Contact dermatitis: photos, symptoms, treatment

Allergic reactions manifest themselves in different ways - in the form of a cold, inflammation of the eyes, skin rashes. Contact dermatitis in the photo looks like a global redness and swelling of the skin. What traditional and folk ways can quickly eliminate inflammation?

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Contact dermatitis - what is it?

Atopic( contact) dermatitis develops by direct contact of skin with irritants - metals, food products, cosmetic and detergents, products made of synthetic materials. With increased sensitivity, the inflammatory process develops rapidly, has an acute and chronic form, is diagnosed equally in adults and children.

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Important! Skin dermatitis is often accompanied by additional syndromes - allergic conjunctivitis, runny nose.

Types of contact dermatitis:

  • simple contact dermatitis - occurs against the background of constant contact with aggressive chemicals;
  • allergic contact dermatitis - manifests itself as a protective reaction of the body to certain allergens;
  • contact urticaria - develops within half an hour after contact with allergens, passes quickly;
  • photochemical contact dermatitis - allergy to ultraviolet.

According to the international classification of ICD-10, allergic dermatitis is assigned code L23, there are 9 subspecies in the classification, depending on the type of allergens.

Causes of the disease

Contact dermatitis - one of the types of immune reaction of the body, occurs most often in places directly contact with irritants, most often on the hands.

Important! Individual predisposition to allergens is genetically inherited, inherited.

The main types of allergens:

  • food products - citrus fruits, beekeeping products, nuts, fish;
  • cosmetics and cosmetics, household chemicals;
  • chemicals - dyes, glue, latex;
  • metals - nickel, silver, gold;
  • medications.

Irritant contact dermatitis occurs with frequent contact with water, soap and detergents. It can be a reaction to excessive sweating, dust, food fibers, solvents. It takes several months to completely fix the problem. In men, the disease is more common, because they have to work in harmful production, contact with aggressive chemical compounds.

Contact dermatitis is often formed on the palms, wrists, between the fingers. With frequent contacts with harmful chemical vapors, poor-quality cosmetics and sunscreens, the inflammatory process can occur on the face, lips, and the eyelids.

Eruptions on the head indicate that shampoo or other hair care products are not properly selected. If there is dermatitis on the legs, you need to change socks, insoles, shoes. Itching and redness of the genitals after sexual contact may be an allergy to latex or semen.

In pregnancy, contact dermatitis occurs against the background of a general restructuring of the body, when even the usual products can trigger the appearance of allergic reactions. The peak of the disease is in the first and third trimester.

Photo of contact dermatitis

As the disease of

manifests Dermatitis symptoms do not always manifest themselves - often in a few hours or days. If the skin is damaged, then the reaction to stimuli appears faster.

The main signs of dermatitis:

  • the skin becomes very dry, there is a strong itching;
  • disease is accompanied by redness and swelling of the skin;
  • the skin begins to burst, cracks appear, the wounds that are covered with a crust;
  • sometimes produces blisters.

Acute contact dermatitis is manifested in the form of erosions, rashes cover large areas of the skin - back, abdomen, axillary cavities, appear on the elbows and forearms. As the disease develops, the inflamed areas begin to peel off, and when the form is started, pigmentation may occur. The acute form is sometimes accompanied by an increase in temperature, a general malaise.


Diagnostics begins with an external examination, anamnesis. For the doctor, the location of the inflammatory process, the presence of itching, burning, the place and nature of the patient's work is of great importance.

Clinical analysis of blood is of primary importance from laboratory diagnostic methods. The high content of eosinophils is the main indicator of an allergic reaction.

To determine the allergen accurately, the application skin tests are performed - put on the skin of the alleged irritants, observe the reaction.

In the remission phase, patch tests can be done-allergens are applied to sticky paper strips, they are attached to the back, removed after 2 days. After removing the plates, allergic reactions quickly pass, but the doctor will be able to pinpoint the cause of the disease.

Consequences of dermatitis - attachment of secondary infection, eczema with purulent discharge, abscesses, phlegmon. Therefore, dermatitis should be properly treated, do not ignore the problem.

Treatment methods

Only a dermatologist can choose drugs and develop a treatment regimen. For treatment use antihistamines in the form of ointments, tablets.

Effective medicines against dermatitis:

  • Diazolin - is inexpensive, easy to use, has few side effects;
  • ointment Flucinar - a drug based on glucocorticosteroids, accelerates the regeneration process, eliminates swelling;
  • Sulfuric Ointment - helps with mechanical rubbing.

Important! If the tests show an allergy to nickel, you should exclude from the diet products that contain it - buckwheat, oatmeal, tomatoes, liver, chocolate, seeds.

Contact dermatitis in a child

The skin of infants is more delicate and tender, the immune system is not completely formed, so it reacts more strongly to aggressive substances and chemical compounds. Dermatitis in children manifests itself in the form of redness and swelling, itching, burning, fever. Eruptions occur on the buttocks, in the folds, on the hips.

The main causes of dermatitis in children:

  • , both or one parent is allergic;
  • severe infectious diseases during pregnancy, drug abuse during this period;
  • difficult delivery, severe pregnancy;
  • to increase allergic reactions may calcium deficiency, which is often the case with teething;
  • is a bad ecological situation.

Skin dermatitis occurs in children when using unsuitable or substandard personal care products - washing powder, wet wipes, creams and powder. Eruptions in the groin of a child can be a reaction to diapers - you need to change the manufacturer.

Important! Many doctors consider contact dermatitis the norm in infants, the disease is diagnosed in almost every child. After 4 years, the risk of developing pathology is minimal.

How to treat dermatitis in young children? Exclude allergen, increase the number of air and water procedures, do not use synthetic clothing, care products with a lot of dyes and flavors. From drugs, you can use antihistamines with local action - Fenistil-gel. When the form is started, you should use ointments based on corticosteroid hormones - Advantan, Elokom.

Dr. Komarovsky recommends using the following rules in the treatment - to reduce the amount of absorbed harmful substances - this requires a regular stool with the help of Dufolac, Normase. Reduce sweating in the child - dressing for the weather, monitor the air in the room, regularly do a wet cleaning. Minimize contacts with suspected allergens - use clean water for bathing, use only special powders for washing children's things.

Well cure dermatitis in children's folk remedies. You can lubricate the inflamed places with the juice of a cucumber, a potato, an apple. Well softens the skin, eliminates the itch oil of sea buckthorn, grape, peach. For compresses with severe itching, you can use a geranium broth - pour 12 g of raw material with 230 ml of water, simmer in a water bath for 7-8 minutes, cool.

Contact dermatitis can lead to the development of severe pathologies. The best prevention is to identify the irritant, avoid contact with it, if this is not possible, then use protective masks and gloves. If the allergen hits the skin, the area should be rinsed with soapy water, the soda solution is well eliminated by some drugs. If rashes on the skin occur often, accompanied by severe itching and burning, you need to see a doctor.

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