Demodectic: treatment, drugs, tests, symptoms, prognosis

Among all skin diseases, one of the main places is demodicosis. Despite the fact that these mites are microscopic organisms, their large number leads to catastrophic consequences for the skin. Normally they are in the hair follicles, in the glands of meibomies and sebaceous, not bringing harm to a healthy person, however, when favorable factors appear, their active reproduction begins, which leads to pathology. We will tell you what can provoke demodicosis, as well as how it is treated.

Features of the

disease Demodekoz cause parasitic ticks called acne. They are called opportunistic pathogens, because the disease is diagnosed only when favorable conditions have been created for its appearance. Thanks to a number of medical studies it became known that demodex even helps in maintaining the acid-base balance of the skin and eliminates other pathogens from its surface.

Against the background of the disease there is an allergic reaction due to the fact that during the life of this microorganism secretes toxins. One of the characteristics of demodex infection is its seasonality, that is, the pathology flows chronically, exacerbating in different time periods. A complete cure for it is possible in rare cases and only for a short interval, since after a person is necessarily infected with other people.

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Demodecosis in humans( photo)

Classification of

There are such types of demodicosis:

  1. Erythematous stage. Redness appears on the affected areas. The fact that this is a pathological process, says the presence of local temperature, ie, the skin in these areas is hot. A characteristic feature is the presence of a clear boundary, the edges of which are slightly elevated. It is at this stage that it is easier to confuse the onset of the disease with rosacea.
  2. Papulist-pustular stage. Sebaceous glands begin to actively work, which leads to their rapid overflow with sebum, inflammation develops rapidly. Pustules acquire red-purple hues and expand to 2 mm in size.
  3. The hypertrophic stage of is characterized by the appearance of foci of hypertrophy in the affected areas. The most frequent localization is the forehead, nose, cheeks, chin. To this stage, the disease can go not only in the absence of treatment, but also in the case when demodicosis is very acute.

Features and causes of demodicosis are discussed in this video:


Localization of the most frequent foci of the disease can be carried out a separate classification. According to medical data, the disease can affect the following areas of the body:

  • folds nasolabial;
  • auditory meatus outside;
  • eyelids;
  • back;
  • head;
  • chin;
  • cheeks;
  • superciliary arches;
  • forehead;
  • chest.

The lesion focus can be localized strictly in one part, but sometimes the disease spreads directly to several areas on the body.

Causes of

Acne is found in 90% of the population, but for a healthy person it does not cause any danger, as the number of these microorganisms is normal. As soon as there is an increase in their number, you can talk about the presence of the disease.

All causes that could affect the appearance of the disease have not been reliably identified, but people who experience a number of unfavorable factors are at greater risk:

  • mental and nervous overstrain;
  • frequent fire;
  • stress;
  • permanent use of ointments and creams with an excessively greasy composition;
  • improper power supply;
  • climate with high humidity and high air temperature.

All these factors lead to a weakening of the immune system and the abnormal operation of the sebaceous glands. A splash of the disease is usually observed after a cold, treatment with hormonal medications. People with loose skin are more often ill, especially if they have diseases associated with worsening metabolic processes.

Demodicosis on the face( photo)

Symptoms of demodectic

The clinical picture is manifested in stages. At the very beginning, when there are not so many ticks, the signs may not be so obvious, but the more time passes, the brighter they become.

Symptomatology is usually common to patients of different ages, and includes a whole list of symptoms:

  1. Itching sensations. The most intolerable itching occurs closer to the evening time, because for this period, the greatest activity of the sternum is. He also becomes stronger after washing.
  2. Skin in the area of ​​infection is changing, it is constantly swollen, there is hyperemia.
  3. The skin is bumpy, palpation at the last stage can clearly feel nodules and extensive pustules.
  4. Strong peeling.
  5. Hair begins to fall on the affected skin, new hair grows worse.

But to notice the development of the disease in the head region is much more difficult, since neither pustules nor pustules are sometimes invisible due to the hair cover. In such cases, the person should be alerted by tubercles and seals in the head, hyperemia( can be identified by touch), hair loss and unbearable itching.

When demodicosis affects the eyes, the symptoms that are characteristic of blepharitis develop, the itch is very pronounced. A characteristic phenomenon in the infection of ticks of the eyelids is improper growth of the eyelashes, their loss. Near the bulbs can appear pustules, peeling, along the edge of the eyelids there is inflammation and whitish border.


Demodectic has a number of symptoms by which it can be recognized, although some of its effects are similar to other skin conditions, for example, with rosacea. During the initial examination, a preliminary diagnosis will be made, but it is only possible to speak about its accuracy after the analysis.

