Paksil and alcohol: compatibility, consequences, whether it is possible to combine

Depression is a common ailment that affects not only the patient himself, but also his loved ones. As part of the treatment, doctors often prescribe antidepressants to patients, but many of them try to resort to alcohol, seeking comfort in it. If a person is prescribed Paxil, can you combine it with alcohol?

Paxil and alcohol

Paxil is an effective antidepressant based on paroxetine. The drug is available in tablets, which must be taken orally after meals. To the agent is well absorbed by the body, it is important to wash it with water.

Paxil is dispensed from pharmacies only on the prescription of the treating doctor.

Indications for its purpose are:

  • depressive states;
  • is an obsessive-compulsive disorder;
  • increased anxiety;
  • panic attacks;
  • social phobia;
  • post-traumatic syndrome;
  • agoraphobia.

The drug is effective in the treatment of depression of any etiology. The first result appears a week after the start of taking the tablets. Paxil often improves the condition of patients who have not been helped by other antidepressants.

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The effectiveness of treatment is enhanced if, simultaneously with Paxil, the patient is prescribed drugs to improve cognitive function and stabilize behavioral disorders. The combination of these drugs is also used to prevent recurrence of panic attacks.

Antidepressant has a strong effect, stimulating the activity of the central nervous system. In this regard, it can not be consumed during periods:

  • pregnancy;
  • breast-feeding;
  • of a minor age.

For children and adolescents Paxil is contraindicated because at their age the central nervous system has not yet formed completely. In this regard, the antidepressant can aggravate the patient's condition.
On the video about Paxil:


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Depression, increased anxiety, panic attacks - all these mental disorders reduce the quality of people's lives. To relax and improve their mood, they often resort to alcohol. This occurs even in the case when the doctor prescribed antidepressants, because the effect of these drugs does not begin immediately, and the person is tired of waiting for the effect.

Also the manufacturer informs, that spirits do not strengthen influence Paksila on psychomotor functions. However, their simultaneous reception is not recommended, that is, drink an antidepressant with alcohol is not worth it.

The manufacturer warns that the concentration of the drug in the blood may decrease under the influence of inducers of microsomal enzymes of the liver, and one of them is ethanol. Like other antidepressants, Paxil with a single use of alcohol is metabolized more slowly, and with the constant drinking of alcohol, its metabolic processes, on the contrary, are accelerated.

Possible consequences of

Since alcohol affects the metabolism of Paxil and its concentration in the blood, the treatment process can be delayed. Absorption of the drug is difficult, as a result of which its effectiveness will be weakened.

An overdose of the drug is a serious danger.

If in that case the patient drinks alcohol, the symptoms of intoxication will intensify, among which: sharp pressure jumps;

  • high temperature;
  • intense headaches;
  • involuntary muscle contraction;
  • arrhythmia;
  • nausea with vomiting;
  • overexcitation.
  • There are reports that an overdose of Paxil in combination with the reception of strong alcohol led to fatal outcomes. At signs of poisoning, the patient should immediately rinse the stomach, then give him a sorbent - activated charcoal, which is in every medicine cabinet. Then treatment should be done by doctors who will prescribe to the person fortifying preparations.

    Rules for combining

    Although the annotation to Paxil states that you can consume alcohol during the treatment period, it is important to follow several rules. Like any other medicine, this antidepressant can not be taken simultaneously with alcohol, otherwise it will not bring the effect. To Paksil assimilated in the digestive tract, it should be washed down with clean water, and in large quantities.

    The rest of the conditions for alcohol consumption during the antidepressant treatment are as follows:

    • get permission from your attending psychiatrist;
    • wait 2 weeks from the beginning of treatment;
    • drink alcohol at most once every 10-15 days;
    • for the whole party to drink 1 glass of vodka, but not volley.

    Instead of vodka you can pour yourself a cognac or a whiskey. The main thing is that it's quality strong alcohol. It is better to dilute the juice and drink slowly, stretching for a couple of hours.


    If during the treatment with Paxil there is an intolerable desire to drink alcohol, it can be done. Clinical trials of the drug confirm that this combination will not cause significant harm to health.

    Many psychiatrists believe a person should make a clear choice - either to treat depression or to drink. Paxil helps to normalize the mental state of the patient. However, doctors' reviews suggest that alcohol often provokes depressive disorders, as it changes the chemical composition of the brain.

    It turns out a vicious circle: if a person drinks, once he develops postalcoholic depression, get rid of which he tries the same hot drinks. Drinking alcohol when taking an antidepressant deprives the whole treatment of the meaning, doctors explain.

    Those who drank Paksil, say that they tried to refrain from alcohol, but on holidays almost everyone broke. Moderate amounts of alcohol did not lead to negative consequences and significant changes in well-being.

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