Oncological diseases: prevention, causes, signs and symptoms

Oncological diseases today are considered the most common pathology after stroke and myocardial ischemia. And every year the number of cancer patients is growing steadily. Many are afraid of such a diagnosis, although oncology is not always a fatal verdict.

To have a more complete understanding of the types and forms of cancer, consider them in more detail.

Concept of oncology

So, oncology is a branch of medical science dealing with the study of malignant or benign formations, their origin, mechanism and etiology of development, pathogenesis and diagnosis, treatment and preventive measures.

Similar tumors can be formed in any part of the body, so the diagnosis indicates a specific location, for example, cancer of the breast, lungs, kidneys, etc. If you leave the tumor without proper treatment, it will release metastases and spread to other areas of the body.

Reasons for the formation of

The question of the etiology of cancer or cancer tumors has been in the leading world minds for more than a century now, therefore, medicine is actively engaged in the study of this issue.

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For today it is reliably known that the growth of such cells is of a polyethological nature, therefore it is impossible to single out any one causative factor.

There are such common causes of tumors:

  • Radiation and radio wave effect;
  • Genetic predisposition to hereditary oncological pathologies;
  • Influence of carcinogenic substances falling with poor-quality food in the body;
  • In the process of smoking, dangerous chemicals and nicotine penetrate the body, which can provoke some forms of cancer;
  • Some infectious diseases can be complicated by the oncological process;
  • Age plays an important role in the development of cancerous tumors, the older the person, the higher the likelihood of oncology;
  • Incorrect lifestyle such as hypodynamia, obesity, malnutrition also contribute to the development of cancer processes;
  • UV radiation from the sun can also provoke some oncological forms like skin cancer, etc.

Risk Factors

It often happens that oncology is detected late, when it is no longer possible to cure it medically. Unfortunately, there are situations when operative and chemotherapeutic treatment is powerless against cancer. This disease spares no one, as everyone can, regardless of age and sex differences, even in young children.

Therefore, each person can be one on one with a similar disease. Experts identified several factors, the presence of which increases the risk of oncology:

  1. Incorrect lifestyle( addictions, improper eating, lack of mobility);
  2. Ecological situation;
  3. Age criteria;
  4. Too high or too low income of the population.

First signs and general symptoms of

Oncological symptoms are divided into general signs and local manifestations.

If the local symptomatology differs according to the specific localization of the tumor, then common manifestations occur in all cancer patients.

So, the common symptoms are composed of two syndromes.

  • Syndrome of compression. Its occurrence is caused by the pressure of oncological formation on the nerve trunks that surround affected tissues and organs. A characteristic manifestation of the syndrome of compression is soreness, which grows and assumes a permanent character. First, it periodically makes itself felt, showing a aching or blunt character, but with the further development of pathology it increases, acquiring an acute permanent character. In the later stages of oncology, compression pain becomes not at all tolerable.
  • Syndrome of intoxication. Such a symptom complex is caused by a violation of metabolic processes under the influence of the tumor. For the intoxication syndrome is characteristic:
  1. Unreasonable weight loss, aversion to certain specific foods, problems with appetite;
  2. Skin changes noticeably, yellowness, excessive pallor, erythema, rashes, skin lesions, etc.;
  3. Increased fatigue, general weakening of the body, a sharp decrease in ability to work;
  4. Apathetic mood, depressive states, loss of interest in what is happening around.

International classification

According to the international classification, oncological pathologies differ in pathomorphological and clinical data.

Benign oncology is a tumor that is characterized by a slowed down rate of development or does not develop at all. Such a tumor can not metastasize to other systems or organs.

Benign oncology usually does not threaten health, it can be cured by surgery. But if there are provoking factors, oncology of a benign nature can lead to organ dysfunction or be re-qualified as a malignant tumor.

Malignant oncology poses a serious threat to the patient's life. Such tumors are formed due to cell mutation or uncontrolled growth. Their difference from benign formations is the ability to metastasize, penetrate and spread to other organs.

The photo shows comparative statistics on cancer diseases for 2014-2015

Malignant oncology is the most common cause of death after cardiovascular pathologies. The most famous type of cancer oncology is cancer.

Stages of development of

In order to understand the breadth of the oncological process in the patient's body, specialists identified 4 stages of oncological diseases development:

  • I stage testifies to the local nature of oncology, the absence of metastases and small parameters of education;
  • Assignment of oncology of the II stage speaks about the locally widespread nature of the disease, the tumor has larger dimensions;
  • Stage III also characterizes locally advanced oncology, but on a wider scale, lymph nodes are involved in oncological processes;
  • IV stage of oncology means cancer that has spread to other organs or gave metastases, it is also called terminal stage of oncological diseases.

Kinds of oncological diseases

We consider the types of oncology in accordance with the morphological nature of diseases. Benign entities are classified into such species as:

  • Lipoma - a tumor consisting of adipose tissue, characterized by pain and mobility, which brings the patient a lot of suffering;
  • Fibroma - consists of connective tissue, occurs mainly on the female genitalia, accompanied by menstrual irregularities, painful intercourse, prolonged menstruation;
  • Myoma - usually found in the female genital area and formed from muscle fibers due to obesity, hormonal abnormalities or abortion, is considered hereditary;
  • Osteoma - formed from bone tissue, has no tendency to malignancy, is congenital in nature;
  • Angioma - a tumor formed from vascular tissues, is congenital in nature, localized by the subcutaneous layer mainly on the oral mucosa, lips, cheeks;
  • Papilloma - papilliform formation, easily removable, occurs due to papillomavirus on the mucous membranes of the genital organs and mouth;
  • Adenoma - is formed from the glandular tissue, taking the form of the organ in which it develops, is found predominantly in men in the prostate gland, is not life threatening, but delivers a lot of uncomfortable sensations like difficulty urinating, cuts, problems with erectile function, even impotence;
  • Cystic formations - is a cavity filled with fluid, characterized by rapid growth, which can lead to rupture, infection of blood and death.

Tumors of a malignant nature are divided into these types:

  • Sarcoma - grows from connective tissue;
  • Carcinoma - is formed from the epithelium, occurs in most oncological cases( 85%);
  • Melanoma - is formed from melanocytes, affects the skin of the face or neck, limbs, rapidly metastasizes;
  • Leukemia is a bone marrow cancer;
  • Glioma - primary tumor formation of the brain;
  • Lymphoma - is formed from lymphatic tissues and interferes with the normal activity of the body, it is found mainly in the elderly.

Methods of diagnosis and treatment

Diagnostic process of oncology involves the traditional delivery of tests, medical examination by an oncologist, ultrasound and radiography, endoscopy, CT or MRI.

Therapeutic methods of oncological pathologies are divided into 3 types.

  1. Radiation treatment - a similar therapy is often called radiology or radiation, when with the help of special equipment the tumor is irradiated, so that the growth of the tumor stops, and its dimensions noticeably decrease.
  2. Chemotherapy involves the introduction of drugs from the group of cytostatics, restoring the development of formations and reducing their size.
  3. Surgical treatment involves the surgical removal of education, metastases and lymph nodes that have been afflicted.


An excellent preventive anti-cancer measure will be enough active life and adherence to the principles of proper nutrition. After all, scientists have proved that obesity and hypodynamia increase the likelihood of cancer. In addition, it will not be superfluous to adhere to the sleep regime, which will help to strengthen immune protection and increase the body's resistance to various pathologies.


Disability does not rely on all cancer patients. For example, young and middle-aged patients undergo long-term treatment, after which the commission decides whether to extend treatment or still assign a disability group. Everything depends on the course of oncology and the degree of damage to the body.

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