Septic endocarditis: symptoms and treatment, prevention, causes

Septic endocarditis is common in drug addicts, since the use of narcotic drugs is reflected particularly negatively on cardiac structures. When the septic endocarditis is affected by the inner shell of the heart, that is, the endocardium. Moreover, the lesion may affect the parietal and valvular endocardium. In this case, bacteria from the human body enter the endocardium and begin to multiply in it, which can lead not only to serious complications, but also to a fatal outcome.

Features of the disease

Statistics show that in most patients there is an isolated form of endocarditis( approximately 70% of all patients).The disease affects different structures:

  • aortic valve - 50% of cases;
  • mitral - 13%;
  • combination of aortic and mitral valves - 29%
  • other valves - 8%;

Based on the statistics, it is evident that endocarditis most often affects the aortic valve( more than 70% of cases).Septic endocarditis manifests itself in different ways depending on age. So, children can change their skin color to pale with a gray tinge.

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For the types of septic endocarditis, read on.

Human body with septic endocarditis

Species and forms of

Bacterial endocarditis can develop against a background of other diseases, and depending on it, it is divided into:

  • Primary. Develops on intact valves.
  • Secondary. It develops as a complication of rheumatic malformation.

If the valves are damaged, the risk of complications is very high, therefore, secondary endocarditis occurs several times more often than the primary one.


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The opinion of doctors. .. & gt; & gt;

Depending on the severity and duration of the disease, 3 forms of bacterial septic endocarditis are isolated:

  • Acute with a duration of 14 days.
  • Subacute, the symptoms of which appear sometimes up to 3 months.
  • Chronic, with which the patient can live for several years.

The most difficult to treat is the chronic form.

The following video shows how a septic endocarditis of a protracted type looks like:

Causes of septic endocarditis

It is possible to insert into your organism a bacterium that will develop septic endocarditis, in various ways, for example, through the mouth or other cavities. Therefore, the background for endocarditis can be:

  • Bacterial diseases such as sinusitis, otitis or angina. The most common pathogens are bacteria enterococcus, staphylococcus and streptococcus.
  • Surgical intervention like tonsillectomy.

There are also risk factors that increase the possibility of endocarditis, for example:

  • cardiomyopathy in history;
  • heart disease;
  • artificial heart valve;
  • scarring of the heart valves due to any diseases.

The cause depends on the shape of endocarditis and developing signs. About the symptoms and treatment of septic endocarditis in adults and children read on.

Symptoms of

There is no specific symptomatology in the disease. At the most, septic myocarditis manifests itself as a general symptomatology, which depends on the form of the disease, the accompanying pathologies, the type of pathogen and other factors. Most often, septic endocarditis manifests itself:

  1. by dizziness;
  2. with nausea;
  3. by stomach disorder;
  4. fever( in the case of subacute form, the temperature can rise to 40 degrees);
  5. by breathing disorders, such as dyspnea;
  6. with a dry cough;
  7. pain in the muscles and joints;
  8. weight loss;
  9. sleep disorders;
  10. total fatigue;
  11. reduced performance;

In each case it will be a different set of symptoms that can manifest gradually and do not cause any special discomfort to the patient.


The primary diagnosis is the analysis of symptoms and family history of the patient. If the doctor assumes a patient with septic endocarditis, then he appoints instrumental and laboratory tests:

  • A general blood test that identifies leukocytosis and an increased rate of erythrocyte sedimentation.
  • Blood boom, revealing the pathogen. It is recommended to carry out the analysis at a feverish condition.
  • Biochemical blood test showing changes in protein composition, immune status, for example, increased CEC, decreased hemolytic activity, and other indicators.
  • Echocardiography showing the vegetation on the heart valves.

The patient can also be given an MRI and MSCT, which give more accurate data.

The following video story details the symptoms and methods of diagnosing infectious septic( bacterial) endocarditis:

Treatment of

Treatment of bacterial endocarditis should be performed in a hospital, as it will allow you to quickly perform all necessary tests and provide timely treatment. The basis of treatment is the medication intake, however, a combined approach can also be used.


Therapy reduces to adherence to bed rest and a diet low in salt. For the duration of the entire hospital, the patient must observe minimal physical activity.

To increase the effectiveness of drug therapy, the patient can prescribe plasmapheresis( blood purification) and autotransfusion with ultraviolet.


Antibiotic therapy is given the main role in treatment, therefore it is prescribed immediately after bacterosseum. Antibiotic, which will be used for therapy, is chosen by the doctor based on the pathogen. Most often, antibiotics of a wide spectrum are prescribed to increase the likelihood of treatment effectiveness. Typically, antibiotics of the penicillin series in combination with an aminoglycoside are particularly effective.

Antimicrobials like dioxin are prescribed together with an antibiotic. Depending on the concomitant diseases, non-hormonal anti-inflammatory drugs may be prescribed to the patient.


Surgical intervention is prescribed only in those cases when drug therapy did not give the desired effect.

After the decline in the severity of the inflammatory process, the patient is prescribed valve prosthetics. The damaged parts of the valves are removed and replaced by prostheses made of polymers.

Read more about prevention of septic endocarditis.

Prevention of disease and recommendations

If the patient is at risk, then he should be monitored. That is, a person must undergo a full examination every six months for septic endocarditis, and also follow the doctor's recommendations, for example:

  • To undergo antibiotic therapy with instrumental medical manipulations, for example, tooth extraction.
  • Avoid overcooling.
  • Avoid crowded places during epidemics.
  • Tempering.
  • Take a multivitamin at the rate.

Approximately once every six months a patient should undergo a sanation of foci of chronic infections. Whether there is a septic pulmonary embolism in infectious, septic endocarditis, read on.

Septic pulmonary embolism with endocarditis

Septic pulmonary embolism develops in approximately 50% of patients, and among drug addicts, this percentage rises to 72. Diagnosis of this condition is complicated by the fact that it can be taken for pneumonia, which will delay correct treatment.

Untreated pulmonary embolism may lead to:

  1. infarction;
  2. an abscess of the lung;
  3. bilateral pneumothorax;
  4. hydrothorax;
  5. empyema;

Since many of these conditions are lethal, treatment of the embolism should be started immediately upon detection.

Complications of

Septic endocarditis is dangerous because the patient may not notice it until the last. In this regard, the risk of complications such as

  1. pulmonary edema is high;
  2. hypertension;
  3. pneumonia;
  4. infarction;
  5. abscess;
  6. splenomegaly;
  7. nephritis;
  8. renal failure;
  9. of hepatitis;
  10. of meningitis;
  11. cyst;
  12. of pericarditis;
  13. tachycardia;
  14. thrombosis;
  15. thrombophlebitis;
  16. aneurysms;
  17. thromboembolism;
  18. vasculitis;

The development of complications largely depends on the form of the disease and accompanying pathologies.


Septic endocarditis is considered one of the most serious heart diseases, so it is difficult to predict its treatment. It is necessary to start from many factors of the patient's condition, for example, the defeat of the valve, the phase at which the treatment began and others. Without treatment, a patient with an acute form dies within 2 months, with subacute - half a year.

Statistics show that if antibacterial therapy is performed in a timely manner, more than 70% of patients survive, but if infection affects valve prosthetics, the percentage decreases to 50. Bacterial endocarditis becomes chronic in about 15% of cases.

On the peculiarities of such ailment as septic endocarditis, even more detailed will tell in the video of the famous TV presenter:

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