How to tear a tooth without pain at home

Despite all the modern equipment and professional approach, going to the dentist for many remains an unpleasant phenomenon. In the treatment room, the smell of medicines is haunting, and from one kind of instruments it becomes bad. Therefore, when the tooth needs to be removed( especially dairy children), the question arises as to how to tear a tooth without pain at home.

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Important! Of course, there are situations where you should not resort to home treatment methods. It is necessary to consult a doctor for professional help. But dairy, as well as wisdom teeth, many have managed to tear at home. It is important to observe all the nuances of the process.

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Without pain and negativity

More often adults are looking for how to tear a tooth to a child at home without pain. Dairy begin to fall out at the age of six. Staggering, they cause unpleasant sensations and interfere with the normal life of the child. If it is already swinging, you can think of an independent removal.

Important Steps in the

Preparatory Process Step # 1

Before you begin the process, you need to understand whether it will be possible to remove it yourself. As a rule, with unstable milk teeth should not be a problem. Sometimes they are too deep in the gums, and are not available for self-removal. This can be understood after a visual inspection.

Step # 2

The gums should not have swelling or strong redness. If swelling is present, this indicates the presence of an inflammatory process. In this case, to maintain the health of the child, without going to the dentist can not do.

Step # 3

You will need to work clean gauze and any antiseptic from the pharmacy. You need to wet the gauze in the product and put it on the tooth. Try to grab it from the sides and start slowly swinging in different directions. The method will help to understand how deep is in the gum.

Step # 4

If the gum is loose, the tooth will be removed without any particular problems. A dense gum may prevent it from swinging, but gradually swing, increasing the amplitude.

Step # 5

If the gum is plastic and staggers well, there is no edema and redness around, start the removal process at home.

What you need to remove:

  • sterile gauze;
  • bowl for spitting saliva;
  • thread is clean;
  • any antiseptic;
  • sterile fleece.

Important! Before starting the procedure for deleting a person, you need to configure positively. It is necessary to eat tightly, after pulling it is impossible to eat for three hours. Do not forget to clean the teeth after the meal, rinse the mouth.

Option number 1 with the help of gauze

Man put on a chair, located in a well-lighted place. Take the tooth gauze, begin to swing, pulling out of the gum. When you feel that he is ready to leave the gum, you need to quickly pull out. To pull out stands sharply, without force, so as not to cause a person strong pain.

Option # 2 simple thread

A common, according to many, simple way how to tear a tooth without pain at home itself is the use of a thread. The thread is treated with the selected antiseptic. Then she needs to tie a tooth, and pull the thread in the opposite direction from the jaw.

Important! Do not pull sideways when using thread to remove. So you damage the gum and can even leave debris in the gums.

When the tooth is removed, rinse your mouth, put a cotton swab into the open gum, which is pre-soaked in antiseptic. A quarter of an hour to remove the swab, but you can not eat for three hours.

Important! If you experience complications during your home procedure or after, you should immediately contact your dentist. Among the complications is redness and swelling of the gums, the appearance of not passing pain.

How can you tear a tooth without pain, if it does not stagger?

Pre-examine the area around the aching tooth: is there any redness, suppuration, swelling. Then take a piece of bandage or gauze and soak it in an antiseptic solution( purchased at a pharmacy), wash your hands well and apply gauze to the tooth. Grab his fingers from the outside and inside and try to loosen.

With a loose gum around the tooth - you should get rid of it( the tooth will be swinging).If not - you'll have to visit the dentist. Do not pull the tooth to the side, in order not to damage the gum. If it turns out to rip, then rinse the mouth with an antiseptic solution.

How to tear out a root tooth without pain to oneself

There are several ways that you can use at home:

  • loosen the tooth with your tongue, if you feel that it is weakly holding, then pull out;
  • regularly eat hard fruits and vegetables on the side of a sick tooth;
  • should not be touched by hand, so as not to infect the infection( in extreme cases, hands must be thoroughly washed with soap, and can be treated with an antiseptic or a bandage).

But it's better not to torture yourself, but to seek help from a specialist who, with the help of anesthesia, will carry out this procedure quickly and painlessly.

We can not say that there are some special tricks in this matter, how to tear a tooth without pain at home. You can do it yourself. The main thing is to prepare sterile tools for work and not to be afraid, acting quickly.

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