The scraping material is taken from the skin surface, and if the disease affects the eyelids, the secret from the edge of the eyelids and eyelashes will be taken for analysis. It is very important that the patient himself, before the appointed analysis, does not use any cosmetic products and even soap on the pathologically altered skin, so as not to distort the result and make it more accurate.

Treatment of

All medical measures, medicines and other procedures are prescribed exclusively by a doctor. Self-treatment and ignoring the recommendations of a qualified specialist will lead to the fact that the disease will be started, and self-incorrect selection of medicines may reduce the effectiveness of treatment. When choosing such a serious medication on the advice of a friend, not a doctor, there is a much higher probability of side effects, and any weakening of the immune defense will lead to a sharp burst of demodicosis.

The medical measures continue until a complete cure that takes up to 2-4 months. Even if the skin has returned to its normal state, this does not mean that it is already able to cope independently with the tick.

Treatment of demodicosis is the subject of the video below:

Therapeutic way of

  • When treating, you need to monitor the condition of your skin and prevent it from drying out. So, the dryness of the skin in the face will immediately become a signal for the sebaceous glands, and they will work hard.
  • In order not to create such favorable conditions for acne, you need to purchase funds with a good nutritional effect.
  • Often to improve blood circulation, electrophoresis is prescribed. When using drugs in conjunction with electrophoresis therapy, you can achieve a better effect, as when exposed to electric current, medical components penetrate deeper into the skin.
  • For the eyes it is recommended to make special baths because of the difficulties associated with applying ointment to the eyelids.


The basis of drug therapy is made up of local remedies: gels, creams and ointments based on drugs that act against demodecosis. They also use means with a systemic effect, namely:

  • desensitizing drugs( Suprastin, Tavegil, etc.);
  • immunomodulators;
  • amino acids;
  • preparations against parasites( Metronidazole, Ornidazole);
  • vitamins.

For local treatment, ointments are used that include zinc, tar and sulfur in the composition. Effective in the fight against ticks are the following:

  1. Sulfur ointment.
  2. Ichthyol.
  3. Crotamiton.
  4. Demalan.
  5. Erythromycin.
  6. Ointment with metronidazole.
  7. Sodium thiosulfate.
  8. Amitrazole.
  9. Mercurial yellow ointment.

In case of eye damage, special eye drops are prescribed, for example, Physostigmine, Armin, Tosmilen. The eyelids must be treated with Dimexide or tincture of tansy.

Prevention of

If timely preventive measures are taken, development of demodectic disease can be avoided, including in the form of relapse of an old disease. To do this, it is sufficient to fulfill the following recommendations:

  1. Change the diet. Lovers of eating delicious, but harmful food, satiated by fat, are most often at risk of demodectic infection. An even more favorable environment for a tick can be recreated if you regularly eat foods that are on the list of allergens. Constant sensitization of the body will reduce its natural defenses, so you need some time to maintain a dairy and vegetable diet, and then go to the correct diet.
  2. Replace all cosmetics and cosmetics in general, if used during the period of illness. It is permissible and just thoroughly disinfect them.
  3. Take a course of laser therapy of the vascular network to normalize local exchange processes.
  4. Choose the right cosmetics. So, to prevent the development of excess sebum will allow cosmetics based on organic( especially on the basis of fruit) acids.
  5. Carefully keep an eye on hygiene and do not allow sharing of towels, soap, etc. Do not forget about the obligatory change of clothes daily and bed linen: any thing needs to be ironed.
  6. Visit the salon for a course of medical and cosmetic activities, especially those that help to remove the top layer of the epidermis. With the help of microdermabrasion and other types of peeling and hardware cleaning the face will get rid of ticks that will peel along with particles of old skin.

Complications of

The main complication of demodectic infection is bacterial infection, as mites provoke constant itching. As a result of constant irritation, the patient starts combing the areas, not only transferring the sternum to healthy areas of the skin, but also infecting the emerging wound with pathogenic bacteria.

Some people are able to tolerate a bacterial infection normally and in this case it is usually a pustular rash. But in people with reduced immunity there is already a more serious reaction, namely abscesses and furuncles. It is not necessary to say once again how much these conditions can lead to serious complications in untimely treatment.

Demodex, if it affects the eyelids, after some time may well be complicated by such eye diseases as:

  • dry mucous,
  • blepharitis,
  • keratitis marginal,
  • conjunctivitis.

If the disease is not cured, it will lead to more serious complications related to eyelids, for example, to their hypertrophy, problems to the closing of the eye gap, etc.


It is possible to achieve remission for a period of 3-12 months. The duration of this period will depend not only on the state of the immune system, but also on whether there are concomitant diseases, what the patient's age, type of skin.

A repeated outbreak of the disease usually occurs after a cold or if the treatment has not been completed. The probability of relapse after reaching remission is 10%.

In this video the girl will tell about her experience of fighting demodicosis:

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