark, the pupil of the smoked opium does not expand, the visual acuity falls.
  • The skin of opium-dependent opium is pale, dry, flabby, under the eyes dark circles.

Bad teeth - the yellowed tooth enamel, the dropped out teeth serve as the sign of the opium smoker. At excess of a dose there is a faint, a skin itch. Smoking of opium adversely affects the condition of the lungs and bronchi. The smokers develop wheezing in the lungs, pulmonary insufficiency develops.

Dependence of

Accepting opiates in any way quickly causes psychic and physical dependence. At first, the addict, who is actually addicted to smoking, creates the illusion that he has no dependence, and he controls the habit.

But soon the need for taking a drug increases several times. A person is no longer limited to smoking every other day or every day. He walks almost constantly smoked with drugs, without achieving the desired effect.

Dependence develops quickly, the patient is difficult to cure. But if you refuse to smoke opium, under condition of treatment in the hospital, the patient can be almost completely restored if the period of drug use was small.

Consequences of

Consequences of smoking opium are manifested:

  • memory impairment;
  • muscle pain;
  • is a violation of the menstrual cycle in women;
  • loss of potency in men;
  • infertility.

The smoker suffers from heart, brain, lungs, kidneys, liver. Over time, hearing deteriorates, visual acuity decreases, cataracts develop. Without treatment, the disease ends with opiate fever, the transition to intravenous drug use, the death of the patient.

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