Ostiophalliculitis: causes, methods of treatment and diagnosis, prognosis

Ostiophalliculitis, known among medical professionals, as staphylococcal impetigo. This disease is an inflammation of the upper part of the sebaceous gland, the hair follicle. Inflammatory process is usually provoked by penetration into the body of staphylococcus aureus. On the skin integuments / single pustules are formed, small in size.

Pustules are not characterized by peripheral growth, fusion. This disease often manifests itself in such areas of the body: shin, face, neck, hips, forearms, scalp, on the penis. In this article we will look at the treatment, the symptoms of ostiofolliculitis in children and adults, tell you whether it is contagious or not, provide photos of patients, give you useful advice.

Features of the disease

Dermatologists consider pyoinflammatory disease of the skin as a group of "pyoderma."It affects people of different age groups. Still, it is noted that in children this pathology is more common. According to the data of pediatric dermatology, the disease affects the epithelium on open areas of the body. The most quickly injured injured places:

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  • abrasions;
  • insect bites;
  • scratches;
  • combing.

In men, lesion is usually localized in such areas:

  • beard;
  • mustache.

Inflammation of the follicles becomes a more dangerous inflammatory process, represented by sycosis.

More details on pyoderma, including ostiofolliculitis, will be described by the specialist in the video below:

Stages of

In this ailment, the specialists identified 2 stages:

  1. The appearance of redness around the hair.
  2. Formation of pustules.

Staphylococcal impetigo Bokhart dermatologists are treated as a separate clinical form. This form of the disease is characterized by a noticeable increase in the size of the pustules( they reach the size of a pea).In the center of each such formation passes the hair of the hair. Impetigo Bokharta more often affects the back side of the hands. It can develop as a complication of scabies.

About the causes of ostiofolliculitis we'll talk further.

Causes of

Ostiophalliculitis causes staphylococcus aureus( golden, white).Staphylococci present on the epidermis of healthy people, without causing them any disease, inflammation. Penetrate in the mouth of the sebaceous glands, these representatives of saprophyte microflora can with reduced immunity. In a weakened organism, active reproduction of staphylococcus begins with:

  • supercooling;
  • infectious disease( measles, hepatitis, tuberculosis, meningitis);
  • somatic diseases( myocarditis, bronchitis, renal failure, pneumonia, pyelonephritis);
  • ODS;
  • diabetes mellitus.

Staphylococcus reproduces perfectly under the following conditions:

  • inadequate hygiene;
  • increased sweating;
  • traumatization of the skin( shaving, maceration, friction);
  • increased skin pH;
  • increased secretion of sebaceous glands.

Symptoms of ostiophalliculitis

The development of ostiophalliculitis begins with reddening at the outlet of the duct of the hair follicle, the sebaceous gland.

  • Already at the onset of the inflammatory process, the patient feels pain, which is markedly increased by pressing on the reddening.
  • Later, the redness goes to the pustule, around which the inflammatory corona is visible. The pustule is represented by a conical formation, the tip of which has a characteristic yellow color. Its diameter reaches 5 mm, and in the center there is a hair.
  • There is no increase in the formed pustule in diameter. Very quickly, literally for 3 - 5 days, it dries up, the formed crust has a brown color. After falling off the crust, there is a temporary pigmentation, not very bright.

Multiple eruptions of ostiofolliculitis. They can be grouped or disaggregated. Localized inflammation in those areas that are more often exposed to the environment, pollution( hips, neck, lower legs, arms to the elbows, face).


It is possible to detect a disease during normal examination. If you notice several pustules( scattered / grouped) on the skin, you need to contact a dermatologist. The formulation of an accurate diagnosis is based on a simple examination, as well as on the data of dermatoscopy, which consists in examining the elements of the rashes under magnification.

The staphylococcal nature of the disease, the superficial nature of the inflammatory process is indicated by the conical form of pustules, pus on the top of the follicle, infiltration around the pustules. To accurately determine the cause of the disease is necessary: ​​

  • determination of skin pH;
  • blood for sterility;
  • bucket.

Differential diagnostics is mandatory. The disease must be differentiated with the following diseases:

  • sweating;
  • deep folliculitis;
  • pseudofurunculosis;
  • streptococcal impetigo.

Now let's find out how to treat ostiofolliculitis, from the video below:

Treatment of

Therapy of ostiophalliculitis should be performed on an outpatient basis. Very effective is antibacterial treatment. It is carried out by means of antiseptic agents. In addition to drug therapy, a significant effect is provided by traditional medicine.

The purulent-inflammatory disease under consideration is treated by such methods:

  1. Conducting local antibiotic therapy.
  2. Opening pustules, extracting their contents( only with single pustules).
  3. Conducting local UFO-therapy.
  4. Antibiotic therapy( if the disease recurs).
  5. Increased immunity in various ways.

Therapeutic way of

In addition to the use of antiseptic, antibacterial drugs, the treatment of ostiofolliculitis requires the enhancement of the immune system. Strengthening of immunity is achieved through the following physiotherapeutic procedures:

  • VLOK( laser irradiation of blood);
  • UFOK( ultraviolet irradiation of blood);
  • general UFO-therapy;
  • autohemotherapy.

Around the pustule, it is recommended to treat the skin with boric alcohol. General antibiotic therapy is necessary in case of recurrence of the disease.

And now we will find out which ointment is better for ostiophalliculitis.

By medicamentous method

In the treatment of pyoinflammatory disease the following remedies are very effective:

  • "Fukortzin".
  • "Permanganate calcium solution".
  • "Methylene blue".
  • "Brilliant green".

Also, dermatologists advise to use antibacterial ointments:

  • "Erythromycin".
  • "Heliomycin".
  • "Tetracycline".
  • "Colimycin".

Baneocin, supirocin and triderm also received good reviews in the treatment of ostiofolliculitis.


If the rash is represented by single elements, specialists can open the pustules, then clean them from the pus.

Prevention of the disease

The main preventive method is the observance of personal hygiene. It is very important to properly care for skin. Also, the prevention of this disease, its relapse involves:

  1. Wearing protective equipment by people who come into contact with harmful substances.
  2. Prevention of frequent trauma to the epidermis.
  3. Correct treatment of skin lesions( wounds, abrasions, bites).
  4. Increased immunity.

Complications of

If you do not start treatment of this inflammatory process in time, it will penetrate deep into the follicle. Deep folliculitis will begin to develop, which threatens the formation of small scars on the skin after healing of abscesses.


For this disease the prognosis is quite favorable.

  • If timely to start effective treatment of the disease, the improvement of the condition is noted after a few days.
  • If untimely treatment of a dermatologist, penetration of the infection into the interior is possible, which contributes to the development of deep folliculitis.

More information on pyoderma will tell this video:

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